Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Haven’t had any letters from you yet. It will be a while yet before I do. We had our inspection of our room today and foot locker. It didn’t amount to too much. Afer that we all went to the snack bar and had coffee.
The school will start Monday morning. So far there are 11 of us. They only have in the MOI about 8 to 15 men. Most of them are Sgts and have a lot of time in the army. I think there are two Sgt First Class, 5 Sgts, 2 Cpls and 2 PFC. I think this school will be a little hard. I don’t know yet.
Most of the guys are stationed here in Japan and a few of us are from Korea . There are several paratroopers and an air force Sgt and from other units all over. We live in a big building. There are several thousand. The mess hall feeds all of them but it only takes a minute to go through the line.
This place use to be a Jap Naval Officer’s Academy during the last war. This is the place they wanted to drop the A Bomb when they dropped it on Hiroshima . Sasebo was the other target when they dropped it on Nagasaki .
Last night they had a dance at the service club. They had all Jap girls. It is a weekly dance. The girls work here at the camp.
They are not bad looking most of them and they talk fairly good English. I can speak a little Japanese but not good. I only know a few words. Most of the Japs know a little English so you can talk to them fairly we.
The weather is pretty good, not to worm though.
I looked around the PX and different things. They had some Nortakii China for $25. I was pretty. Had pink flowers etc. 93 piece set. I don’t know what it would cost to wrap and ship to the states. Not to much. They don’t have any robes or much of anything else like that. May be in town. We won’t get a pass for a while. About Monday or Tuesday.
We won’t have to do any details. Just fall out for revellie in the morning. The 1st Sgt said there are just a few of us so we don’t have any extra duty. Most of the guys are Sgts with 5 to 10 years in the army.
Well I don’t know much more to write about for now. I’ll write later on in the day. I pick up the pictures at . Hope they are good ones.
Love, Ted
I got the picture. The small ones were with my camera, more on the way.
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