Friday, March 25, 2011

September 9, 1953, Korea

Note to reader:  This is a continuation of the letter posted last time.

Wed 9 Sept 53 -  Well I finally got here.  This is the first chance I have had to write.  Monday we unloaded off the Marine Lynx to landing craft and then to the port of Inchon.  We got a trucks there. It was about 6 pm before we left there and then we had c rations in the truck.  We drove from Inchon through Seoul and then to the 3 Division Replacement.  I don't know what that is.

Our convoy got lost so they dropped us off at the third at 3am Tues morn.  Some ride.  I saw quite a bit of Korea though, not much to it.  It is very poor looking.  Little kids beg in the street when we drive by.  I through some penny's to them.

It is hot here in the day and get plenty cold at night.  We left the 3 Div about 10 in the morning and came to the 5th RCT replacement center and then got sent to the company.  The 5th RCT is not connected with any Division.  They are a unit of their own and smaller than a Div.  The 5th is one of the oldest regiments or outfits in Korea and is the best.  I was sent to G Company.  From there I was assigned to 4th platoon, 1st squad.   I am on the 60mm mortar.

It is pretty nice here.  After the war the 5th pulled back and sat up here.  We are in a valley.  Each company has there own area.  We stay in squad tents.  Two squads to a tent.  My tent sits on the side of a hill overlooking the other tents.  They took our fatigues shirts here and all my shorts and socks and T Shirts.  When the Sgt wasn't looking I put 2 pairs of shorts and T shirts in my duffel bag with 2 pairs of socks.  They don't give you anything other than what is on your back and one pair of fatigues pants and a pair of socks.  I got an M1 and a helmet.  We sleep on cots.  I haven't got a sleeping bad yet, so I made one out of some blankets they gave me at Sasebo.  I slept worm.

 I didn't get to see any of the boys after I got off the boat.  Don't know where they are now.  It was sure lonesome at first but its not so bad now.  There are some nice guys in this company.  Most of them are combat vets. 

Our camp is about 6 miles north of the 38 parallel and about 20 miles from the front.  I think we will stay here.  If the war is over this outfit will go to Hawaii, that is their home base.  Hope it is so.

Since the war stopped they have started a 26 week training course.  This is the 3rd week now.  Not like basic though.  Wont be as long of hours.  Our food is good here.  This isn't near as bad as I had planned.  We have a show 2 times a week, PX, and today they are going to have a USO Show.  I can see what the army is really like now.  I like it better than the states.  I haven't gotten any mail yet.  Wont start coming until about 2 weeks.  When you write, write me at this new address.

Every once in a while I get to go for R&R for a day here in Korea or a weekend for 3 days.  They take 4 men everyday out of the company and send them to a town 20 miles from here.  They have ice cream, beer etc.  There isn't any beer here right now.  They get some every once in a while.

I wont get paid until the end of the moth, but I don't need anything.  I have 20 dollars, that should last a month or two.

Well I can't tell you everything all at once so I will just wait until I write again and tell you what goes on.  Find out from Cecil Talket where his boy is.  Send me his address if he is close.  I will look him up.  Give him mine.
Love, Ted

PVT Teddy S McAnally US55337884
Co G  5th RCT
APO 52 Care PMSF
                                                                          5th RCT

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