If by chance this is the first time you have stumbled across this blog perhaps an explanation is in order.
My dad, Teddy Stone McAnally was drafted in December of 1952. He like many of his generation was not eager to go, but back then the alternatives and consequences of not going were socially unacceptable and more criminal than now. He went albeit a reluctant warrior.
He mailed my grandmother, his mother, a letter almost everyday while he was in the army and she seems to have kept them all. He later went through them and put them in chronological order and upon his death bequeathed them to me.
They sat around my house for a few years with out me looking them over until I retired. I began to read them and found them interesting from several view points. One, I was able to gain some insight into what he was thinking about and how he looked at things when he was a 24 and 25 year old man. I got a little feeling about how it must have been to be swept into a conflict a world away that he had no idea why it was happening and how the army operated back then. He also provided some social history of Korea during the occupation, how the GI's felt and what he thought about things going on back home. There were also some family matters that given his perspective then became more clear to me today.
A friend of mine kept encouraging me to start a blog based on something similar he had read about concerning WW I from a guy in England. The task seemed a little daunting but eventually I got my grandson to help me figure out how to blog so I began.
The first few entries are a little confusing because some of the letters if read as posted are not in order, but I eventually got the hang of it and later on even posted some pictures. I decided not to do any editing so what is read is what was and how it was written. Dad though pretty smart was not a literary giant.
So there you are. Probably the only ones that may find any of what dad wrote will be family members and some hardcore social and military historians, but they are a treasure to me.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
March 7, 1954
Sunday March 7, 1954
How is everything at home. I got a letter today, March 1. It was the one that you mailed after you got my letter I wrote back in the company. Yes, I have been in Korea 6 months today. I hope I have to stay over six months more if that long. I am not a squad leader now and I feel that the guys who took over the squad leader jobs deserved it over me especially when I was just a PFC. I would expect a cpls job if I were to go to another outfit now. That's the way the army does things. I still made cpl and I will get the job back as soon as there is an opening.
I would think you would have got more than $130 back for claiming Snapper. Let me know when you find out about my tax return. You will get about 77 dollars a month now for Sapper instead of 51.30. Let me know about that too. You should get it for the month of March whenever you get that check and if you don't it should be on the next month. You should get the back pay also. I should get around$135 myself. I may start an allotment for $50 to send you to save. I don't know yet.
The pearls I saw in Japan are what they call cultured or cultivated pearls. They are real pearls o they make them by putting something i the oysters and putting them back i the waster and leave them. I don't know whether you want them or not.
There isn't much hurry about sending any money yet for I can't go on R&R till April and I may put it off till May. It will be nice then. I'll let you know.
I have about $60 saved up now and I'll and I'll have a $100 payday to go with it.
I don't know much more about moving. The place I told you about is where they had the red prisoners. If we go down there we will be doing guard, PT, and drill. We will most likely have better living conditions. I heard today that we are going back there to go to Hawaii. I don't think there is much to that. If we leave Korea we will most likely go there. In a couple of months we should we should know something.
Today has been nice but a little cold. We went out and fired today for zero and practice for the rifle team. I hope I ca make it. In time they will pick 10 men for the team. I think I have a good chance to make it.
Semonie went out today with me. I read in the 5RCT paper that I sent you that they have a Christian Science service over here someplace in the Regt, Target Chapel. I don't know where it is but I might go some Sunday. I haven't been to church since I have been over here. I should go I guess. I thought you might like to read the paper I sent. It tells about the Boy's Town and 5th RCT history.
Well don't have much more to say for now, so I will close. I will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
How is everything at home. I got a letter today, March 1. It was the one that you mailed after you got my letter I wrote back in the company. Yes, I have been in Korea 6 months today. I hope I have to stay over six months more if that long. I am not a squad leader now and I feel that the guys who took over the squad leader jobs deserved it over me especially when I was just a PFC. I would expect a cpls job if I were to go to another outfit now. That's the way the army does things. I still made cpl and I will get the job back as soon as there is an opening.
