Sunday, July 2, 2017

Out of order letter date uncertain.

(received and posted out of order)

Dear Mom and Dad

I received your letter last night.  I got 6 letters all together.  Was glad to get them.

Sunday night after I wrote you I went to the service club and ate in the cafeteria.  Got a good meal. 

I found out that you will have to stay in the East Garrison guest house.  I tried to call but couldn’t get anybody.  I found out that I have to get a form signed by my Btry Commander though.  I am having a guy get me one tonight.  You can only stay there for three days..  Let me know as soon as you can the approx date you will be here.  If you get here during the week you could stay here and then I would get a pass on Sat and we could go some place else.
I think Richard Jacques is at Camp ChaffeeArkansas.  He may be put in the infantry or artillery.  He may be lucky to get something better.  Nice he is close to home.

I had classes all day yesterday and another hour of bayonet training.

We had a Btry complaint session last night with our Btry Commander.  Did I tell you he is just 24 years old.  2nd Lt.  He is pretty good and plenty smart.  He said we will have a party before long and have steaks and beer. 

We went to the field again today for class.  We always eat  out.  If it is cold we have coffee in the morning once in a while, when it is hot we have orangeade or lemonade in the afternoon.

I am mailing something home to you all for Easter.  Hope you like it.  I didn’t get to go to church last night because of the meeting. 

I got you letter awhile ago and the newspaper.  Didn’t know you put my picture in the paper.  I was sure surprised.

To bad about Sad Sack, I hated to hear about him.

We got paid tonight, I got $74.  You should get the allotment check before long.  Jan should pay you what she always does, regardless of what the check is.  It will be either $40.00 or $51.30.  When we get paid we line up in alphabetical order and walk in the orderly room.  The 1st Sergeant has us sign our name.  Then one of the officers sits at a desk in another office.  We walk up, salute and say “Sir, Pvt. McAnally reporting for pay.”  He counts outs the money.  I pick it up and count it and then walk out.
We have to salute all the officers on the base if they are walking or in cars.

Did I tell you they play bugle calls at different times of the day.  All the cars stop at .  They call this retreat.  I saw Donald tonight.  He said he didn’t think Betty was coming out.

I enjoy getting the packages you sent.   Seems like the last package I got was on Thurs.  I will let you know when I get the next one.  I am fixed up on shaving lotion and tooth paste.

Well not much more to say, I will close now and write again.  I can never think of all I want to say.  I always think of it after I write.
Love, Ted

 A personal comment from Me

If you have been following this blog you may have noticed that the last two entries are out of order.  The last one was Dated 31 March and the one before that April 8, Easter.  Although Dad wrote them in order they were not postmarked correctly and received out of order by my grandparents.  Either the US Post Office lost them in the mail or the Army messed up.  Either way that is the way Dad filed them.
After the last blog entry dated the 31st I thought that this might be a good time to stop and provide some explanations as to who, what, where, when, and maybe how.  I think I will start doing that after every month to cut down on some confusion, you, the reader, might have. 
For instance Dad wrote about Camp Crowder.  Camp Crowder was a staging and processing Camp that was used for those who were drafted in the Midwest.  It is about a three hour drive from Kansas City and is nestled near JoplinCarthage, and SpringfieldMissouri.  Ft. Riley is in Kansas and home to the Big Red One Division.  Ft. Leonard Wood is between Rolla and SpringfieldMissouri and was a major basic training facility.  Camp Chaffee was also a basic training facility.  Crowder and Chaffee have been turned over to their respective states and used as training facilities for national guard units.  I have spent short tours of duty in all the places Dad mentions except for Camp Roberts which is close to San Francisco.

Jan was my mother and she must have done something to irritate Dad but what it was she did exactly I don’t know and have never asked.  Why they were divorced one can only speculate and again I have never asked.  My mother as of the present is still alive and has her wits but I don’t think it prudent for me to ask her what was going on back then.

Most of the guys Dad mentions are unknown to me.  He writes about a Keith Underwood several times, but I never heard him mentioned any other time while I was growing up.  He makes a passing reference to “Jim” whom I did know well and was like a best friend to Dad for many years after the war.  The guy named Arkie (which one time in Dad’s letters was called Archie) was a friend of his from Arkansas that had moved to Kansas City and they hung around the Bars together.  The Bar where Arkie met “Jan” is no longer there.  I did meet Arkie a couple of times, but from what I heard later he was not the type of guy Dad would want me to be around.  A fellow name Richard Jacques was the son of friends of the family and Donald, the one who had to go home because his father-in-law died and later recycled was a boyhood friend of his.  Betty was Don’s wife.  I never met or heard about them after Dad returned.

