Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Will didn’t get any mail today. Thought I would write and try to answer some of the things you wrote in your letters. I wrote Jim at the address you sent and also a letter to Marian. I was writing this afternoon when Lewellen came in. First time I have seen him since we got off the ship in Korea in Sept. He has a good job and works in supply. He came down in a jeep. We went down to see Zink. He said the same thing happened in his company as ours. They put a lot of Cpls in and he lost his job too. That’s the way it is.
Last night I went to the show and saw “Island in the Sky,” with John Wayne.
It was a good picture.
It sure is cold here at night. It must get below zero now. The days seem to be longer so it might start warming up some.
We are finished with our 26 week training cycle and now we are starting another one. We have tomorrow off because of George W’s birthday. Next time you get a hair cut tell Reynolds the women are just like the girls in the states. Show him a picture of the girl I sent, he will get a kick out of it probably.
I didn’t tell you I called to Arike on the phone when I came back to Pusan . He was on R&R so I didn’t get to talk to him. I might take a pass some Sunday and go see Richard in Seoul . I never take a pass here much. I will find out what he does if he writes me.
My thumb is OK now. My nail is coming off and it doesn’t look to good but it is OK. I am glad you liked your valentines. I sure enjoyed mine. I didn’t have much to pick from. Did you say you got the book Baby-san. It is a good joke book. I don’t remember McFadden. (note: I guess he is answering a series of questions she asked in the letters. The McFadden’s were the mother and father of one of my school mates. They were from Florida , about my grandparents age, and I knew them will while growing up. Interesting family. I might write about them some day.) They don’t have any movie equipment over here so you better not send any films. I wouldn’t be able to see them.
I found out I don’t have to make out and income tax form till I get out of the army. I wish I could get it done now. Why don’t you find out how I can go about it anyway. I don’t think I would have to pay much. Let me know just what you do about Snapper. (note: My mother was my legal guardian but I lived with my grandparents. Dad’s child allotments went to my grandparents, but no one really knew how I should be claimed for income tax purposes.) Jan had better not claim him.
I am glad you liked the things I sent at Xmas. Glad they got there OK. I think they were chop sticks
weren’t they. I will have to teach Snapper how to eat with them. (note: I don’t remember him ever teaching me but to this day I cannot figure out how to do it and have had several lessons.)
I am looking forward to the box you sent regular mail. I like that pepperoni you buy at the Roma Bakery.
Simonie gets some from home quite a bit and it is always OK I think the box sent by regular mail would be better than air mail if you would like to send them that way. I don’t know of anything I need right now.
Well don’t know much of anymore to write about. I had a good time in Japan . Wish I had more time to spend over there but it wont be able to. Time sure is going fast and it won’t be long till I am home.
Lots of Love, Ted
Conley-I rarely hear the word Korea without "cold" after it. It must be a miserable place!