I would think you would have got more than $130 back for claiming Snapper. Let me know when you find out about my tax return. You will get about 77 dollars a month now for Sapper instead of 51.30. Let me know about that too. You should get it for the month of March whenever you get that check and if you don't it should be on the next month. You should get the back pay also. I should get around$135 myself. I may start an allotment for $50 to send you to save. I don't know yet.
The pearls I saw in Japan are what they call cultured or cultivated pearls. They are real pearls o they make them by putting something i the oysters and putting them back i the waster and leave them. I don't know whether you want them or not.
There isn't much hurry about sending any money yet for I can't go on R&R till April and I may put it off till May. It will be nice then. I'll let you know.
I have about $60 saved up now and I'll and I'll have a $100 payday to go with it.
I don't know much more about moving. The place I told you about is where they had the red prisoners. If we go down there we will be doing guard, PT, and drill. We will most likely have better living conditions. I heard today that we are going back there to go to Hawaii. I don't think there is much to that. If we leave Korea we will most likely go there. In a couple of months we should we should know something.
Today has been nice but a little cold. We went out and fired today for zero and practice for the rifle team. I hope I ca make it. In time they will pick 10 men for the team. I think I have a good chance to make it.
Semonie went out today with me. I read in the 5RCT paper that I sent you that they have a Christian Science service over here someplace in the Regt, Target Chapel. I don't know where it is but I might go some Sunday. I haven't been to church since I have been over here. I should go I guess. I thought you might like to read the paper I sent. It tells about the Boy's Town and 5th RCT history.
Well don't have much more to say for now, so I will close. I will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
Monday, August 29, 2011
March 6, 1954
Saturday Mar 6, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a box today from you. It had the pecan delights, Carmel's, and rum and maple. I am smoking the rum and maple and eating the candy. I sure enjoy everything. That sure is good candy.
Haven't done much of anything. We had a parade this morning. We also had an inspection yesterday in ranks. I hadn't had my stripes sewed on yet. He told me the next time he saw me that he wanted to see them on. So last night I sewed them on my field jacket.
Word came today that we are moving the first of April to three different places. The Regt will be split up. The places are Pusan, Kojedo, Chge-do. Kojedo is right off the coast of Pusan. Chge-do is along somewhere there too. I am not sure how they will spell that name. It is pronounced Cheayes-do. I don't know where we will be moving to. In fact I am just going to forget it till we move. They may change it or anything.
Today we had anyone go out for the Regt rifle team who wanted to. I thought I would try out for it. They did not fire today just talked to us. One of our Lt is in charge of the team or the men trying for it. We go out tomorrow and fire. I hope I can make the team. It will be a good deal. If everything goes OK they may go against other teams in the Far East, Japan, etc. and later on in August or Sept go to the National meat in Ohio. They want people who will be here till October or after so it s just right for me. That would be a nice trip to before I go home. I could have time to stop in KC on the way to Ohio. But that is a long way off. They said this morning might slow things up a bit. We will probably fire quite a bit for several weeks before they pick the team. I should be able to make it if I fire like I did in basic. It has been quite awhile since I shot for record.
The letter I got today was the one you wrote in the car on the way down town. Well not much to news. The sun is shining and it is warm in the sun but the wind is cold. Will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a box today from you. It had the pecan delights, Carmel's, and rum and maple. I am smoking the rum and maple and eating the candy. I sure enjoy everything. That sure is good candy.
Haven't done much of anything. We had a parade this morning. We also had an inspection yesterday in ranks. I hadn't had my stripes sewed on yet. He told me the next time he saw me that he wanted to see them on. So last night I sewed them on my field jacket.
Word came today that we are moving the first of April to three different places. The Regt will be split up. The places are Pusan, Kojedo, Chge-do. Kojedo is right off the coast of Pusan. Chge-do is along somewhere there too. I am not sure how they will spell that name. It is pronounced Cheayes-do. I don't know where we will be moving to. In fact I am just going to forget it till we move. They may change it or anything.
