Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I had two letters today Sept 14 and I had one from J.Q. Not much new on this end to write about. I am glad to hear Snapper is OK now and back to school. I guess you are really laying cement around home. That’s hard work. It reminds me of the time we poured cement for the back room and we had all the beer in the tub of Ice and Old Curley came and turned the water on and off for us so he could get in on the beer.
I have heard about that picture Rear Window. I don’t go to the show much any more. But if it gets here I will go see it.
I guess that was quite a surprise for Quinton. Sounds just like him. (note: Quinton was J.Q.s dad and our uncle who was married to Mama’s sister Edith. Don’t know what the surprise was.) I would sure like to see the gang. I think about them all the time and I sure miss them.
Well I am going on less than 3 months now so it wont be much longer. I think the 5 RCT leave on a boat about the 27. They moved to the 8069 Baker Co to get clothes etc and they are just waiting to go now. Well I don’t know much more to write about so I will close . Will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
P.S. Here is another patch for Snapper. It goes with the Stem up. It’s the 24 Div patch.
Sept 25, 1954 Saturday
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well it’s Saturday afternoon now. I haven’t written for awhile. Not much to write about. I had a couple of letters from you and one from Jim. I guess Jim was enjoying himself while he was there.
We had an inspection today. First one I have been in for quite awhile. My first with the 19 Regt. It came out darn good and I was complimented on my barracks and the men. It sure is a job getting a bunch of guys ready for an inspection like that. Everything has to be just so and if it isn’t you sure hear about it.
It has been raining all day today. Looks lie it will for most of the night. I thought I would go to the show tonight and see "From Here to Eternity" again. If you remember I told you about it being about a Company G. Well it was this same Co that I am in now. Co G of the 19th Regt. I don’t think it was in the 24 Div at that time. But any way they said it was about Co G of the 19th Regt. It was a good picture and I think I will see it again. The last time I saw it was up north.
I heard that the other Div that was leaving Korean was the Third Div but I didn’t hear that the 1st Marines were leaving. They said over here that the other Div would announced when the 3rd started its move. I thought it would be the 24 Dvi. These guys here are staying in the 24 for 17 and 18 months depending on how much time they have till their discharge. The reasons is that they had been in Japan and rear areas so long and had not had much combat time since the middle of the war. General Dean was the Div Commander at one time if you remember. He was captured.
I got a kick out of what Dad said about that Spade that o worked for him. I know just what they are like. I have had to live , eat and take orders from them for a long time or since I have been in the army. I sure hate them. How do they act in KC now. Are they going to the same school with the whites. I read something about that here awhile back. They sure try to take over the army. None of them are any good. There are a lot of southern NCOs in this Co and they make it rough on them. The1st Sgt that stayed here from the 5 is a nigger. These niggers have been ganging up on the white guys down town in Pusan and they cut up a few guys in the company. This morning the CID was here looking at every man in the co. I don’t know what they wanted. I don’t think they found who they wanted. (note: What can I say. Dad was a product of his time and place. I never heard him say very much about Blacks except on one occasion. His only exposure to Black people was in the army and I guess it was not a good experience. He did mellow in later years but was in his heart a segregationist. I have often wondered what he would have thought about having three African American Great Grandchildren and how I didn’t fall into the trap and that my kids don’t even know there was a trap out there. Each generation gets a little less prejudice but the tendency is out there most of us unless you are very carful.)
Well not much new. I’ll write more later on.
Love, Ted
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