Friday, November 30, 2012
Just a Basic Day - Rise and Shine
At 5:00 AM the lights in the barracks snapped on. A voice yelled out "Rise and Shine, you have twenty minutes to s*&^, shower, shave and fall out, now get moving ladies." Well of course there were no ladies around, it is just one of those terms of endearment that drill sergeants use now and then.
We all scrambled and stumbled over one another to fulfill the DI's (drill instructor) "request" which of course was no request at all. Some how we all made it outside and lined up the best we could trying to remember in what position we were in the day before.
Our DI kept yelling at us to get in line, cover down, "are you all just stupid or lazy," and some how we all did a right face and marched to the mess hall. We lined up and had to run through a gantlet of sorts to get to the entry door. There was a run dodge and jump, low crawl through a sand pit, and a pull up bar we had to maneuver through and only then were we allowed to enter the mess hall three at a time.
We grabbed our trays and eating utensils as we were yelled to do, food was slapped on our trays while the cooks and servers kept telling us to "keep moving." We were yelled at to sit at a table for four, hurry up and eat, and get back to the barracks and clean up around our bed. I can't remember what we had to eat that morning but we usually had eggs, bacon, toast, grits, milk, juice.
After the meal was gulped we ran back to our barrack bed only to find that our beds had been dismembered and we spent a good 5 minutes sorting that out and finished just in time to hear the DI yell for us to fall out. We stumbled into formation again and marched off to get a haircut while being yelled at to cover down, stay in step and all sorts of derogatory comments about the way we looked and our intelligence in general.
After a very nice buzz cut we marched back to the company area. Then marched off to an old movie theater I assumed, and told to take off our ammunition belts, helmet liners, and canteens and place them in front of us and take one side step to the right. After bumping into each other because every ones right seemed to be different the "squad leader" who unluckily was the first guy in line was yelled at to make sure all the ammo belts, helmet liners, and canteens were in a straight row.
We were then instructed to enter the building single file, go to an area to sit as yelled to do but not to sit down.
A Sergeant of some sort got on the stage and yelled "Take your Seats!" We had to do this several times because the instructor did not like the way we all sat down but eventually we all did it in close enough in unison to please him. As we sat down we all had to yell out "C-8 -2, pride of the infantry." Our first lesson on how to be a soldier was about to begin.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A Basic Day - Sleep Tight
C - 8 -2 I found out meant Charlie Company, eighth battalion, second brigade. To me it broke down further when I was told to go into the second platoon, third squad area of what is commonly called WWII barracks. These are two story oblong buildings that were probably designed before WWI. The design I suppose was adequate and efficient so when they needed a lot of them they didn't reinvent the wheel, just got out their rubber stamp.
Sand Hill was the place where all basic training trainees learned to be soldiers. It was almost like it sounds, plenty of sand, rock, gravel, cookie cutter buildings, and little green vegetation. The structures from barracks to admin buildings were all painted a sand tan color. Ergo, Sand Hill.
There was another unique feature of Sand Hill - a lot of guys running around in Smokey the Bear hats yelling at everyone that did not have one, mostly us filing off the buss. We were yelled at to run hear, store our duffel's, run hear get your bed material, run here to eat lunch, run here run there and then here again.
Our particular nemesis was a red cheeked white drill sergeant named Redman. As far as yelling drill sergeants go he wasn't that bad. He in a voice of calm demeanor if drill sergeants have such things, taught us how to dress in military style, hang our clothes, make our beds, how to respond when spoken to, pack our footlockers, and numerous stuff that we all had an inkling on how to do, but not to army standards. That old adage there is "right way, the wrong way, and the army way" was certainly true.
We were lined up, marched to the chow hall went through a line with the cooks and servers yelling at us to hurry up and someone else yelling at us to hurry up and eat. As soon as you were done you had to run outside and go to your barrack and stand by you cot for inspection. Before the inspection came we were told to "fall-in" next to the barracks.