Today we had anyone go out for the Regt rifle team who wanted to. I thought I would try out for it. They did not fire today just talked to us. One of our Lt is in charge of the team or the men trying for it. We go out tomorrow and fire. I hope I can make the team. It will be a good deal. If everything goes OK they may go against other teams in the Far East, Japan, etc. and later on in August or Sept go to the National meat in Ohio. They want people who will be here till October or after so it s just right for me. That would be a nice trip to before I go home. I could have time to stop in KC on the way to Ohio. But that is a long way off. They said this morning might slow things up a bit. We will probably fire quite a bit for several weeks before they pick the team. I should be able to make it if I fire like I did in basic. It has been quite awhile since I shot for record.
The letter I got today was the one you wrote in the car on the way down town. Well not much to news. The sun is shining and it is warm in the sun but the wind is cold. Will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
Saturday, August 27, 2011
March 4, 1954
Mar 4, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I guess by the letter you got before this one that I made cpl. I said something in the letter about t and before I mailed it I found out for sure so I put it on the envelope. I was told by the platoon leader that I was Cpl. I am sure glad I made it. It means about $135 per month and 77 dollars for you. I was lucky to get it. I got it just in time. Otherwise it would have been awhile yet. I have plenty of time now to try for Sgt. I made PFC in 2 1/2 months and cpl in about 3 months. So I am ahead of most of the guys. Most of the guys are here about 8 months before they make cpl. During the war they made it faster of course.
I got three letters today. Feb 24, 25, 26. I still haven't got any letter from you that said anything about me being back. I should get one of those letters before long. Johnnie said something in his letter about moving but he didn't say he bought a house. I think it is OK. I haven't heard anything from Jim and Rosalyn. I should be hearing from them before long. If I do I will let you know.
I remember the dust storms they had in the 30s. I remember the sky was red one time. I looked out of the window in Sedalia and saw the red sky. I was little I guess but that is one of the things I can remember and I often think of it among other things. (note: now there is little piece of history.)
Glad you like your smoking jacket. When I go back to Japan I will send you a nice lighter and whatever else I think you would like.
We had a USO show today. It was pretty good. I took some pictures of it. I heard Marlyn Monroe got a slight case of pneumonia . I guess they can take the cold over here. I notice they wrap up quite a bit to trey to stay warm. The are just not use to it.
We had our hike the other day. It was more like 15 miles than 10 and it was over hills and rice patties. It was sure a march. I don't know if going over the hills or through the rice patties was worse.
Well don't know much more to say, so I'll close for now.
Lots of Love, Ted
The pictures I sent were taken on our overnight problem and the water fall was on the way back.
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I guess by the letter you got before this one that I made cpl. I said something in the letter about t and before I mailed it I found out for sure so I put it on the envelope. I was told by the platoon leader that I was Cpl. I am sure glad I made it. It means about $135 per month and 77 dollars for you. I was lucky to get it. I got it just in time. Otherwise it would have been awhile yet. I have plenty of time now to try for Sgt. I made PFC in 2 1/2 months and cpl in about 3 months. So I am ahead of most of the guys. Most of the guys are here about 8 months before they make cpl. During the war they made it faster of course.
I got three letters today. Feb 24, 25, 26. I still haven't got any letter from you that said anything about me being back. I should get one of those letters before long. Johnnie said something in his letter about moving but he didn't say he bought a house. I think it is OK. I haven't heard anything from Jim and Rosalyn. I should be hearing from them before long. If I do I will let you know.
I remember the dust storms they had in the 30s. I remember the sky was red one time. I looked out of the window in Sedalia and saw the red sky. I was little I guess but that is one of the things I can remember and I often think of it among other things. (note: now there is little piece of history.)
Glad you like your smoking jacket. When I go back to Japan I will send you a nice lighter and whatever else I think you would like.
We had a USO show today. It was pretty good. I took some pictures of it. I heard Marlyn Monroe got a slight case of pneumonia . I guess they can take the cold over here. I notice they wrap up quite a bit to trey to stay warm. The are just not use to it.
