Well I don't have much to write about but guess I will write a few lines to let you know everything is OK. Haven't heard much of any news about moving. Thursday night we were on guard. I was on the main gate again. Fri night when we got off guard Simonie, Guthmiller, and my self went to town. Didn't do much of anything. Drank a few beers and bought some cigarettes at the PX. The black market in Pusan is pretty bad. You can buy 3000 Won for 10 dollars. If you go through the bank you only get 1800 for 10. You can get 900 Won or 3 dollars for one carton of camels or lucky strikes. More for the kind size.
Saturday we had inspection as usual. Last night I stared building a foot locker and worked till 930 and finished it today. Other than that that's all I have done. I might go to the show tonight. Not much else to do besides that.
I don't seem to get any mail any more from anyone. Haven't heard from Jim Rountreee for a long time. I got a letter last night from you. You asked me who paid the girls. It cost each man about $1.50 a month. She sews, irons and washes everyday. She starched my clothes for me. Irons and keeps them looking good. I gave he some candy and gum the other day out of the package you sent. I got the 50 dollar money order OK but not the boots. I should get them is the next few weeks. Did you order the dye from Cochran or what , you never did say. I'll need dye for them when I get them. You said in your letter that Don Underwood moved to where we did. The 24 Div moved to where the 45 Div was. The 3 Div moved to where we were. I don't know who moved to where the 3 Div was. Well hope I get some mail this eve. If I do I will answer it in this letter.
Lots of Love, Ted
I just got three letters. One of them was from Jim Rountree. He didn't have to much to say. Didn't say anything about his business. The two letter from you were Easter Sunday and the 19th. Sounds like you are having some nice weather. Glad you had a nice Easter. I enjoyed the packages you sent. I don't know much of anything you could send except what you want. I can get most of anything I need really. I don't know how long we will be here. We are going over to the Marine base to the show tonight and see "Give a Girl a Break." Well guess I'll close for now.
Lots of Love, Ted
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