A captain, our company commander I found out later, said that if we did not like it here we could all go home at anytime. He said out contracts with the army and ROTC allowed such but just as a warning our home draft boards would be notified and we would be placed on priority draft status and he would see us again in 6 months. "Now is there anyone here other than the young boy I have already talked to that wants to leave?" The use of the word "boy" did not escape any of us.
We were dismissed, told to go to our bunks and go to sleep immediately. It was 7:00 PM. We all went to our bunks but how many of us slept I do not know.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Just a Basic Day - Arrival
When I arrived at the main gate at Fort Benning I was told to follow the signs that would lead me to the reception station for the ROTC candidates. Instead I was directed by sign to a huge parking lot where I was told to park my car, get my belongings and stand behind my vehicle until a bus picked me up. I was not alone, there were many cars already parked, there were about a hundred waiting for a bus, and the cars kept coming.
The army realized in the middle 60's that they were running out of officers, especially young lieutenants. West Point could not keep up with demand, most draftees were not interested in going to officer candidate school, and the college ROTC programs were dwindling fast. The army decided to offer incentives to colleges and universities if they would establish ROTC programs, which is what CMSC did. The new programs needed senior cadre so they developed a two year program where by you went to basic training at a specialized facility which gave you credit for the first two years of ROTC training and you spent your junior and senior year attending military classes while completing your college degree. After that you only owed the government two years of active duty, the same as being drafted. Seemed like a deal to me, besides they paid you during the school year a small amount. I think it was $50 a month.
It was a popular program. Not only did you get paid to go to school you put off the inevitable draft and when you finally did go into the army, which back then was only a matter of time, you went in as an officer. I really thought to myself that if I was going to have to go in the army any way I might as well make more money than a private to be shot at.
A bus came by and about 50 of us were herded on and taken to the receptions station. We were told to go sit under "that tent over there" where they had all sorts of food and drink. This isn't bad I thought to myself. Eventually I and 25 others were told to get in line and we started being processed. Name, date of births, family contacts, sign forms, it went on and on.
The 25 were then taken to a small assembly area where this scare crow looking captain welcomed us to Fort Benning Basic Training Detachment. He told us that this is where "we train you to be soldiers" and he hoped we would enjoy are stay. Seemed like a pretty nice guy I thought.
As soon as he finished some guy started yelling at us to get up, stand in line, do not get out of order, don't lose the foleder we were given and he marched us single file into a giant warehouse yelling at us all the way to keep in step and not get out of order. The warehouse contained all the military clothing and other items we would need immediately. We were given quick exams and then shots via air guns by guys who had probably gotten there the day before. Some times the air guns would not be flush with the skin and the pressure would blow away part of the skin. There was many an arm dripping with blood by the time we got out side where another bus awaited.
We all filed on and I was the last one to get a seat. I heard the guy behind me who seemed to be in charge tell the driver, "Sand Hill, C-8-2." Off we went.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Just a Basic Day - The trip
Around the middle of May in 1968 I pointed my 1964 Ford towards Georgia. As far as I was concerned it was about as far away as Crisp Lake and Van Horn as I had ever been. Not really I guess because I had been to Florida several times with my grandparents, but this was the furthest I had ever journeyed by myself.
My destination was Fort Benning. I was being given the privilege to participate in a basic training sessions for two year ROTC candidates. It was a privilege because if I had not wormed my way into the program I would have been doing basic in Fort Lenard Wood and my classroom the following fall would not have been CMSC (what it was called back then.)
I was not familiar with the interstate highway system back then, I don't really even know if they had one as such, so I cut across Missouri towards Memphis. Once at Memphis I kept driving until I reached Tupalo, Mississippi, spent a short night and hit the road early.
Not much of the nitty gritty of the trip do I remember but I do recall entering Alabama and the first thing I saw was a great big sign saying Welcome to Alabama. The next sign said George Wallace's White Way. I noticed the highway was new and was pretty white. I thought to myself that who ever this George Wallace is he has a nice road named after him.