We had our hike the other day. It was more like 15 miles than 10 and it was over hills and rice patties. It was sure a march. I don't know if going over the hills or through the rice patties was worse.
Well don't know much more to say, so I'll close for now.
Lots of Love, Ted
The pictures I sent were taken on our overnight problem and the water fall was on the way back.
Friday, August 26, 2011
March 3, 1954
Wed. March 3, 54
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a letter from Mom Feb 23
I haven't heard any more about Ree sending more troops to China. He has 16 Div. He has troops on the front line. In fact he has more than the US I think. He still has a lot of troops in the rear training area etc. They live in tents all over Korea but they don't live good as the US any place they are.
What I was refering to was that if they have troops to spare why not reduce the UN troops. They told us that in Sasebo. They said to write home and have the people or organizatios write the president. I don't know much more about it than that. Time will change everything I guess.
I don't know of anything I need at the present time in packages. I am pretty well fixed on everything.
I got the letter of commandation you sent back. I don't need the certificate. You keep it. I have another one form Eta Jima.
Hope you have been gettig the pictures I have been sending. I still have a lot more to send and another roll to develop.
Haven't heard anymore about moving. I don't think it will be this Saturday. It should be this month.
We didn't do much of anything today. Had a class on the history of the 5th RCT.
I heard some good news today. The company clerk said the Regt called down and said they could make one cpl out of the company and one PFC. The clerk said the old man made me a cpl but it wasn't signed yet. He said I will know tomorrow. So I am keeping my figers crossed. Look for cpl on my next letter.
Well I don't know much more to say. We have a USO show tomorrow afternoon. I will write you later.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a letter from Mom Feb 23
I haven't heard any more about Ree sending more troops to China. He has 16 Div. He has troops on the front line. In fact he has more than the US I think. He still has a lot of troops in the rear training area etc. They live in tents all over Korea but they don't live good as the US any place they are.
What I was refering to was that if they have troops to spare why not reduce the UN troops. They told us that in Sasebo. They said to write home and have the people or organizatios write the president. I don't know much more about it than that. Time will change everything I guess.
I don't know of anything I need at the present time in packages. I am pretty well fixed on everything.
I got the letter of commandation you sent back. I don't need the certificate. You keep it. I have another one form Eta Jima.
Hope you have been gettig the pictures I have been sending. I still have a lot more to send and another roll to develop.
Haven't heard anymore about moving. I don't think it will be this Saturday. It should be this month.
We didn't do much of anything today. Had a class on the history of the 5th RCT.
I heard some good news today. The company clerk said the Regt called down and said they could make one cpl out of the company and one PFC. The clerk said the old man made me a cpl but it wasn't signed yet. He said I will know tomorrow. So I am keeping my figers crossed. Look for cpl on my next letter.
Well I don't know much more to say. We have a USO show tomorrow afternoon. I will write you later.
Lots of Love, Ted
Thursday, August 25, 2011
March 1, 1954
March 1, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Had a letter yesterday (21) and today (22) from Dad. Glad to hear everything is going good at home. Guess you have been having your share of colds. I guess I don't know Charline McCord you wrote about. Who was she and do I know her.
Did you say you claimed Snapper. I understood you to say you did. Did you ask Browning if I could make out a tax return. I know who you meant, Elmer. I thnk his name is Frank Franklin. I remember when he came into the army. Where in Japan was he stationed. (note: this paragraph is confusing to me, but it is put down just like he had it.)
We went out today and fired our weapons for zero. That is about it. Tomorrow we go on a ten mile march with full field packs and tomorrow night we have a night field problem. I probably wont get a chance to write tomorrow.
I am sendig you a piece out of the Stars and Stripes about the 5th RCT. It is a story of what those problems were like that we went on every week for awhle. Thought you might like to read about it. The latest is that we are going to move Saturday, March 7. But where I don't know. It is a rumor that we are going to Pusan. I am sure we are going to move but I don't know where or when for sure. If I find out I'll let you know but they will probably not tell us till after we move. So if you don't get any mail for a few days you can bet we are moving.
