Wednesday, June 15, 2011

December 19, 1953

Dec 19, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got a couple of letters from you last night and I got a letter from Marian with 5 dollars in it.  I got a Xmas card from Eva and Gene, Joe Doores.  Lowell and one from Lewellen’s folks.

So Rosalyn had a boy.  I guessed it.

About those packages, I think I have got most of the one you spoke about.  I always say when I get one. 

School has been going OK so far.  I gave my second talk yesterday and now I am going to start working on my third talk.  I took another test yesterday and lost 19 points on it.  I was sure sick from it.  I have lost a total of 60 points now.  I can only loose another 30 or 40 points. And still be an honor student.  We are going to have a lot of tests the next week.  Just one more week of this and then I will go back to the company.

I heard the 5th RCT was awarded the Sigmon Ree President’s Citation again.  That makes about the third time now.

Well in wont be long now till you will have Xmas.  I haven’t minded to much yet.  I more or less over look it.  No one seem to have any Xmas spirit.  Well I think I will close now so I can study a little bit and go to bed.  I’ll write again later.
Love, Ted

PS  Here is a picture of some big guns.  A 155 Howitzer on the right and 105 on the left.

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