I spent the second night about 30 miles from the Georgia state line. I called a friend of mine I had not seen since high school, Mike Putman. I knew he was going to medical school in Georgia and his family had moved there also. He was thrilled to hear from me and was ready to drive to where I was, which was pretty far, but his mother decided that wasn't a good idea. I told him that when I got settled in at Fort Benning I would give him a call.
The next morning I sat out towards Columbus, GA located next to Fort Benning where I would spend the next six weeks or so. I had no idea what to expect but knew there was no going back, at least that day.
Monday, October 1, 2012
A Minority Report from a Christian Scientist
Christian Science, a real minority
In Fairmount and especially Crisp Lake
there was one Negro named Mac who shined shoes in one of the barbershops. There were no American Indians, Jews, or
Mexicans any where to be found around the neighborhood. Catholics were here and there but really
could not be counted as a true minority because most of them lived north of 24
Highway. We did have one family living
on Ash who it was suspected were gypsies, but no one knew for sure. No the only minority present in our little
community was me.
Being raised a Christian Scientist had some advantages. First of all you did not have to take the
yearly polio shot or what ever types of shots they were giving out that year at
school. When it was my turn for some
sort of vaccination a parent aid would whisper something to the nurse, a
notation was made on a piece of paper and the next child in line stepped
forward and I returned to my seat. I
really felt fortunate, shots scared me and I knew they must be painful. Secondly there were not many rules involved
being a Christian Scientist. No one said
if you did this or did that or you didn’t do this or that you were going to
suffer eternal damnation or something.
Hell was not addressed as such and talk of heaven consisted of ‘passing
on’ and living on in the minds of others.
If you were to ask people what they know about Christian
Scientist a preponderance would say “aren’t they the ones who don’t believe in
doctors?” A few might know who Mary
Baker Eddy was (she founded the religion in 1875) or that there was a news
paper by that name or perhaps to the truly knowledgeable of trivia, that the
headquarters of the church were in Boston (or was it Baltimore) and that Alan Shepard our first man
in space was a Christian Scientist. Four
of the five above are true, one is a little iffy.
The idea that Christian Scientists don’t believe in doctors
is not actually correct. Their doctrine
allows each member to make up their own mind on how to live their life given
the teachings of Jesus and the Bible as explained in ‘Science and Health with
Keys to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy,’ which includes health care. Some use doctors some don’t, some take
medication some don’t, it is really an individual choice. They are encouraged to obey all laws pertaining to
health care and if shots are required they are to be taken. There were not many laws back then that
required one to have shots unless you joined the military, ergo no shots for
this kid while growing up.
For the purist in the religion or the real conservative
types Christian Scientist do have what they call Practitioners that are
consulted when health matters arise. To
make this concept simple let us just say that if you are ill, you talk to a Practitioner. They don’t cast spells or perform rites or
anything like that nor are they licensed by the church or state as far as I
know, they just help you see the truth and as it is said, “you shall know the
truth and the truth shall make you free.”
(Another big saying that Christian Scientist have is “Devine love has
always met and always will meet every human need.”)
We had Sunday School like most all churches and I got a good
education about the make up of the Bible and knew and still do most of the
stories from the old and new testament.
Of course the healing ones depicted in the Bible were given a lot
of attention.
Other churches may have and do look on Christian Science as
a cult at least by definition just like they do the Mormons. By definition they might be correct. Christian Scientist do not believe in the trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Ghost back then)
are part of the belief system but they are all separate entities not just one -
a much easier concept to grasp. God is
that indescribable concept that resides
in that just as indescribable place called heaven, Jesus is his son, divine but
not God on earth in the flesh, and the Holy Spirit sort of mystically runs
around between humans, God, and Jesus. (I always thought it interesting that of
the two major religions started in the United States , Christian Science and Mormons, neither believe in the
trinity. It is probably a coincidence
unless one or both religions are really the chosen people and not that other
group. That is a thought that you would never hear from a Christian Scientist
but probably a core belief in Salt
Lake City .)