Well don't know much more so will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Had a letter yesterday (21) and today (22) from Dad. Glad to hear everything is going good at home. Guess you have been having your share of colds. I guess I don't know Charline McCord you wrote about. Who was she and do I know her.
Did you say you claimed Snapper. I understood you to say you did. Did you ask Browning if I could make out a tax return. I know who you meant, Elmer. I thnk his name is Frank Franklin. I remember when he came into the army. Where in Japan was he stationed. (note: this paragraph is confusing to me, but it is put down just like he had it.)
We went out today and fired our weapons for zero. That is about it. Tomorrow we go on a ten mile march with full field packs and tomorrow night we have a night field problem. I probably wont get a chance to write tomorrow.
I am sendig you a piece out of the Stars and Stripes about the 5th RCT. It is a story of what those problems were like that we went on every week for awhle. Thought you might like to read about it. The latest is that we are going to move Saturday, March 7. But where I don't know. It is a rumor that we are going to Pusan. I am sure we are going to move but I don't know where or when for sure. If I find out I'll let you know but they will probably not tell us till after we move. So if you don't get any mail for a few days you can bet we are moving.
Well don't know much more so will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
Monday, August 22, 2011
Feb 27, 1954
Sat. Feb 27, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got the big package today with all the good things to eat, smoke, and drink. The package got here in good shape. I opened the Italian sausage up. The paper under the tine foil was molded. I asked Simonie what it was and he said it was nothing. We scraped it off and ate it. It was OK and tasted good. Simonie said it always does that but doesn’t hurt the meat. He gets it all the time from home. That kind of food is all he eats at home. We snacked all afternoon on cheese, sausage, and crackers. I am going to start on the fruit cake tonight.
I also got a letter from Dad today (Feb 20.) Sounds like we are getting the rain you had. It has been raining all day and last night. It may be the start of the rainy season.
We had an inspection today in the tent of all the clothes. I had an extra duffel bag full of things. I took it over the hill and hid it till after the inspection. I got a lot of socks, fatigues, and shorts when I came back through Sasebo . In fact I got a whole issue of clothes there. When I came back here I kept what I wanted and turned the rest in. I am well fixed on short and t-shirts. I have about 8 pairs of wool socks too. I won’t have to worry for awhile. I know the boys in supply pretty good and they always fix me up with anything new I need. I got an extra field jacket out of them yesterday.
No more news on rotation or moving so I don’t know much more to say. I’ll write you again before long. Haven’t heard from Jim since they moved to Springfield . How about you.
Lots of Love, Ted
Thanks for the package.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Feb 26, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a letter from Mom today dated Feb 19 with a picture that Snapper drew. You said you got a letter form me that I wrote at Sasebo . I stayed about a week there. I was sure glad to leave. I didn’t see anyone when I was at Pusan . I was only there a little while. I tried to call Arkie but he was on R&R. I didn’t know whether Don Underwood would still be in Pusan or not because the 24 Div is moving to the north to take the 45 Div place.
We haven’t done much all day but work around the area. The Captain told us today that there is a new rotation system. I think they to many men going home and that had only a short time to go and they had to assign them to a new unit for only a little while (like Carlin T.) Now they will keep you here till you have less than 90 days to go before you are discharged. If you are supposed to rotate 5 months before your discharge they will send you home 7 months before discharge. So if you have 5 months less to do they will extend you one more month and discharge you when you get to the states.
I don’t think it will bother me either way. They will probably change it before my time anyway.
Haven’t got any packages today, on the one letter. Well I guess I will close for now. I’ll write you again later.
Lots of Love, Ted
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Feb 25, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a letter from Dad last (Feb 18) night and a package (Feb 17) with two spice cakes. One is gone already. They sure were good and tasted like they just came out of the over. Fresh as the day you baked them. I haven’t got any mail today. May get some later on tonight.