Sad Sack was my dog that got ran over by the school bus driver one morning while all of us kids were waiting to get picked up and taken to school.

Dad was a Christian Scientist so that is what CS stands for and my grandmother use to send him pieces of paper with CS information on them to help him through some of his hard times, especially when he had his lingering cold.  Mr. Clark was the CS representative at Camp Roberts and ministered to those of his denomination.

One thing I have noticed is that the training in 1953 was very similar to the training I went through in 1968. We had plenty of GI parties, doubled timed a lot, pulled KP, changed floors in the barracks now and then, had many classes, ate K-rations, but they were C-rations by 1968, spent many hours on the rifle range but did qualify with M-14’s and not M1’s. The procedure they used to pay us was identical and lasted well in to my own National Guard tenure.  I was a pay officer more than once.  I had a “Negro” drill sergeant in Ft. Benning, who for some reason made me guard a tree once also.  Some things never change.
Love, Ted

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

April 5 (Easter) - April 8, 1953

Easter Sunday (April 5)

Dear Mom and Dad,

Here I am in Paso Roables again.  Keith Underwood and I came in.  Every place was crowded.  We got a room in a motel for 2 dollars.  Four of us stayed there.  Three slept in a bed and the other guy slept on the floor.
I got your package.  Sure liked it.  I am pretty well set up with candy and gum now.  Cookies were good.
We have been firing the BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle.)  That is all we have done that amounts to anything. 
We went to church service Fri afternoon and yesterday we didn’t get away from Camp until about .
You never did say if Snapper got the T shirt I sent.  Let me know if he got it.  I mailed a picture to you and Margie that they took of us the first or second week of basic.  I got yours back twice and Margie’s once because I did not have enough postage on it.  I guess you will be later getting it.
I don’t remember anything I said about calling.  I might call this afternoon though.  Well hope you have a happy Easter.
Love, Ted

Wed night  8 April 53

Dear Mom and Dad

Well have been busy lately again and haven’t had time to write.  Monday we fired the BAR again and Tues the same thing.  We are finished with that.  Today we started on the 30 cal machine gun.
I got to come in early today and work in the supply room.  We had K rations today.  This morning I had beans and franks and tonight I had sausage gravy.
Some body stole $90 out of a guys foot locker and they restricted all of us until further notice.
We have been digging around the barracks again so they could put sod out.  That is why I haven’t written you. 
I got your pictures, they sure were good looking.  I enjoyed talking to you Sunday.  I went to church Monday night again.  Mr. Clark has the servicemen take turns reading as 2nd reader.  He asked me to read next Monday but I told him I didn’t want too.
I am getting along alright.  I just got a letter from Arkie.  He is in Tacoma Washington (Ft. Lewis)  He is waiting for his orders.  He said when he was home he saw Jan at Bakers no. 2.  she was with some girl and she offered to buy him a drink.  He said Jan married a truck driver.  Later he comes in and asked Arkie if Jan was a nice girl.  Arkie told him that he just knew her through me.  He said Jan went out with a friend of his and mine and when she left she gave Arkie her phone number.  That makes me plenty sore that she does me that way.  Has she changed her name yet?  I would just as soon she doesn’t use my name anymore.  She probably lies about why she got a divorce.  Find out about that name.
Well hope you still come out when you plan.   To bad dad has to work Sunday before you come out.  Do you think you will be here before to late in the week?  I am sending you another picture.  This one is of the boys I live with, they are in my platoon and barracks.
Keith isn’t in the picture.  He was gone when they took the picture. 
They just told us that no one goes to bed till the $90 is returned. 
We still double time a lot.  It’s easy anymore.  We double timed for about 3 miles with out stopping the other day.  My legs don’t tire out a bit.  I run out of wind before my legs tire out.  My feet bother me once in a while.  Well let me hear from you.  I will write more later.
Love,  Ted
PS  the box you sent was fine.  It’s all gone now except for a few chocolates.  I don’t need anything.  I have plenty of gum and stationery.  We don’t get to chew gum much.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

