Wednesday, August 31, 2011

March 7, 1954

Sunday  March 7, 1954

How is everything at home.  I got a letter today, March 1.  It was the one that you mailed after you got my letter I wrote back in the company.  Yes, I have been in Korea 6 months today.  I hope I have to stay over six months more if that long.  I am not a squad leader now and I feel that the guys who took over the squad leader jobs deserved it over me especially when I was just a PFC.  I would expect a cpls job if I were to go to another outfit now.  That's the way the army does things.  I still made cpl and I will get the job back as soon as there is an opening.

I would think you would have got more than $130 back for claiming Snapper.  Let me know when you find out about my tax return.  You will get about 77 dollars a month now for Sapper instead of 51.30.  Let me know about that too.  You should get it for the month of March whenever you get that check and if you don't it should be on the next month.  You should get the back pay also.  I should get around$135 myself.  I may start an allotment for $50 to send you to save.  I don't know yet.

The pearls I saw in Japan are what they call cultured or cultivated pearls.  They are real pearls o they make them by putting something i the oysters and putting them back i the waster and leave them.  I don't know whether you want them or not. 

There isn't much hurry about sending any money yet for I can't go on R&R till April and I may put it off till May.  It will be nice then.  I'll let you know.

I have about $60 saved up now and I'll and I'll have a $100 payday to go with it. 

I don't know much more about moving.  The place I told you about is where they had the red prisoners.  If  we go down there we will be doing guard, PT, and drill.  We will most likely have better living conditions.  I heard today that we are going back there to go to Hawaii.  I don't think there is much to that.  If we leave Korea we will most likely go there.  In a couple of months we should we should know something.

Today has been nice but a little cold.  We went out and fired today for zero and practice for the rifle team.  I hope I ca make it.  In time they will pick 10 men for the team.  I think I have a good chance to make it.

Semonie went out today with me.  I read in the 5RCT paper that I sent you that they have a Christian Science service over here someplace in the Regt, Target Chapel.  I don't know where it is but I might go some Sunday.  I haven't been to church since I have been over here.  I should go I guess.  I thought you might like to read the paper I sent.  It tells about the Boy's Town and 5th RCT history.

Well don't have much more to say for now, so I will close.  I will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted

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