I got a letter from JQ yesterday. I just wrote him a letter.
It has rained all day and all last night. Most rain I have seen since I have been over here. It isn’t cold.
We had classes most of the day. This afternoon we had to dig around our tent more so the water wouldn’t wash the tent away. I took a shower tonight. The first one I have had since I left Sasebo . I think I am catching another cold myself. I guess you are having real good weather in KC now.
You read the news about Marilyn Monroe I guess. The 5th went up in trucks to the 40 Div before I got back. I didn’t get to see her, sure whish I did. Might get another chance later on. (note: I have noticed dad is beginning to repeat himself.)
I talked to a boy who works in the orderly room. He said Captain Book put me in for Cpl in Jan and Feb and I was turned down at Regt HQ because I didn’t have enough time as a PFC. You are supposed to have 2 months in grade to get it. I might make if this month if I get put in for in (March.) They have more Cpls than they need right now, so it doesn’t look so good.
How do you like the pictures I have been sending home. I still have a lot more. Guess I’ll just send a few in each letter. I didn’t realize I went so long with out writing any letters. It is hard to write when you travel because each day you are thinking you are goin to leave where you are so you don’t write. You should get them more regular from now on.
Well not much more new. I’ll write you again later on.
Lots of Love, Ted
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Feb 24, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a couple of letters (15 and 16th) one yesterday and one today. Sounds like you are having some nice weather. Sure is nice here today. Just like spring.
We trained some yesterday with the mortar and had a night problem last night. This morning we had PT. We ran a long way and I am sure tired out. We cleaned stoves this afternoon and later we go take showers. Nothing on tonight that I know of.
I haven’t received any of the packages you sent except the ones that were waiting. (the two boxes of cookies) They sure were good and I am looking forward to the ones that are on the way.
I am sure the 5th is going to move and I don’t know where or when. There are three rumors. One to Pusan , one to I Corps. The other is to relieve a Greek outfit on the line
. Hope it is to Pusan .
The rank drops where in today. (note: I guess there were certain time frames when ranks were submitted and decided.) I don’t know whether the Platoon Sgt put me in for Cpl or not. We have more Cpls now than we need and I doubt if I was put in. I am sure disgusted with the way things are now. I wouldn’t mind getting into something else but I don’t know what. It is fairly easy to transfer now.
I am glad you like your robe etc. that I sent from Japan . When I go on R&R I’ll send more things. I am keeping the list you sent and am going to take it with me when I go. I should go in April sometime but since all these new men came in the company I maybe longer in going. We have 285 men in the Co now. We are over strength.
How did you like the pictures I have been sending. Kepp them all and when I get home I can have something to remember about the Army, good and bad. (note: for someone who took so many pictures so few remain.) Well don’t know much more to write about so I will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Feb 22, 1954
Dear Snapper
How are you. Mama sent me a list your grades. You sure are a smart boy. I am glad you do so good and like school. I have some more patches for you. You should have quite a few now. (note: I still do.) Are you putting them all on a jacket. (note: yes.) Thanks for your valentines. What did you do with the two dollars I sent you. I bet you can’t guess what I wrote on the side of the letter. If you can figure it out let me know. (note: On the side of this letter Dad wrote some Japanese characters.) A Japanese girl showed me how to write it. It says Watoshy Annata Ai. Well be a good boy and write me a letter. I miss you and love you.
George Washington’s Birthday
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Haven’t done much of anything today. I have just been fooling around. I wrote Snapper a letter a while ago. I sent him a IX Corps, 3rd Division and a 10th Div patch, also some PFC stripes that I wore on my uniform in Japan. I would like to keep them. How many patches does he have now. Everything is about the same.
I am sure disappointed that all these Cpls came in the company. They sure messed things up. The captain said today that we are finished up with our 26 weeks of training. He said we may be moving some place now. There are three places we might move to. The I Corps area, 
Pusan and one more place. It may be awhile before that takes place. It would be nice if we moved back to Pusan or Japan . The 187 RCT
moved back to Japan in November. They have it nice back there. Pusan is OK too. I’ll let you know. I think myself that if we move we will move up on the line. Time will tell.