March 25 - 31, 1053

Wed.  March 25,  1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I got two letters from you tonight.  They were long letters.  I am ok.  Still have a little cold but it doesn’t bother me much.  My feet get sore off and on.
I wrote Margie and told her to come out if she wanted to.   I have taken it for granted she was going to come out anyway.  I think it is all right if she comes out.  I want you to come out anyway.  The trip will be nice to make in your new car.  Bet it is nice.  I think you should have reservations at the guest house.  I don’t know which one.  May be you should write right away in advance.  There are a couple of towns close by, Paso Roables and San McGill.  You could stay there if something would happen.
I didn’t get the package yet.   I can use the springs this weekend.  I have guard duty Fri at till Sat at , on two hours off two hours.  Your rifle and yourself have to be clean (the army says standing tall)  I use the springs in my trousers to make them stand out like this (Dad draws a picture of his boots and boot blouse)  They make a ring out of the springs and put them in here (draws arrow).  Makes them neat and takes the wrinkles out.  The rubber bands have to be tight so they will hold my pants in place around the top of my boots.  I thought you knew.  That is the way we wear out trousers.  Hardly ever wear our low top shoes.  Have worn them two or three times since I have been here.  We also wear helmet lines all the time.  Steel pots go over those.  Never ware them except when we fire.
The other day we went out to the entrenching class.  Learned how to dig fox holes.  A lot of work for nothing.  We got them dug then filled them back up.  We learned how to put bob wire up.  Then we had a class on protecting against enemy aircraft.  They had us walking across a hill all spread out and then a plane came over and dived at us and dropped four sacks on us.  It was fun too.
Yesterday we went out and fired the carbine.  It’s a US 30 Cal M1 Carbine.  A light semi automatic rifle.  4 ½ lbs.  Regular M1 30 Cal weight  is 9 ½ lbs.  I scored 129 out of 140 first time I shot.  This is the bullet Jan made.  These come from LC.
They had a map reading class.  We went to the top of Map Hill.  It is almost straight up.  Quite a climb.  You can see it in that picture of CR.  It is way out and to the left a little bit.  You can see it by the roads and paths as you go to the top.  There are seats there at the top and a big board.  See if you can find it.
My legs are hard as rocks.  That is about all the infantry builds up for you.  I get more tan everyday.
Tomorrow I go out and fire for the rifle team or something like that.  4 of us who had high scored take the Btry’s new rifles out and 0 the sights. 
I don’t think I know Taseter, but I will look him up when I get the address.  Try to find out what Donald’s address is too.  I haven’t seen him sense he left.  Don’t know where he is.
Well I can’t think of much more to say.  We have been cleaning the barracks for a regimental inspection.  Here is a cartoon to give you an idea.  Looking forward to the package.  Enjoyed the last one.  Didn’t last long.  Where did they send Richard Jacques?  Well I will write again soon.
Love,  Ted

Sunday.  March 29, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

How is everything.  I took a pass yesterday.  Keith and I came to Paso Roables.  Stayed all night here.  Not much to do here.  Came to the USO to a dance last night.  It was crowded with GI’s so we left and went to a dance at Eagle Hall.  Same thing there.  We went to bed about 1100 and got up at 11 this morning.  We are just fooling around now.  Going back to camp in a little while.
I bought some infantry brass and some 7th Armored shields and an infantry belt buckle.  I can’t wear them until my 8th week.  I wont be in basic then.
 I can get a pass alright as far as I know.  You can stay in the guest house but you should have reservations.  I will try to make them.
I did get to go out and fire the M1 on the rifle team but they postponed the actual firing for awhile.
We learned to crawl through barb wire and over trenches Fri morn.  I came in at so I could get ready for guard duty.  But I didn’t do any guard duty, they had enough.  I left and went to the show and saw “Trouble Along the Way.”  The troop did not get back until just before . 
Sat we had 2 classes and inspection till .  I had my pass then.  Sure felt good to get away.  This isn’t much of a town, too many GI’s.  They treat you like dogs everywhere but the army stores and the USO.  I bought Snapper a T-Shirt.  I got a size 8.  Didn’t know the size.  Let me know what size he wears. 
I am doing ok.  I sure liked the box.  The candy was really good.  Didn’t last long because it was my favorite.  The springs were just right.  They sell the springs here for $1 a pair.  I sure could use some razor blades and tooth paste etc.  My lips were ok by the time I got the chap stick.  They healed over night.  The garters were just right 2, the adjustable ones.  I like them.
Well not much more to say.  I will write you again before long.
Love,  Teddy

