Dear Snapper
How are you. Mama sent me a list your grades. You sure are a smart boy. I am glad you do so good and like school. I have some more patches for you. You should have quite a few now. (note: I still do.) Are you putting them all on a jacket. (note: yes.) Thanks for your valentines. What did you do with the two dollars I sent you. I bet you can’t guess what I wrote on the side of the letter. If you can figure it out let me know. (note: On the side of this letter Dad wrote some Japanese characters.) A Japanese girl showed me how to write it. It says Watoshy Annata Ai. Well be a good boy and write me a letter. I miss you and love you.
George Washington’s Birthday
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Haven’t done much of anything today. I have just been fooling around. I wrote Snapper a letter a while ago. I sent him a IX Corps, 3rd Division and a 10th Div patch, also some PFC stripes that I wore on my uniform in Japan. I would like to keep them. How many patches does he have now. Everything is about the same.
I am sure disappointed that all these Cpls came in the company. They sure messed things up. The captain said today that we are finished up with our 26 weeks of training. He said we may be moving some place now. There are three places we might move to. The I Corps area, 
Pusan and one more place. It may be awhile before that takes place. It would be nice if we moved back to Pusan or Japan . The 187 RCT
moved back to Japan in November. They have it nice back there. Pusan is OK too. I’ll let you know. I think myself that if we move we will move up on the line. Time will tell.
How did you like the color pictures I sent. I am going to buy a roll of color film and take some pictures of the area around here. I’ll send them to you.
It is nice today. Sun is bright but it is cold. It doesn’t seem to be thawing I will probably get a letter from you today. Well don’t have much more to write about for now so I will close. Will write again later on.
Lots of Love, Ted
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