How did you like the color pictures I sent. I am going to buy a roll of color film and take some pictures of the area around here. I’ll send them to you.
It is nice today. Sun is bright but it is cold. It doesn’t seem to be thawing I will probably get a letter from you today. Well don’t have much more to write about for now so I will close. Will write again later on.
Lots of Love, Ted
Monday, August 15, 2011
Feb 21, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Will didn’t get any mail today. Thought I would write and try to answer some of the things you wrote in your letters. I wrote Jim at the address you sent and also a letter to Marian. I was writing this afternoon when Lewellen came in. First time I have seen him since we got off the ship in Korea in Sept. He has a good job and works in supply. He came down in a jeep. We went down to see Zink. He said the same thing happened in his company as ours. They put a lot of Cpls in and he lost his job too. That’s the way it is.
Last night I went to the show and saw “Island in the Sky,” with John Wayne.
It was a good picture.
It sure is cold here at night. It must get below zero now. The days seem to be longer so it might start warming up some.
We are finished with our 26 week training cycle and now we are starting another one. We have tomorrow off because of George W’s birthday. Next time you get a hair cut tell Reynolds the women are just like the girls in the states. Show him a picture of the girl I sent, he will get a kick out of it probably.
I didn’t tell you I called to Arike on the phone when I came back to Pusan . He was on R&R so I didn’t get to talk to him. I might take a pass some Sunday and go see Richard in Seoul . I never take a pass here much. I will find out what he does if he writes me.
My thumb is OK now. My nail is coming off and it doesn’t look to good but it is OK. I am glad you liked your valentines. I sure enjoyed mine. I didn’t have much to pick from. Did you say you got the book Baby-san. It is a good joke book. I don’t remember McFadden. (note: I guess he is answering a series of questions she asked in the letters. The McFadden’s were the mother and father of one of my school mates. They were from Florida , about my grandparents age, and I knew them will while growing up. Interesting family. I might write about them some day.) They don’t have any movie equipment over here so you better not send any films. I wouldn’t be able to see them.
I found out I don’t have to make out and income tax form till I get out of the army. I wish I could get it done now. Why don’t you find out how I can go about it anyway. I don’t think I would have to pay much. Let me know just what you do about Snapper. (note: My mother was my legal guardian but I lived with my grandparents. Dad’s child allotments went to my grandparents, but no one really knew how I should be claimed for income tax purposes.) Jan had better not claim him.
I am glad you liked the things I sent at Xmas. Glad they got there OK. I think they were chop sticks
weren’t they. I will have to teach Snapper how to eat with them. (note: I don’t remember him ever teaching me but to this day I cannot figure out how to do it and have had several lessons.)
I am looking forward to the box you sent regular mail. I like that pepperoni you buy at the Roma Bakery.
Simonie gets some from home quite a bit and it is always OK I think the box sent by regular mail would be better than air mail if you would like to send them that way. I don’t know of anything I need right now.
Well don’t know much of anymore to write about. I had a good time in Japan . Wish I had more time to spend over there but it wont be able to. Time sure is going fast and it won’t be long till I am home.
Lots of Love, Ted
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Feb 20, 1954
George Company
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I am back in the company now I was kind of glad to get back in away. We rode all night in a train and got to a depot about 2.5 miles from here yesterday morning. I came back to the co. yesterday afternoon. I was sure disappointed when I got back. You know the 45 Div is leaving for the states and leaving their men here. They split all the men up into different groups. The 5RCT got 1000 men, all Cpls and Sgts. George Co got 37 Cpls and 15 Sgts. They took all the jobs according to their rank. So I was back to asst gunner. I am not squad leader anymore, for awhile anyway.