Sunday.  March 29, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

I got back from Paso Roables a while ago and I picked up some pictures I took last Sun  and Tue before.  They are a little better than they have been.
Not much new to say except I wish I could be home  Easter Sunday.  I am going to clean out my foot locker and go to the show later on or go to bed.
Let me know what day you think you will be here for sure.  I am going to try to call the guest house now and let them know.  I think I will tell the 1st sergeant you will be here and may be he wont put me down for guard or KP.  I have to tell him in advance.
Well let me know if you get my cards and 2 pictures.  I could use some more stamps too.  Take the money I have in the bank to pay for things I have you send me.  I will get paid Tuesday and you should get an allotment for Snapper within a week or two, let me know how much it is.  Also if you need any money for the trip use mine.  Just leave me enough to fly home in case I don’t have it when the time comes.  Tell Dad he may as well let my car go the first chance he gets.  I should get 1500 or more.  He can put his car in the garage and let mine set out.  Well I will close for now.
Love,  Ted

March 31, 1953

Dear Snapper

How have you been.  I sure miss you a lot.  Are you looking forward to coming to Camp Roberts next month.  I am glad you are doing good in school.  Keep it up.  Do you like the pictures I send home?  I got your picture you drew for me.  I keep it in my foot locker.  Did you like the T-shirt I sent you.  If you want another one let me know.  I wish I could be home Easter and be with you.  Well be a good boy and go to school and learn all you can and go to Sunday School every Sunday.  Mind your Grandma and Grandpa.  I still love my boy.
Love,  Daddy

Friday, June 23, 2017

March 21 -23, 1953

Sat. March 21, 1953

How is everything now?  Well I made it another week.  My feet bother me again a little bit.  Did a lot of hiking this week.  They gave out passes to guys that wanted them and could say their general orders.  I guess I could have gotten one if I had known my general orders.  I didn’t care for a pass anyway.  I didn’t know where to go and there was no one going that I knew.  I would rather wait till you come out.  I would have more of a chance to get one.

We had two hours of map reading and then we had a physical training test.  We had pull ups, squat jumps, push ups, sit ups, and a 300 yard run.  They scored us on all of it.  I made average on everything but the 300 yard run.  My feet just won’t move to fast, but I did well enough.  That is all we did this morning except did a little more in front of the barracks.  They have been digging for a week.  They are going to put sod in front of them.  I am sending you some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago.  The pictures I took didn’t seem to be clear.  Don’t know what the trouble is.  May be they don’t develop good enough.

Fowler is the same age I am.  He comes from Wisc.  He was our platoon guide and now is acting platoon sergeant.  Our corporal who I told you about got into trouble.  He was caught gambling and owed about $200 to guys in our barracks (told you about him getting us off detail if we would take him to the show) He was taken off the cadre.  He has been in the army 4 years now.  Fowler is taking his place now.  He still trains with the rest of us. Lucks sleeps right above me.  He comes from Okla.  He sounds like he comes from Texas the way he blows off.  Almost all the guys who come from the south blow off all the time and try to run everything.

I am sending you a picture of Camp Roberts.  Our regiment is located in the right corner of the parade ground (across the parade ground.)  Our Battalion is located about the center of it.  Can’t see hardly where.

I don’t see Donald anymore sense he was transferred.  This Leo Taylor was in Don’s platoon.  He is an odd sort of guy.  He isn’t just right or something.  He came from Crowder with us.  That surprised me about that.  Don and I are always joking about him.  We also help him when we can.  He just doesn’t just catch on to anything.

I think it would be alright for Betty to come out to Calif.  Find out where Don’s address is so I can look him up.  I won’t see him for awhile if he is starting over unless he comes over here.  I plan to call you tomorrow afternoon.  I think the rates are the same all day long on Sunday.  I haven’t got your cookies yet.  Will get them Monday I guess.  May be after this you should send them on Sat or Mon.  We get mail at on Sat and that is all.  I got a letter from you.

I went to the PX and got cigarettes, film, lighter fluid and sterling silver dog chains.  Dog chains cost 78 cents.  The other one marks my T shirt. 

Well I guess I will go to the show tonight.  I haven’t been for a long time.  Tomorrow I have to work a little on my clothes etc.  My Ike jacket came back today.  They didn’t set the button of the side over so I have to do it now.  Well I will write you again tomorrow.  Write me the news.
Love, Ted

Monday night,  March 23, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

Just a short line to tell you I got the box of cookies tonight, they sure tasted good.  K rations again today.  We have them 3 days a month, 3 meals a day.

Thurs morning I go try out for the rifle team here at Camp Roberts because I got the highest score in our Btry.  Don’t know what it will amount to yet.

Margie called tonight and said you told her I should ask her before she comes out.  I told you it was alright with me if she wants to come.  I am not going to beg her. 

