Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got up about this morning. I missed breakfast so I opened up a can of fruit cocktail, made some coffee and had some fruit cake. It sure was good.
I went back to the company and saw some of the guys. Sgt. Gretize is leaving tomorrow. Him and Sgt Hill. He said he would call you up. He is a nice guy and you would like him OK. Some of the guys are gone already.
I ate dinner and fooled around for a while. They had a USO show but I think I saw it here so I didn’t stay.
I think I will be a squad leader when I go back. They also lifted the time in grade, so I might make corporal when I get back. I hope so.
I came, back took a shower and studied a little bit. Guthmiller left and Simonie came down. I think I will go to the show again tonight.
I got a package to day dated Dec 3. Cookies and candy. I also got a Xmas card from Keith. The first card I have got yet, a letter from Evelyn and a Westinghouse paper and 2 letters from you.
I am glad you are OK. Guess you hadn’t heard about me making PFC. The night problem we had when were were out for 3 days wasn’t bad at all. They had another one over night this last week and one next week already and another one is scheduled for Jan 14 already. That one will be a 3 problem exercise. So I will be back for that one.
I doesn’t seem like two years that JQ took his physical and didn’t pass.
What rank did Glen have when he came home? I just wondered whether they gave rank out when he was in. I am glad everything is going OK at work. It will really be a boom when the plant expands. Well I don’t know much more to say, so I will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
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