Monday, March 28, 2011

September 13, 1953

Sunday Sept 13, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Hope you have been getting my mail OK.  How long does it take. Yesterday we had an inspection.  It didn't amount to much.  Friday night I went back and saw the Dick Cantano Show and yesterday just laid around.

Some of the guys went on a tour yesterday.  They let so many go from each platoon.  I'll get to go before to long.  One of the guys in our squad went yesterday.  They sell tailored fatigues in town.  I gave him the money to buy me a shirt.  They also wear block hats here.  They look good.  I had him buy me one of those too.  I hope he does.

I washed my shirts and socks and a pair of fatigue pants today.  I just have one extra T shirt.  I thought I had two.

It has been cold the last couple of days.  It rained of and on yesterday.

Last night I went to the show and saw John McCall Desperation with George Montgomery.  It was a good show.  But half way through the picture the sound went out.  They had trouble with the projector.  One thing about the shows they have here, they are not crowded.

I sure make my money stretch anymore.  I was paid 20 at Sasebo and that's all.  I have about 15 dollars now.  Cigarettes cost a $1 a carton.  I haven't plan to spend more hardly so far.  The only get beer once in awhile and it is cheap.  They haven't had any so far.  2 colored guys in our tent got a hold of some Jap beer some place and I drank a couple of those.  It was hot but it still tasted pretty good.  I would like to have some whiskey when it gets cold but you can't get it here.  We had some Toddy the other night. That's canned chocolate milk.  Our platoon Sgt bought that.I should have three months pay coming.  July, Aug, and Sept when I get paid.  I think it will be around $250. I am going to send most of it home.  I wish I was going some place where I could send some presents home for Xmas but I don't know yet. 

The way things are now I should be heading for the states in about a year or so from now.  If the truce is signed it may be sooner.

I wish the mail would start coming in.  I would sure like to hear from home.  It's been a long time.  I have only received the letters I got in Sasebo when I got off the ship that you wrote Aug 16 and 17.  So about a month has gone by that I haven't any news from home.  I hope to get some this week or next.

I heard something about a British ship being sunk by the Chinese.  Was there anything to that.  They have been moving tanks, trucks, and troops toward the front the last couple of nights.  They always move at night for some reason.  I guess so the Reds don't know what we are moving.  I think we are ready here if anything happens.  We are ready here.  We could move in a few minutes.  We practically sleep with our weapons.  They don't seem to think it will start up again, but they like to be prepared.  They do seem to be short on supplies here.  Clothes, boot, weapons, etc.  They told us at Sasebo anyone that had a weapon to turn it in and they would send it home for them.  The peach treaty says that no weapons will be carried into Korea.  But there are plenty of ships in the harbor that has everything we need.  It wouldn't take long to get them here. 

We see a lot of helicopters flyover all day long taking the US-POWs to the ship.  I think we are close to where the exchanges take place.  As far as I can figure we are close to Ko She Korea (about 15 miles) and pretty close to Seoul, the capital city. 

I guess Snapper has started back to school.  Hope he does better than I did.  I think he will.  They are going to give a high school test for those who want it in a few weeks, so I guess I will take it.  We can take a lot of courses by correspondence.  If I can I might sign up for some, we will have to have some lights first I guess.  They have one on supervision and formanship.  Those might be good ones to take.  I think we will be set up better  after a while.  We should have lights etc.  We are supposed to get a laundry etc. 

It shouldn't be to long before I make Private First Class or Corporal.  But since the war stopped they have slowed down on promotions.  I am eligible for PFC now if they ever get around giving it to me.  May be I can speed things up if I shoot a high score with the M-1 next week.

Well not much more to say.  I guess I will close for now.  Tell Snapper I am going to send him a patch before long.  If any of the ones I sent are dirty just wash them out,  write all you can.
Love, Ted

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