I went to church tonight.  It was nice.  Kind of a Sun and Wed service mixed.  Mr. Clark the first reader asked me to his house Sun.  I have guard duty this week (Sat).  They gave me a Quarterly and CS dog tag.  There were about 10 people there altogether.  The Chaplain is just a block or so away.

The cookies sure were good.  I can use the writing paper too.  I think may be the next time you should wrap the cookies a little tighter in the box so the crumbs won’t get over everything.

It was good to talk to you yesterday.  Made me feel a lot better.  My feet are giving me a little trouble again.  Well I have to close now.  I will try to catch you up on what I am doing.  I need to.   I need the springs to put in my pants so they will hold out and look neat .
All my love,  Ted

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

March 16 - 19, 1953

16 March 1953

Dear Folks

Well I got two letters from you tonight.  Didn’t get any Saturday.  I was on KP Sunday from to .  Didn’t have to work long hours on Sunday.  We got to eat all we wanted.  I filled up.

I went to bed early last night.  About and went to bed Sat about , didn’t do much at all.  This morning we got up at , had breakfast and left for the range at and got there at .  I told you wrong the other day, tomorrow is our last day.  We fire for record then.  The M1 sure is a good rifle.  Kicks a lot, about like a 12 gage shot gun.  It’s a 30 cal repeater, the shells come from Lake City.  They are marked LC-52.  I think Jan made the 30 carbine, which is smaller.  We will have that in a couple of weeks.  A carbine is an automatic rifle more like a machine gun.  The 30 carbine rifle is smaller than an M1 too.  We got back early tonight, I also got a ride on the ammunition truck.  I helped load it.  Then I just got in the truck with the rest of the guys.  I was picked for the detail.  I just moved in and acted like I was supposed to be there.

My cold is going away fast.  I feel a lot better.  My feet hurt me occasionally but I guess that is natural.

I didn’t get to go to church tonight because the poster didn’t say what churches the chaplains were going to be in.  I was tired besides, didn’t feel like cleaning up.

Donald Underwood got back yesterday, he was gone 10 days.  I talked to him some tonight.  He is going to be transferred Thursday.  He will probably start his basic all over.

Is that Maxine the girl that worked days on Joe Dores line and did the book work?  What did they do to her?  I can’t remember anybody that worked nights and wore dark glasses.  I will be glad to see the union paper.

So I guess Richard has gone by now.  Guess he left this morning.  I don’t know if they will put him in the signal corps or not.  They usually put guys with A1 profile in the Infantry.  He might get it if he is lucky and they need anybody in that line.  He could get sent to a signal corps outfit not far from here.  Ft Orde, Calif. is about 100 miles away. 

Well I have to shave and clean my rifle and get to bed early. 

Did you ever get that money order that I sent you, you never did say.  Well I guess I will write a letter later in the week.  Tell everyone hello and all the guys at work.
Love, Ted
PS  Let me know how much money I have in the bank.

Tues.  March 17, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

Well we just got back from the range today.  I fired 227 out of 250.  I think I made expert.  You have to make 220 for expert.  I haven’t heard anything yet.  I rode back in a truck tonight.

Today is the day we eat K rations.  We have them 2 times a month.  They give us a can with 3 round crackers, a cookie, powdered coffee, milk and sugar, and jelly.  The other can may be beans, hamburger and gravy or anything like that.  I went to the PX and got a sandwich and some milk later.  I can’t fill up on the other.

We had mail call tonight but I did not get any mail.  That is about the first time I missed on a week day.  Probably get some tomorrow night.

A guy had a nervous fit on the range today.  Took about 6 men to hold him down.  They finally tied him up with belts and took him away.  I heard an officer tell another that they put him in a padded cell.  He has had 2 or 3 fits before.

I fired this morning and got to coach in the afternoon.  Each fire man has a coach.  There is just one other guy that scored as high as I did that I know of yet.  He fired with me.  He is in my platoon.  We are going to have classes tomorrow and then Thursday and some more targets. 

Well not much more to say now.  Guess I will clean my rifle and shave and then get to bed.  I will write again tomorrow.
Love, Ted

Thursday.  March 19, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

Well I had a little time so I thought I would write.  I got your letter about Jan.  That sure is something.  I don’t know exactly what I could do in the army as far as the law is concerned.  I don’t know where to go to talk to anyone.  I would have to do it at night or Sat afternoon.  May be you could write to the them and may be  they would call me or something.  A letter from home is more impressive.

