I got two letters and 2 birthday cards from you. Sure thought the cards were nice. The address was to the 19 Rgt. You don’t need to put 24 Div on the letter if you don want to. It will save you a little writing.
We didn’t do much today. Trained a little bit and I helped the Platoon Sgt make up a platoon roster and graded the men in my section and recommended those who should be put in for rank etc.
What ever you send in the package will be OK. I am looking forward to it. I read about that Do It Your Self Show in Life Magazine. Just looked at the pictures and didn’t read anything about it. Don’t remember much about it but I bet it was interesting.
Well I don’t think I am being over paid very much if I am at all. They do it sometimes but they usually catch up with before long.
I never hear from Richard anymore. I think I wrote him last. He must be doing OK. I would like to go to Tokyo on R&R but didn’t mind much because I didn’t. Hope you get the things I sent and in good shape. I should think you would have had them by now.
I guess the kitchen will really be nice when you finish with it. Well not much more to write about. I’ll writ again.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
It got a birthday card from Marian today and that’s about all the mail I had. Nothing new over here. I can tell you the latest rumor. I have been hearing that the 19th Rgt is going to Japan soon. They have been having a lot of rotation drops. 11 men are leaving now for home out of 5 RCT and I think I am down to 26 now. They are up to Oct 30 now so I am by that only a month and 20 days from rotating. Don’t count on that though.. They say that there is a 500 man drop out of this Rgt that will take men up to Dec 10. That misses me by 10 days. They say they want to send the short timers home so they won’t have to take them to Japan with them. That’s about the latest.
It’s been clody and cool here today. Winter is not far off. They have the stoves for the billets and it wont be long before we put them in. It gets dark now around .
Well I lost one of the Squad Leaders. He goes home tomorrow and I had to change the Section around and while I was at it I changed it around all together. I moved some better men up around the others who weren’t any good. Some of them griped a lot. I got one wise guy and he is a PFC. He transferred in this platoon from another one. I have been looking for his stripe. Today I had to put him in his place. I called him outside and really told him off. When I was finished he looked like he was going to cry. I didn’t even raise my voice.
Well I only got 76 more days of that, be glad when I finish with those kind. Well tomorrow I’ll be 26. Thanks again for the cards and write the news. Miss you all.
Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I had a letter form Dad today, Sept 26. I had one from Jim too. He is in Ft Lee now. I guess you have had a letter form him by now. So I won’t need to send you his address.
It has rained most all day today. Haven’t done much of anything myself. The boys went out and stole 2 desks, a couple of chairs out of an empty building. I have one by my bed now. All so a telephone and I had the electrician put in a light for me. So I am doing OK now. All so the stove is going right next to my bed so I should enjoy the winter OK. I am writing this letter with a Parke 54. I bought the set off a Sgt who is going home and needed the money. I paid him7 dollars for the set which is like new. They sell for over $10 in the PX. I don’t think I like it as well as my Shaffer but can always use it. Think I will finish this letter with the Shaffer and see how it writes. (note: At this point the ink changes color to a lighter blue.)
Today is my birthday and I don’t feel any older. Probably go to the club tonight and celebrate with some of the guys. That’s about all there is to do. No new rumors to writer about. No more men are going home. A few more went yesterday evening. Sgt Pyatte is going. They are up to Nov 10 now. Pyatte is the 4th Platoon Sgt. He is a good fellow and his home is in North Carolina . Well not much more to write about. I guess I will close off for now. I’ll write more later on. Think I will answer Jim’s letter.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got several birthday cards today and a letter dated Oct 1 and an envelope with the news paper clippings about the riot at Jeff City . (note: he is referring to a riot that took place in the prison. Many years later I worked with a guy in state AG’s office who was a national guard guy who was called out for that riot.) I got a nice card from Daisy and one from Snapper. All so one from Jim, Evelyn, Larry and Mike. Each one sent me one. Evelyn sent 2 green backs in the one she sent. I will write them and thank them for it. You can thank them for me when you see them if you want.
Nothing new for me to write about over here. It’s been drizzling all day so its been wet and muddy. Didn’t do much last night but go to the club. They had Korean Band and Floor Show which was pretty good. All the Sgts were there from the company. 15 of them. We all sat at the same table and had a good time. Not much new for me to write about besides that.
Thought I would write you a line and tell you about the cards. Our company hasn’t staring pulling guard yet. Probably pull it about Saturday from what I hear. Hope you get the bird tame before to long. Yes I am getting the mail OK. Once in awhile I get one to the old address but think I have them all now.
Well tell Sam Coomer hello again for me too. Wish I could be there to help you with the work you are doing around the house. You can save some of it if you want to. Well I think that about does it. I’ll write again later.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
It got two packages today. I sure want to thank you. I really like the billfold. I needed one. My other one wouldn’t last too much longer. Those cookies were sure good too. I like the candy you sent also.
Well today was about like yesterday. Rained and drizzled all day and it has been cool. I put on a pair of long underwear tops and they feel pretty good. I write Daisy last night and thanked he for the card.
Well I go on guard tomorrow afternoon. The 19th is working heir guard different I can’t explain it to you because I don’t know much about it myself. 1st relief goes on at for 4 hours and his other company goes on for 4 hours and the 2nd relief goes on for 4 hours and then off 4 hours and then back on. I think it must have been too simple for them to do it the other way. I will sure be glad to get out of here. Hope I can be going home before to long. Sure am fed up with things here. I guess I was to use to the 5 RCT. Seems to be to much prejudice in this company. The company commander and most of the officers are Catholics and they favor and give a lot of breaks to Catholics. Reminds me of basic the way they did. (note: that might be a reason why I grew up in a household that never had a good word to say about Catholics.)
