Dear Folks
Well it was sure cold this morning. It wont be long till winter will be here for good.
We trained some this morning and this afternoon we had a USO Show. Remember the picture I saw at NCO School I told you about. Gary Cooper in “Return to Paradise .” Well the girl that played as his wife was here, Roberta Haynes.
Did you see that picture. If you did you will remember she danced for Gary C. They got a guy out of the crowd and he sat on the stage and she did the same dance. There was also a girl that played in the picture with Marlyn Monroe in the picture “How to Marry a Millionaire.” I for got her name. They were all stars. I took some pictures of the show. I hope they turn out good.
I am going to send a picture album the next time I am someplace to get one. The Japs make some pretty ones. You can put all the pictures I have in it from basic on. (note: I have a Japanese picture album that he brought back, very nice one, but alas no pictures.)
How do you like the bowls I sent. You never did say mom.(note: I have some of them also.) Hope you like the other things I sent. Let me know about the robe, how it fits etc. I thought I would send some more stuff sometime.
I got an Xmas cards from Sears and Keiths. I also got 2 letters from you. Dec 21 and 23.
That dog you got at the bridge club sounds cute. Don't think I have ever seen one before. To bad Jan told Snapper about Santa Clause. You would think she would have waited till after Xmas. He will probably tell the other kids now.
The fudge you made was sure good. So were the whiskey balls.
So far I have had only one box with shoe dye in it. I got that at school. No hurry about the dye yet. I haven’t heard from Jim yet about the baby. Do you know what they named it. I thought you would go to Evelyn and Harley’s for Xmas. I don’t see why you and Marian can’t make up (note: Marian was my grandmothers foster sister, I guess they had an argument. I remember something about that. There was always a little jealously there. Mama always resented the fact that Mother Stone, her Foster Mother, adopted Marian and not her. Evelyn was also a Foster Sister of both Mama and Marian. They must have made up because when I was older we were around them now and then.) I don’t think it is right that you and her should get along the way you do. I told you I had a letter from her didn’t I with 5 dollars in it? (note: I remember now, Mother Stone gave Mama and Baba the house they lived in on Lake Drive . Mama had Mother Stone come live with her when Mother Stone could not take care of her self and ended up dieing there. Marian was left with all the money and Mama did not think it was fair.)
Sounds like you are having quite a snow there. What’s new about the peace talks. I heard something about reducing the force over here. Don’t know much about it yet. I think they will have to do something.
So far the squad leader job is OK. I had a detail working around the area after the USO Show today. Have you heard from Sgt Gritizie yet? I hope he calls you up or something. I sure miss him. He was a swill guy to me. He helped put me where I am. In fact I have his squad now.
Well don't know much more . Hope you have a good New Year’s eve. Don’t know what we will do yet. Happy New Year.
Love, Ted
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