We had classes on Wed and carried field pack, leaned how to put up our pup tents.  The pack sure is heavy.  My self and that other guy got the  highest score in the Btry  227 on the rifle.  We went out today and fired at silhouettes of people for practice and then tomorrow we go out and fire at moving targets like that from different places.  Roof tops, fox holes, logs, etc.  We will have 30 seconds to shoot and hit. 

It rained today most of the time.  We didn’t stop.  Put on our ponchos.  We got wet anyway.  We came back to the area and did physical training in the rain.  Hope I don’t get another cold.

The other morning we were going out across the parade ground sometime after .  There was a big burst of a bright light.  It cam from the east.  Everyone flinched a little bit but didn’t pay any attention to it.  It lit up just for a second, a real bright light.  Later we found out it was the atomic blast in Nevada.  They told us about it.  We didn’t hear an explosion or feel a concussion.

They are going to give out passes this weekend.  I don’t know whether I will get one or not.  I don’t care much. 

We have to learn our general orders.  I don’t’ them yet.  They give an article 15 for not knowing them.  You have to know them for guard duty and to get a pass.  I know a few of them.  I never was much good at memorizing anything.

I got a letter from C.S. worker.  He invited me to church on Mon night.

That sure is nice you have a new car.  I would like to see it.  Hope I can in April.  If you come out I don’t know how much I can see you at night.  I may be able to get a pass for the weekend that you are here and see you a little while at night.  What were you planning on driving and where all were you going?

We had some classes about different divisions in the army.  Was dad in the 1st Calvary Div.?  That is the only Calvary left.  They are a combat infantry team now.  No horses or anything.  It is an old out fit.

We will start our 4th week of training tomorrow.  It isn’t to bad.  It is rough enough and you keep busy all the time, never get caught up on anything.  I hope it doesn’t get to hot here in the spring.  It gets as hot as 115 and 120 in the summer. 

Let me know what Anthony Tarwater’s address is.  I will look him up when I find out.  He will have an address something like mine.  Is he the young Tarwater that worked for Charlie Cahple?  I got your papers, they were interesting.  Haven’t had much time to read them yet.

Well I guess I will close for now.  It is about time for the lights to go out.  Let me know the news and what Jan does.
Love, Ted

Friday, June 16, 2017

Korea Letter March 14, 1853

Saturday.  March 14, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

How is everything at home?  I got off about 1200 today.  I went to the PX this afternoon and bought some things.  This morn we double timed across the Parade Grounds at an angle and had a class.  Then we came back the same way.  We changed into our class A uniform and helmet liners and marched out on the parade ground to see a parade.  There must have been 50,000 marching.  Sure was a sight to see.  They were taking moving pictures and there were some generals here.  Don’t know what it was about.  They decorated some one for something.  We just watched.

I went out on the firing line yesterday and the day before and shot.  Worked a ½ day in the target pits and the rest of the day firing.  We go out Monday and fire for record and our qualifying as an expert, sharpshooter, or marksman.  I am going to try for expert.  It is interesting out there to see how everything works.  Everything is done just first class and neat. 

We get up about and march out about 4 miles over the hills etc.  We leave camp about , we get back to camp about   We eat our meal on the range.  Taste good out there like that.

My face and hands are getting tan from the sun and wind.  Everyone is that way.  I weighed today and am 162.  I am just about over my cold.  Still have it a little.

I have to go on KP in the morning, Sunday.  I hate to because I was going to catch up on some sleep and writing.  I got a letter from Daisy and 12 3 cent stamps.  I will try to write her a letter when I can.

Our squad and 3rd squad changed floors with the 1st and 2nd squads today.  I am upstairs and have a single bunk.  I like it upstairs but it is wormer in the day time.

I took my shirts and one Ike Jacket to the cleaners the other day.  I am going to have my Ike Jacket worked on so it will fit me better.  I had a 38S at first but it was to little so I traded with a guy who had a 40R.  It was better but still too big.  If they do a good job I will send my other one.

How is Snapper?  I would like to call you sometimes.  I thought about a week from tomorrow.  I should be able to talk then.  I got a call last night, I guess it was Margie.  I didn’t take the call because I couldn’t talk good enough and besides it was from the orderly room.

Some nights when we get in late they won’t let us go any place.  Fri night is hard to get away also because that is when the army has their GI parties all over the country.  They always have inspections the next morning. 

I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary.  I had another shot for something the other day.  I went on sick call again one day.  Didn’t do me any good.  They just gave me some aspirin and cough syrup.  I have slept good for the last two nights so I feel better.