Well not much more to write about so I will close. Thanks a lot for the 2 packages. Sure like them and the billfold is real pretty.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Had a letter from you today. Oct 3. The time is going fast. By the time you get this letter and write one, and then when I get yours the month will be more than half over.
I bet the kitchen sure looks nice. I wont know it when I see it.
When does Mrs. Underwood say Donald will be on his way home. We should be going from here about the same time. Sure don’t blame him for not liking the army after being in this outfit if the 34 Rgt is anything lie this 19th. To bad he couldn’t have got in another outfit and see what it would be like. About the only thing wrong with the 19th is the officers and the Col. They mess things up and make it hard on the men. I hadn’t heard anything about not having %PM on the letters. I got yours OK so guess I can fix mine that way.
Well yesterday was Saturday and we started our guard. It sure is messed up. We are doing all the MP work on the docks now. Fill out all kinds of papers. We are responsible for all kinds of men and we never see them I am Pier NCO on Quay #2. I post guards on the ships and the gang plank, in the hatches and different places on the pier where they keep rations, equipment etc. They have everything from root beer to armored cars and tanks. When a guard reports something broken open I have to make out a dozen different reports. Well the time is what’s bad. We left here at to get posted at . We were on till Sun which is 4 hours, then we relieve the guards and went back to the guard house and stayed. We ate breakfast at in back of the MP station (PMO) and which was outside. The company brought it down to us. Then we went back on guard at about and stay till . We were off then and came back to the company. But it was before we ever left the docks. So that makes 14 or 15 hours we are down there rather than the 8 hours before when we were with the 5 RCT. We can’t sleep the 4 hours we are off because you only have about 2 hours and its cold etc. When I got back to the company it was time fir dinner so I ate, went to bed and got up at 530 to eat again and here I am. Well we go on again early in the morning and have to get up at 230 AM. So I am going back to bed when I finish this letter. We will be off 20 hours now between guards. I use to get as much as 3 days off before. Well that’s what we are doing now and probably will be for the next couple of weeks. It will make the time go faster. Will try to write more later on.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got a letter yesterday Oct 5. Thought I would write a few lines to let you know everything is OK. Had guard again yesterday and have it again today. It’s now. We are going to put our stoves in this morning. Sure got cold fast over here. I have been wearing long handle tops and they feel pretty good.
Don’t know why you are so long to get my letters. I sure hated to heard about Paul Hosted. He sure is a nice guy. Hope he gets OK. I didn’t get Snapper’s birthday cared yet (note: earlier he said he had gotten it.) Might be later. Hope the TV set isn’t in to bad a shape. Those pictures tubes cost plenty don’t they. Well I guess the mail is slow getting to you for some reason. I have written all most every day. Well not much more to write about. I got to see that the stoves get in and I got to draw some winter clothes and get a hair cut and then be ready to go on guard at . Will write again later.
Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Just a few lines to let you know everything is OK. We started guard at tonight again. Getting it everyday and it sure keep you tired. Last night I found over 1000 flash light batteries had been stolen. Those Koreans sure got them fast. We got a lot of them back. I couldn’t catch any workers with any of them so I planted a flash light battery on a Korean when I was search him. I pulled it out of his pocket and he said he picked it up off the ground. He sure looked surprised. They lie fast. Later on I found a Korean walking around where the batteries had been stolen. I left a box of 25 where some one could find them He must have seen me and didn’t pick them up. So I walked over to where they were and called him over. I picked the box up and handed them to him and motioned him to follow me. He thought I wanted him to carry them for me. I took him up to the main gate and arrested him for stealing batteries. He sure was mad. Later on I saw him at the MP station after they beat him up. I was sorry in a way that I turned him over but you have not idea how they steal. If you cold see how they are you would understand. I have to tell you more about it when I get home.
Well we got a little Korean boy in the company. He has been well cared for by somebody. He speaks only English. As far as I know he has been living on a ship and they gave him to one of our guards to take back to the company. He talks good and is real smart for a 6 year old. The company commander likes him so we are going to keep him here. We already have one Korean in the company that is 12 years old that they found I the hills in North Korea . One of the Sgts had to teach him grade school. He is a good kid. But this new 6 years old we have is real cute. Don’t know all the story as of yet. He hasn’t any clothes to wear, all his has is a shirt and blue genes. If you think Snapper has any old pants and shirts how about sending them. Just a little bit that you could send airmail. He might not be here long enough for a regular package. He like toys too.. I’ll take a picture of him and sent to you. So far he is kind of a mystery. One day in formation he was standing next to the 1st Sgt. The 1st Sgt just got finished telling us not to swear in from of him because he didn’t know any bad words. He had just told us that and stared on something else when eh wore a little bit and the kid turned his head and said, “That’s OK Sgt.” He told us at the table we shouldn’t cuss because God didn’t want Love, Ted
soldiers to cuss and he asked a Sgt if he said his prayers at night. He is Korea but I think he is half GI. Can’t speak Korean at all. (note: sort of touching. I guess Dad was not 100% a bigot. He always said it is not who or what you are it is what you do.)
Well not much more to write about so I will close. Write again later.\
Love, Ted