Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well we got back OK today. I sure was glad to get back. We really walked a lot in the last two days and did some mountain climbing. We just laid around all afternoon yesterday. We didn’t pitch tents. Just slept on the ground. It got down close to zero. We got back this afternoon and haven’t done anything.
I got a new man in my squad. He came today and he is a Greek.
So I really have a variety.
I was sure sorry to hear that Jim and Roslyn lost the baby. I got your letter telling about it today. They sure have had a bad time. I guess they will move to Springfield right away. (note: I remember the baby’s death but was kept sheltered from the particulars, even the funeral. Jim and Roslyn did move to Springfield where Jim sold insurance for awhile. I guess he went to college later on and ended up being a school counselor in Webster Grove High School in Webster Groves , Missouri . He and Roslyn soon divorced after the death of their son and I was not to see Jim for 25 years. He and Dad stayed in touch, but not frequently. As I have stated before Jim eventually found his way to Arkansas and was on the ground floor of Wal-Mart. I suspect Jim is dead now but I have not idea.) How come Jan let them take her car to Springfield . Does she know them that well?
I got a letter from Marian (note: my grandmother’s estranged foster sister) she said something about Charlie changing jobs if things did not work out at the Gas Company. Seems like they sold to another firm. She writes nice letters and I enjoy reading them. They are jolly like. (note: I guess Charlie, Marian’s husband, did get things straightened out. He retired from the Kansas City Gas Company as their CEO many years later. He was a graduate engineer from KU and went to work for the Gas Company digging ditches right out of college.)
I went to the show tonight and saw “Mission Over Korea.”
I saw it at Camp Stoneman once before. I enjoyed seeing it anyway. Have you seen it yet? It shows a lot of Korea .
It won’t be long now till I will be on my way to Japan . I hope so. As far as I know now I will be leaving on the 18th of Jan, next Monday.
I read the slip about the ships coming into Calif. I didn’t know anyone.
Have you ever heard from Gretiger or Hill.
I still haven’t received the package from McDonald yet. They must have sent it regular mail but I should have had it by now. It has been quite a while since you said that they sent one. I hope it gets here before I go to Japan . How long has it been?
I guess by the time you get this letter, Dad, your birthday will be over. I know you had a good one. Happy Birth Day again. (note: my Grandfather was turning 49 that year) although it might be a little over.
Well I don’t have much more to write about for now, so I will close. I will write again tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted
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