May 1, 1954
I haven't written for a couple of days. There is not much to tell. I got a letter form Jim the other day dated April 18 and then a couple of days later I got one that was dated Mar 22. It was late. I don't remember whether I told you about me making out another allotment for $50 to Dad and you. I made it out so I could build up my account at home. I think they held 50 dollars yesterday so you should get another check for 50 sometime in May, besides the regular check you get. So you should get a check for $50 from y account and one 77.10 for Snapper. I only drew $108 yesterday. I figured I should get around 150. Have you ever got a check for $77.10 yet. Let me know when you get the checks and how much and when they are made out too. I put $70 in Sol. Deposit. I know have $550. I hope to put from 50 to 70 from now on every month I would like to build it up to 1000 before I leave and also the one at home a 1000. If I make Sgt I will draw $160 pr moth. Now it's 135 a month. You can sure save money in the army. I think I am making more now than I ever made hat home. I didn't have anything coming out of my pay to live on so that make a lot of difference.
We are building movie now. We have two projectors seats etc. You pay 25 cents for the move. We have 5 shows a week. Lt Wheeler is manager. I am going to take tickets as far as I know. I will get $1.25 per each show. That's $6.25 per week. Only work an hour a night and I can see the show free. If it works out I am going to make a little extra money. (note: An enterprising bunch, wonder where they get the movies?)
I am on guard now.. I am cpl of the guard again. Today the troops are restricted to the company because this is May Day and it a Communist Day for the Reds. They are celebrating in the town. I ride in and post a guard at the water tower and see them. I don't think its to safe to mess around any. I keep my 45 pistol laded when I am on duty.
Yes I remember a year ago when we were in San Fran. I didn't remember the exact dates. Time sure has gone by fast. Maybe if I get to come back to the states this summer you can take another trip to where I am. I am sure the 5RCT is moving out of Korea but I am afraid that they will do the men like the 45 and 40 div did. I sure would like to go back with them when the go.
I guess they are really laying off back home now. I have been wondering what I am going to do when I get home. I wish I knew. You never say much about it in you letter and I don't have much more to do over here the way time has gone. I have been here 8 months now and have 7 more months on my tour of duty. I wish I had some kind of a plan when I get out but I haven't much. I am not looking forward to getting out for some reason. I'll be glad to get home and see you all though and eat some real food. Sure miss you although.
Tonight we are having a band and 30 girls come inn to the dance in one mess hall. It should be OK. Tuesday our show opens up. The Company clerk told me that Captain Book put me and 2 other cpls in for Sgt the 28 of April. I should know whether I make it in a couple of Weeks. I am sure looking forward to it. Still no R&R. They are only sending 150 a month from 5RCT. It used to be 1500 so you can see the change. I may not go this month. In fact it may be the last of June. I have money enough to go
I should be my boot before long. I have my dye cans so I can dye them right away. Well don't have much more to say. I will close for now. Well write tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted
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