Saturday, April 23, 2011

October 22, 1953

Thursday Oct 22  53

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got a letter tonight and the paper (Westinghouse.)  How was the coronation ball this year.  I guess it was nice.

I got a letter from Jim.  He had about the same old things to say.  Hope you take some pictures with them and send to me.

I haven't heard much about the prisoner talks.  Just a little.  I keep up on that quite a bit on my own.  It is interesting to read about what the PW's say when they come back from Red Prisons.  I know more about that sort of thing than most people do.  They have a lot that goes on in those PW camps that even the Reds no nothing about. (note:  this is one of the few times that Dad lets on that he had more knowledge than the average guy about PW's and PW Camps.  It was part of the secrete training he had while in the states and better described in my other blog, The Adventure's of Conley McAnally, that I entitled Spy Dad.)

What did JQ and Marlyn have the baby christened for.  Was it Catholic or just a regular one.

The weather is about the same now.  We have our stove in our tent now and we now have a lantern.  It really lights up the tent.  It is a presureized type.  They are cautious about fire.  We always have it off when we go to bed and someone in the tent whenever the stove is lit.

I guess you could use some rain in KC.  Sounds like it.

I wrote Lowell twice.  I wonder if I put the right address on the letter.  You said one day when you talked to Virginia that she hadn't heard from me and she should have.

I don't know why Margie hasn't called you.  I don't worry about it myself. I hear from her a couple of times a week.

They are planning a Xmas part here for Korean orphans.  They are going to have about 25 kids to each company for dinner and give them candy etc.  They asked us to have our folks at home send packages of clothes, canned goods and candy etc.  I was wondering if you had any of Snapper's clothes or any kind of clothes, if you would send them.  They asked us if we knew of any organization to ask.  I don't know of any myself.  You can mail them to Commanding Officer, Company G, 5th RCT apo  52 % PMSF.  You don't have to but if you had any you could.  Let me know, you can just send it regular. (note: I remember going through some old clothes with my grandmother and picking out clothes I thought a little Korean kid might like for Christmas.)

I didn't do much today.  We had a parade again today.  Think I will write Jim and then go to bed.
Love, Ted

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