There is no professional clergy, (they have a First Reader and Second
Reader, one reads a Bible passage and the other reads from Science and Health
explaining what was just read by the other,) no weddings, baptisms, christenings,
official inductions nor funerals are performed in or by the church. There are no revivals, fund raisers, pot
lucks, deviations from the script prepared by the Mother Church read each Sunday
morning and Wednesday night service, nor any real fun things to do at all. It was sort of a boring church for a kid as
far as I was concerned. The service and
theology are more of a cerebral nature and if the truth be known eludes most
I never felt any prejudice directed towards me because of my
religion but I was defiantly part of a system that others did not understand
nor were interested in finding out more about and it seems like other parents always
wanted me to go to church with their children when youth meetings were
held because they were concerned about
my soul. I usually went because they
always seemed to have good treats afterwards and most were my friends from the
neighborhood anyway.
Gradually I drifted away from the church and have joined
different churches from time to time. I
have been a Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Quaker,
and Disciple of Christ church member in the past. All seemed about the same, some were a little
more demanding on how you conducted your personal life but that really never
bothered me because when it comes to religion we are all part of the same
However one never escapes his early up bringing. Ideas are planted early and lay dormant but
now and then blossom and grow. You try
to kill them off now and then but they keep coming back. I still consider myself to be a Christian
Scientist though I don’t officially or actively practice it anymore except when
I become a little ill or just before my annual physical. I have to do it all by memory now because I
don’t have any idea where my copy of Mrs. Eddy’s book is anymore.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Van Horn Gay Days
Van Horn Gay Days
You cannot so it seems have a get together of Van Horn
alumni of any size without eventually talking about the swimming pool at Van
Horn. There is always the talk of the
boys swimming nude and girls having to ware swim suits that had holes. The girls also suffered from the humiliation
of what I have heard one female alumnus refer to as the “nude parade” after
they showered.
I don’t remember feeling humiliated standing in the buff
lined up in the shower hall way leading to the swimming pool, in fact no one
really gave it much thought or so it seemed at the time. The one thing that is why in this day and age
of openness and acceptance such a thing would never happen and be fodder for
lawsuits towards school districts and accusations of teacher perversion. I mean wasn’t it more conservative back
then? Wasn’t modesty more
prevalent? Apparently not for we all got
naked and paraded around as instructed without any thought of impropriety.
Many years later a teacher at Northeast told me that since
our skinny dipping days that studies have shown that at least 5% of all
teenagers are Gay or at least lean in that direction and the practice was
stopped. If that is true I suppose the
percentage has not changed much and that means that in the 1965 graduating
class of more than 500 there were at
least 25 of our class mates when standing around naked with the same sex were
very uncomfortable and considered by officials as psychologically damaging.
I can honestly say that to this day I have no inkling of who
the 25 might have been. We had some
frail looking kids, some shy kids, and some kids that were just strange but to
consider them Gay or in those days we said queer or homo never even occurred to
me. The part that bothers me the most is
that those who were (and I suspect they were not the shy, frail, or strange
ones) must have suffered and done so in silence. What stress they must have gone through each
swim day or while taking the mandatory shower after PE.
Kids are more open and accepting today but I bet many kids still
suffer and think they are some kind of deviant and are picked on or bullied. School officials have recognized this problem
and have implemented programs and procedures to eradicate the tyranny of the
majority. I suspect the problem is becoming
less and less even though it would not seem like it if you were the target of
such harassment.
