Saturday, December 17, 2011

June 3, 1954

June 3, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

   I am CQ tonight and Ithought I would try t he typewriter for a change. (note: I am copying this letter just as Dad wrote it on the typewrite, he did not type and never learned how.)  Not much news here.  Today was just another day.  I guess we will be moving to Pusan about the tenth of the month and will go out on a field problem.  We will spend weeks in Pusana guarding.  We will keep doing that for again because the rainy season is just starting.  The First Sgt.  Told me tonight that he put me in for fire prevention school in Pusan starting next Sunday.  It doesn’t amoung to much and only last abou t  hree days.  The First Sgt. Is always talking Army to me.  He has been in about 12 years now and thinks there is nothing like it.  He wasn’t me to aply for Helicopter School.  If I went I woult graduate a Warrant Officer at $400 a month.  HE said he would take care of all the papers for my application if I would.  It sounds good but I would have to put three years in after I finished school.  Thats quite a long time to go.  I got the color pictures back last night and they turned out good.  I will send them to you soon.  You will have to get a small viewer to look throught to see them. (note: we did and it was a little hand held device that you stuck one slide in at a time.  It ran off electricity so you had to plug it it.)  They only cost two or three dollars.  There are some good pictures of our area:  Well I guess thats about all there is for now so I will close.
I’ll write you again. 
I don’t know why you did’nt get a letter sooner than two weeks.  I never have gone that long without writing.  The mail gets held up someplace.

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