Friday, October 7, 2011

April 20, 1954

Tuesday  April 20, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I am back at the Co now and just finished dinner.  In about an hour I am going to town on the MP patrol.  Haven't done much of anything today.  I got back to the Co yesterday eve about 5pm.  I came back with the mail bag.  I searched around in it ad found 3 packages for me.  I opened one of them.  It had a can of mahogany polish (one) and two spice cakes.  We ate them coming in the truck.  They sure were good.  There were two other packages in the bag but I didn't open them.  I guess I will get them tonight.  I got an Easter card from you and Dad, it was a nice one.  I also got one from Ev and Jim.

Sorry you have to go on nights Dad.  It might not last long.  You should get more money any way.

I had a good time with Arike.  He gave me two cans of Australian Butter.  I gave one to Lt Wheeler.  He set it on the officers table.  The old man sure ate it up.  Sometime I will ask him for a pass to Pusan again so I can get him some more butter.

I am looking forward to the packages.  I hope I am still here when he brings them up. 

Well the rumor is pretty strong that the 5th RCT is moving out of Korea in July or about.  Hope I go with them when they go.  Well  don't have much more to say for now.  I'll write you tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted

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