Friday, February 20, 2015

July 7, 1953

July 7, 53  Tues eve 530

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I got to Fresno about 8 am.  We stopped in Albuquerque, New Mexico to refuel.  I got a bus to Alameda and reported in.  I was about the 3rd out of the nine to get here.  There are six of us here now.  I don't know much except that we will have classes from 8 to 4 and our nights and weekends will be free.  There will just be the nine of us to go through the school.  This is a nice place here.  A lot different from an army camp.  We stay in a nice building and eat all we want.  I haven't done anything all day.  I took a nap this afternoon.

I sure did enjoy myself while I was home.  I sure felt bad after I left last night.  But I feel better today.

One of the boys from Chicago said his plane stopped in KC and he drank coffee there.  It is funny we missed him.

About all there is here are sailors.  We eat with them and sleep in the same building with them.  I haven't seen any other soldiers around here.  It is right on the bay and water is almost all around us.  A lot of planes fly off from here.  I came over the bay bridge again.  It sure brought back memories.  It looks about the same.

It was cloudy here  this morning and kind of cold.  I will try and find some picture postcards of this place and send you.

I don't know if I will be able to come home or not when I finish here.  I would like to but I will have to get a hop in order to get home.   I will probably have 6 or 7 days when I leave here.

Well don't know much more to say.  I will write you again tomorrow.  I haven't got my address yet but you can write me at this address for awhile.  I'll let you know my new one as soon as I can.

Love, Ted
(note to blog reader:  This letter was sent from WP Naval Air Base, Alameda, California.)

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