I don’t know what the swimming attire is now or how many of
the schools even have pools nor do I have any clue if showering after PE is mandatory. If I were to ask the school system I would
probably be put on a watch list of some sort and when I ran for president some
day my asking the question would be made public and the only support I would
receive would be from the Rainbow Coalition.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Crisp Lake - A short and hearsay history
There was a spring just a little northeast of what is now Fairmount that was used by the locals as were many such springs that permeated the area west of Independence . It did not take on its present configuration until the Atchison , Topeka , and Santa Fe Rail Road built a spur to connect with the Union Pacific. An earthen dam was built that backed up water and Crisp Lake took on its present form. No one is really sure if Crisp Lake was its official name or if it even had one. Someone stared calling the new body of water after Col. Crisp of the Confederate States of America and state legislator. Why they named it after him is lost to history or at least this short narrative.
Regardless after the rail road finished laying track the lake was there and some of the more prosperous in the area thought it would be a neat thing to have a summer cottage by a lake. Several small little changing stations were erected which lead to bath houses, that lead to attached pavilions, and eventually cottages were erected and sprinkled the area around the lake. To keep out undesirables an association was established called The Hutchinson Park Association. Mr. Hutchinson was the first to build a cottage and was sort of the area’s unofficial patriarch.
The house I grew up in was one of the original cottages. It was owned by my Great Grandmother Stone, who in actuality was my foster grandmother whom was always referred to as Mother Stone. Her very large house was over by Mount Washington Cemetery and 639 Lake Drive on Crisp Lake was her summer retreat.
More people started buying lots and from whom I don’t know - may be the rail road, Hutchinson, or Col Crisp. The Association remained in tack but it did not have the legal power to establish any type of building code because no one really knew to which political jurisdiction it belong. Many different types of houses were built that were lived in year round. Some were very nice houses and the people were of the upper middle class. But things change
The prosperous people eventually left the area or bequeathed their property to their relatives (Mother Stone gave my grandmother our house) and upper blue collar workers, for the most part, started moving in. Sheffield Steel and Standard Oil were very big employers in the area and Crisp Lake got its share of those families.
I lived at Crisp Lake from 1947 to 1966 mostly with my grandparents. My grandmother lived there till the early 80’s. When I lived there the lake had rock walls that surrounded it, two sail boats, thee row boats, one of which was mine, and one canoe. The deepest part of the lake had a dock, diving board and chained off swimming area. There were plenty of fish, turtles, crawdads, muskrats, frogs, and snakes. In the winter it was the main attraction for ice skaters from all over the city.
Many birds of water type variety were represented but no ducks or geese. Then one day two mallard ducks arrived just short of winter and of course the entire human lake population fed them; fed them so much that they returned the next year and brought some of their friends and then more friends each year there after. Some one must have told a goose because they started showing up and have dominated the place every since.
There was no EPA at the time to keep chemical pollution from being dumped there by an intermittent stream that some of the minor industries in Maywood used to get rid of their chemical waste. Along with the chemical pollution from the plants, the natural run off of pesticides from the surrounding terra firma and bacteria brought by the geese eventually destroyed the picturesque setting.
The social structure of the area changed about the same time. Sheffield Steel and Standard Oil out sourced and eventually shut down altogether, almost 5000 jobs left the area, the KC School District started bussing, the houses were getting old and run down as were the residents, the rock walls, dock and swimming area went into decay, owners moved out and renters moved in, and then someone, perhaps the City, decided it was no longer fit to swim in.
The Hutchinson Park Association is still in existence if not real viable and there are only three families that still live around the lake that were there when I called the place home and two of them moved in when I was a teenager. Very few remember what it was like. The Association did look into what it would cost to bring the lake back to its glory days but the cost was in the 6 figure range not counting the logistics of hauling, storing and cleaning up the mud that would have to be drudged up from the lake due to contamination.
The place has some potential given some vision and money but there seems to be no serious interest in doing so by the people who make those types of decisions. I don’t know what it would take to make the place an attractive area once again. Perhaps a ground swell of local populace marching on then occupying city hall might work. If a member of the city council was elected that lived in the area or one who grew up there might do the trick. Or perhaps some local boy who remembers what it was like back in the day will win the power ball. The power ball scenario is the one that shows the most promise I suspect.
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