I have some pictures in the PX being developed, will send them when I can.  I hope you come out to Calif on your vacation.  I guess I could see your part of the time Sat and Sunday.  There sure isn’t much here, just barracks all around a parade ground a mile long on both sides and at both ends and around the barracks there are mountains and hills.  Some what like the mountains in Arkansas. 

I am on my third week of basic now as of yesterday.  Not sure what we will do next week after we spend Monday and Tuesday on the range.  Will try and let you know.

There is a boy from Oklahoma who bunks on my right and a couple of farmers who bunk on my left in a double bunk, just thought I would tell you.  Well that about all I can think of now, oh by the way I haven’t seen any C.S. workers yet.  They may have come here before we got back at night or something.  I doubt if I can go to church Monday night either, won’t get back from the range till and church is .  I am going the first chance I get though.  I didn’t know C.S. had medals for dog tags.  The card was interesting to read..

Well I sent my clothes to laundry the other day.  Sent 25 pieces for a dollar, not to bad.  Saved me a lot of time and they get pressed too..  I have two extra pairs of dungarees and bought a pair of socks today.  I have needed more of them.  The wool one we wear with our boots cost 55 cents at the PX.  I seat a lot and all over smell rotten and dirty.  Everyone else don’t get to take a shower but once or twice a week.  Too tired and don’t have time.  If it gets hotter here we will have to.  Do you think you could send me a small box of cookies and candy that would keep.  Well not much more.
Love, Ted

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Korea Letters - March 2 to March 10, 1953

Monday March 2, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well how is everything?  I got your letters you mailed Fri and Sat and the news paper.  Did they ever put anything in there about me?
I never put oil in my car yet.  Might as well put 10 weight Pennzoil in it.  You might as well plan on letting it go in a month or two.  Did you make a payment on my car, income tax and insurance?  Let me know and let me know how much I have left.  Take out the 40 dollars I owe you for Snapper too. 
We had classes on different things this morning.  It wasn’t bad but this afternoon we double timed to the other end of the parade ground (one mile) for a map reading class.  It is sure hard for me because my feet hurt me quiet a bit.  I can hardly stand to walk on them.  I still have a cold I can’t seem to shake.  If you go on sick call you have to have to leave from the orderly room and then they might keep you at the hospital.  If you stay more than three nights they put you back a week in your basic training.  That makes it much longer before you can get home. 
I am to be barracks orderly tomorrow.  That will give me a chance to rest a little.  I cough at night so much I can't get any sleep. 
We are getting up at 4 A.M. and fall out at 4:15 and then go back and clean the barracks till we eat and then go back till 7:00 or later and then we start out classes.  Don’t get to bed before .
I might fall out on sick call Wed if I don’t feel better.
Thanks for the stamps.  I am sending you four special del stamps back, how about some more air mail and 3 cent stamps?
Well it is about .  I have to close for now and try to get my boots shined and shave.
All my love,  Ted

Tues March 3, 1953

Dear Folks

Just have time for a short letter.  How is everything?  So you had quite a snow in K.C.?  Weather here is good.  Cold at night hot in the day time. 
I got your package.  Thanks a lot.  I can use the cigs and gum too.  I might not use the soles if I get refit on my boots.  I have two pair in the ones I wear to work in.  My feet are about the same.  I didn’t sleep last night because I coughed so much.  We got up at   I stayed in to be barracks orderly today, got to rest my feet but had to clean up around here all day, had to stay busy.  I may fall out in the morning on sick call if I don’t feel better.  I hate to do it.
They had classes today on how to pack your field pack and equipment.  I have to find out from the boys.  Keith got a pair of barber clippers from home today.  I let some of the boys cut my hair.  Looks fare for the army.
I got a letter form Carl Huff.  I am going to write him when I get more time. 
Well write me and give me the news.  Don’t send me any of the pictures I send home, want to keep them there.
I heard that Archie is home on leave but will be going to Korea.  Have you seen him?
Well I will write again tomorrow or sometime.
Love, Ted