Most all the Cpls will leave in 4 months to go home. I haven’t made Cpl yet and it will be harder to make now than ever. Cpt Book had put me in for Cpl with a special letter and he hasn’t got an answer yet. I don’t know what the out come will be now. I don’t know what they gained by sending the Div back to the states and leaving all the men here.
Guthmiller made Cpl this month so he got to keep his squad leaders job. I am in his squad now.
I had about 40 letters and 2 boxes of cook when I got back. I’ll be a long time answering them. I’ll have to slow down quite a bit. Well I think I will stop now. The Red Cross girls are here serving coffee and doughnuts so I am going after some…………….
I am back again. I got another letter from Dad awhile ago dated Feb 14. I guess Richard has a good dear now. He hasn’t got it so bad in Seoul . MPs over here have it pretty good. They ride around in jeeps, walk the streets, direct traffic etc. I wouldn’t mind something like that.
Thanks for the pictures you sent. I will have some fun with them. I also enjoyed reading the letter I wrote in the Westinghouse news also about the article in the paper about NCO school. I remember when I was there I filled out a paper with my home address and your names. They must get the news from that. I filled one out at Eta Jima too. So watch the paper
I am glad you like the robe Dad. I thought you would enjoy it. I liked it myself. It is usually worn around the house over your pants and shirt, not necessarily over pajamas. How did the jacket fit. Also how did the one fits Snapper. (note: Both fit fine.)
Thanks for the valentines and the money. They sure were sweet. I had a lett from Jim and Rosalyn but they hadn’t moved yet. I will write to the new address you sent. I got a letter form Marian too. She sent a picture of her and Jimmie. He sure is growing. (note: Jimmie grew up to become a profess or Spanish at a major university in Indiana .) Marian said he is quite a book worm. I showed Marian’s picture to some of the guys and they thought she was my girlfriend. They did not believe she was 39 years old. (note: Given the fact that Marian and my grandmother were on the outs I bet she really liked hearing that – not. Many years later Marian contracted Alzheimer but did remain a real beauty till her death.)
About the tax statements. I don’t know what to do. I guess I’ll wait awhile and see what you do about Snapper. They haven’t said anything here about paying income tax. Let me know just what you do.
Simonie never has heard from Marilyn yet. I guess her mother doesn’t want her to write. He asked me several times while I was reading my letters if you said anthing. He is going to Japan now. He is going to an intelligence school for 3 weeks and Camp Drake . He is getting a good deal. He leaves about March 1st. Wish I could get another school Probably won’t get anymore.
I couldn’t find a Zippo lighter just like I wanted to send Dad. They had a lot of Ronson type but they weren’t very good. I will be able to get one for you on R&R also the things you sent on the list. The pearls I saw were mostly cultured pearls. They are supposed to be good. A good single strand cost around 25 dollars. Let me know what you think.
About where Eta Jima is. You find Korea on the map. Well Eta Jima is one of the 2 Islands right off the from Kure . You have to go there by a ferryboat. I don’t think it is named on a map. Those cars you saw were officer’s cars. All the camps are fairly modern like the pictures.
Marilyn Monroe was here while I was gone. She was at the 40 Div. They took the 5RCT up there in trucks. I sure would have liked to have seen her. You probably read about it in the paper.
I am sending you some pictures of some Moose or Mayas. I found them when I was in Pusan . I thought you might like to look at them. They don’t look as good as the Jo Sans in Japan .
What did you think of the picture I sent of the Jo San in Eta Jima. (note: I am not sure if Jo San was meant to be plural or if it meant the one he dated while he was there.)
Sounds like Snapper is doing OK in school from the looks of his grade card. I hope he keeps it up.
I am sending you another picture of myself in color and another one of myself in Eta Jima. I still have a lot of pictures to send yet.
Well I think I will close now and I will write you later on tomorrow and read my letters again and try to answer them. Well hope things work out over here. Maybe I’ll make Cpl yet. I am looking forward to that package from Kentucky . (note: You want to bet it wasn’t Old Kentucky in a Old Spice bottle.)
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