Friday, February 25, 2011

August 11, 1953

Tues. Aug 11, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I've been here two weeks tonight and haven't left yet.  A guy we went through basic training with is here and is working in the orders room.  He said 1 of us were leaving on a ship Sat for Korea not on special orders.  There is a ship leaving Thur but our names were not on that ship list.  It is pretty definite that we will go Sat. Zink is the only one of us not on special orders but he is going on the ship with us.  We will probably  know for sure in a day or two.  I will call Friday night.

I got your letter tonight, also your package.  I haven't opened it yet but I am going to in a minute.

Glad you had Jim out Sunday.  I like him OK.

Yesterday we slipped off and went to the refreshment stand for a coke. 2 1st Sergent and a 2nd Louie took the whole bunch of us that were there and lined us up.  There must have been about 150 men altogether.  They had us separate into the company we belong to and then had a sergeant march us back to the company headquarters.  He stopped at the orderly room to see what they wanted to do with us.  As soon as he went in the whole bunch took off running.  They didn't catch us.  They were probably only going to put us on detail anyway.

I haven't done much today.  The other night I went to the show and saw Lew Ayers in No Escape.  Last night I saw The Sailor and a King.  It was real good.  You should go see it.  I might go tonight and see Martin and Lewis in the Caddy.  I think it is a new picture.

I haven't a camera yet.  I have looked around for one at the PX, they have one about the size of a pack of cigarettes.  It takes small pictures.  The film is 30 cents a roll with 14 pictures but you have to send them off to get them developed.  It cost a dollar I think.  The camera cost $8.  I might get one, it would come in handy.

I think the ship name is USS Meggs.  I will send a picture of it.  I can get one at the PX as soon as I know for sure.

The wheather is about the same only the nights are a little cooler.

Well I don't know to much more to say.  I will give you my address before I leave so you can keep writing.  Look for me to call Friday night.  You should get this letter by then.
Love, Ted

PS  No need to write any more here.

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