Sunday, February 13, 2011

July 13, 1953

July 13, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

I got your letters today.  I got 3 at noon and one tonight.  We get our mail twice a day.  I guess I will write Martin a line tonight.  How soon do you get my mail?  I seem to get yours fast.

Do you remember that Sergeant Sipes that was an ROTC instructor at Northeast.  His nephew his here with me.  I was talking about ROTC and he said his uncle us to be an instructor there.  That is how I found out.  I remembered him, he was a Regular Army man.

My work here is real interesting, I enjoy it but would just as soon be learning something else more practical and perhaps useful for when I get out.

So you have not had any luck selling my car.  Hope you don't have to much trouble.

I went to the show last night and saw Raiders of the 7 Seas.  It was just a so so picture. I have seen better.

The weather here is about the same.  Sometimes it is foggy in the morning but it doesn't last long. 

I think I will go to the show tonight.  They have Thunder Bay at 8 pm with James Stewart.  It should be good.

I sure see a lot of jets here.  The Navy Banshes is one.  They use to use the J34 engine in it like we made at work.  I think they still do.  I watched some take off the other day.  They sure travel.

Well can't think of much to write about.  I will write again tomorrow,  Keep your letters coming.
Love, Ted

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