Saturday Afternoon March 7, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I guess you wonder what happened to me.  I have been so busy I haven’t had a chance to write at all.  I have been getting your letters, OK. 
I guess it really snowed in K.C.  It has all most been hot here.  Nights are still cool.
We have been getting up a every morning.  This morning we got up at   We clean our barracks and then go to classes.  We don’t get to bed before .  Last night it was , we had so much to do. 
I haven’t been sleeping very good because I cough a lot.  I wake up all the time.  I can hardly talk.  About all I can do is whisper.  I was barracks orderly for one day and fell out for sick call on Thursday.  I went to the medic and tried to get something for my cold.  All they gave me was a small bottle of cough syrup.  I told them about my feet. They said they couldn’t do anything for me.  They did give a slip for new boots.  So I can go to the quartermaster and get all my clothes changed that don’t fit.  My Ike Jackets didn’t fit and they did not have any so I am going to have the ones I have altered.  My boots are 8 ½ EE.  Still feel wide and big, but 81/2 D was too tight.  My feet have straightened out quiet a bit.  Still bother me a little.  My cold is the worse thing. 
We had classes yesterday on the M1 rifle all day.  We got restricted this afternoon about .  I am too tired to go anywhere anyway.  Only slept about 2 hrs.  A fellow is going to the post office here.  I am going to send this letter with him, may be you will get it sooner.  Will write tomorrow.
Love, Ted

Sunday March 8, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I got up this morning about and ate breakfast.  I went to the PX yesterday and drank a beer.  Didn’t taste too good because I was so tired.  Keith and I started back and stopped at a tree way out in a field.  We lay under it and took nap.  It was the first time we had been alone sincse I had been in the army.  We came back had dinner and then went to the barracks.  I lay down and slept.  We were off restriction but I didn’t go any place.  I slept till about 10 and then I went to bed.  I still don’t sleep good because I cough.
This morning I have been sewing patches on my clothes.  I don’t think I can get them on neat.  I am just going to put them on a few and then let the cleaners do the rest.
I have so much to do I don’t know where to start.  Line my clothes in my locker, sew patches, dye a pair of boots, shine my mess kit, etc.  I sure wish I was close to home so I could see you once in a while.  It wouldn’t be so bad then.
I heard this morning that Donald Underwood went home.  I guess he is already home now.  I had not seen him for a day or two but didn’t think anything about it.  His father in law died.  When he gets back he will be put in another out fit.  Probably start his basic over. 
I bought 2 shirts and 2 pants, they cost $10.  I can send part of them to the laundry now.  I can wash my white things. 
I feel a little better except for my cold.  I read the Sentinel once in a while.  Have the bible the Chaplain gave us but I haven’t read it.  Christian Science services are on Monday nights.  One week they are at one end of the camp and the next week at the other.  I am going if I can get away.  I keep the little slips you send me in my billfold and read them every time I get a chance.
They paid me the allotment for Snapper.  It was a little less than a month, next month they will mail a check.  It should be for $51.30 I think.  You won’t get it for about a week or two after the first of April.  It is made out to Jan but I should be mailed at your address.  They will come regular after the first one.  They always give the first check to me, after that I won’t see them again. (I have it already) 
Glad to hear you are saving your money for a trip to Calif.  When do you think you are going to come out?  Better let me know a while a head of time.  Don’t plan to come out now.
Thanks for the air mail stamps.  I mail them air mail.  I mailed one yesterday from the Post Office.  You should get it sooner. 
Don’t know what I will do today.  Work mostly on my clothes and rest.  Will write again the first chance I get.
I forgot to tell you I slipped off with our corporal and Keith and went to the show Thursday night.  We got out of work.  We had to pay his way and buy him cokes.  The picture was good.  Bob Hope and Mickey Rooney played in it., they were MP’s.  I forgot the name of it.  We saw it once and wanted to go, the corporal wanted to stay and see it again.  We slept through it the second time.
Love,  Ted

March 10, 1953

Dear Dad

Just received your letter.  Didn’t get here any faster than regular air mail, don’t know why.  I have been busy and can’t find much time to write.
Our barracks hasn’t been clean enough (the whole Btry) to satisfy out 1st Sergeant.  So we get up at now instead of   I don’t get much sleep coughing and everything.  I am dead tired at night.  I was bad last night and went on sick call this morning.  They gave me more cough syrup, aspirin, and gargle stuff and sent me back.
Margie wanted me to call her last night but I couldn’t have talked to her.  I haven’t written her either.  I wish you would tell her they are really pouring it on us now.  Our CO is tired of everyone having colds so he is sending us to bed at .  He gave everyone sulphur tablets too.  My feet are in good shape now.  I double time 1 ½  miles and they hold up.  I get a little short wended because of my cold.  Basic is just about what you said.
Well I just have a little while till I have to be in bed.  I will try and write you more when I get time. 
We have been having classes on our M1 rifle (loading and aiming etc.)  We will be on the firing range starting Thursday for a whole week. 
Call Margie and tell her why I haven’t written more.
Love, Ted