Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I thought I would write a line tonight because I wont have a chance again till Tuesday. We are going out in the morning and wont be back till Tuesday afternoon.
We had a shake down inspection today and a weapons inspection. They were looking for pistols, etc.
They did not fine any that I know of anyway. (note: It was not uncommon for GIs to come across pistols on the battle field, the enemy’s or ours, and keep them for souvenirs or trade them among one another. It was against the rules of course and returning soldiers were threatened by imprisonment if they tried to sneak guns home. That is why the old guys would sell or trade with the new guys. Many weapons got back here anyway.)
We turned our mortars in to be worked on and if our rifles were in bad shape they had to be turned in and fixed up too.
I went to the show this afternoon and saw “Little Boy Lost.”
It sure was a good picture wasn’t it.
I got a letter from a guy who forgot to give it to me before I left for NCO School . It was dated Nov 24. It was a little late. I still enjoyed reading it.
I still haven’t gotten the package McDonald's sent yet. I think it is the only one I haven’t got yet. (note: I guess he got the one eventually that Jim Rountree sent, that he kept saying he never got.) You said in that letter that Donald Underwood was stationed in Sasebo and was in Korea and sent back to Sasebo on a troop train. There isn’t any railroad that run to Japan from Korea . It is a long way and the only way to get from here to there is by air or water.
I didn’t get any mail today, hope I get some tonight.
About a week from today I will be on my way to Japan . I hope so. Probably by the time you get this letter. I haven’t heard anything from you about you knowing I am going. It hasn’t been long enough I guess. I guess the 18th may be a good time to be away from this place. The 22nd might be a big deal here if old Sigmon Ree get mad.
I don’t know much of what will happen. I don’t think anyone knows.
I didn’t do anything last night but fool around all night. They had TV shorts at the show so I didn’t go.
I think I will go to bed early tonight. I want to back all my clothes up tonight and be ready in the morning to go. I think we are going to leave about ind its about 7 miles from here to where we are going.
How is everything at work. Tell them hello for me.
I read in Stars and Stripes
that the Police Chief in St. Louis pleaded not guilty to stealing the money in the Greenlease case. (note: that is the kidnapping that was mentioned earlier.) I also read that the army is trying to figure out a new uniform for EM (note: enlisted men.) Have you read anything about that. If you have let me know.
Well I don’t have much more to write about now so I will close. Hope to get a letter form you tonight.
Love, Ted
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