Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Just a few lines t let you know everything is OK. Had 3 letters today. Two were kind of late, Sept 30 and the other one was Oct 6. I liked the color picture. I sue was good. I am going to buy another camera payday. I have been wanting one ever sice I have been over here. (this certain type.) It’s a 2 inch I-Kenta Centessa. A German camera which cost over $150 in the states. They were always $94 in the PX but they came down. The PX finally got in 3 of them the other day. I didn’t have the money to get one but Simonie had 66 dollars so I loaned him $10 to get one. Hope they have one left pay day to get one. They are hard to get for some reason and the PX officer wouldn’t hold it for me. If I get it I am going to send you mine. It’s a good camera and worth about $75 or so in the states. You should have a good camera as long as I can get them cheap. This new one I want is the same size and make only it’s a better camera. Has built in range finder and light meter plus a lot more things.
How did Paul Harder get. Sure hope he make it OK. Might send my regards. To bad about Marian’s next door neighbor. I remember when her husband died.
Well I guess the 5 RCT is back in the state by now and starting to get set up for training. We are going to the field Nov 1 or Oct 30. Sure hat to go as it will be cold. Was hoping we wouldn’t have to go. I think we stay out about 10 days.
Well I got 3 Slicky boys last night. (Slicky means to steal.) They were stealing about 300 tooth brushes. I go on again about and have to get up at so will close . Write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted
PS Hope I make it home for Larry’s wedding.
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
No mail today so far. I had two letters yesterday Oct 7 and 8. Sounds like everything is going OK. Nothing new here. Still pulling guard. I caught a Korean yesterday fooling with Uncle Sam’s mail. Didn’t know what they will do with him as yet. To bad about Charlie Archer. Seems kind of young. Where are they going to take him. Does he have any other family.
That job you wrote about sound pretty good. I don’t think I remember Knox Chemical Company. Le me know more about it.
Well I went on guard at tonight. I got off at A, eat breakfast and went to bed and slept till this afternoon. I am going to eat dinner and then take a nap till time to go as we will be up all night. I like the guard OK. Sure is better than the field now as its is cold in the pup tents. Well not much more. Write soon.
Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I had 3 letters from you today. Everything sound good at home. Nothing new here. I only had one ship on the pier last night and no hot cargo to speak of and only had 2 guards on the pier. One on the gang plant and one in one of the hatches they were unloading. We had the hard ship last night. Went on at till then we were off 4 hours and went on at till .
Our mess hall hasn’t been able to get any sugar so the Sgt of the guard, myself, Simonie and a jeep driver went scouting for sugar. We found some on pier #3 in on of the whore house. The Sgt of the guard got the guard away for a second while Simonie and myself loaded up the jeep with 100 lbs in 10 lbs sack. We did this on the 4 hours we had off. That is about all there is on that. We got sugar for coffee and cereal now.
Seems funny you haven’t heard from Jim anymore. I had a letter after he go to Ft Lee and I answered it and haven’t heard anymore.
Well there is a strong chance I will get out of Korea Nov. There are a lot of troop ships leaving now and that is good. Probably get everyone who leaves up to the 1st of Jan. Don’t count on it though. If I do I have about a month her and if not only about 2 months. Still think I will be home by Xmas.
That job you write sound good. Find out more about it. I always like to travel Mo and Kansas . Might be what I need.
Well that is about it. Have to work on my stuff a little bit and go to bed as I get up at to go to the docks. Will writer later.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well this moths is over half gone now. Seems to have gone fast enough. Haven’t written for a couple of days. I had 2 letter from you yesterday Oct 14 and on the day before Oct 12. I haven’t much of anything but the usual thing, guard, eat, and sleep. The Koreans were going to strike yesterday but they didn’t, it was all the Koreans all over Korea because the army isn’t paying them. The reason is that the Bank of Korea save the Hawn (Korean Money) at 180 won for a dollars. The black market rate is about 400 or 500 per dollar. Everything is based on that rate of exchange. I don’t understand it to much but you have probably read something about it. Anyway the Koreans haven’t been getting paid. There hasn’t been any hot cargo on the pier I work on and I have only had 2 or 3 guards the last couple of days. I don’t mind. I spend a lot of time in the ship drinking coffee and eating rolls etc. The seaman treat the GI’s and MP’s pretty good. I even had a glass of mild. That’s something we don’t get in Korea is mild and it tasted pretty good. We get this powdered milk and you can’t drink that, you just put it on your breakfast food. Some of thee ships are pretty nice. All of them are cargo ships operated by civilians and have civilian seaman on them
They had another fire in Pusan last year about this time. It was right across the street from the docks. 481 homes. I didn’t see the fire. I saw it a couple of hours after it was about out on the way to guard.
Seems like you get all my letter all at once. They sure get tied up some place. Let them know it will you. You didn’t say anymore in your last letter. We haven’t had any rain here for quite a few days now. I never did get Snapper’s report card you wrote about sending. Did you send it. I got the letter his teacher sent but not a report card. (note: the letter ends here at the bottom of the second page Nothing followed.)
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I had a letter from you yesterday. Oct 16. I didn’t recognize any one in that picture you sent of the guys voting. I guess there are a lot of new people at Westinghouse now. I thought I wrote about the greenback you sent in the bill fold. I got two from Evelyn so that makes 7 dollars. I thought those cookies tasted like pecan pie. They sure were good. Can’t wait till I get some pecan pie when I get home. I don’t remember you writing about Mary Ellen and Marvin having a baby but I don’t remember everything since I have been over here. Probably forgot a lot of things when I get home. I heard something about married men only staying 12 months and single men 14 months but it is not official yet. So far the tour over here is still 16 months . Think Don Underwood will probably leave about the same time I do. If he didn’t he will probably leave about the 20 or 25 of Dec because they have to send you home 45 days prior to your discharge. I hear that everyone who is going to rotate in Dec will leave in Nov. They have what they call Operation Santa Clause which they send guys home early for Xmas. They also have operation Reindeer. That’s when they fly you home for Xmas.
I bought a watch from Simonie. He gust got it last payday. It’s a Benrus Citation. Cost 37.50 in the PX. I think its about 65 or 70 in the state. I bout it for 30 dollars. I wanted to get a new one before I went home and thought that was a good chance and a good buy. So fare I have done pretty good. I got a new watch, and a good camera and all so a parker 51 set. Still want to get that camera before I go home. If I can’t I still have a good one anyway. Let me know if you want the Electric Iron. Its not an expensive one but it’s a Westinghouse and its pretty good. I’ll bring it home with me or I may send some of that stuff when I come home. Let me know.
\Well not much more to write about so I will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I had two letters from you yesterday just before I went on guard and I didn’t get a chance to answer them. They were Oct 17 and 18. Glad you got your China and you liked it OK (note: my oldest daughter now as the set) and none of it was broken. I didn’t know if it was what you wanted or not. AI got it at the PX and I had to order it from pictures. I was hoping it would be OK. You had said something about sending a report card from Snapper. I never got that. I got a birthday card from Snapper and it was signed Snapper. I only got one from him.
Well when is Westinghouse going on strike. Will you still get to work. (note: my grandfather was in supervision.) How much raise are they asking for. Hope they get a raise without going on strike. (note: It was a pretty big strike and a little violent. I remember seeing in the paper that cars were over turned and everything.)
There isn’t much to write about at this end. The weather runs about the same. Some days its colder than other. Today its not to bad. We haven’t had any real cold days for awhile. We stop pulling guard Wed morn the 27 at . 1st Bn is going to take over. Guesws we will be going to the field soon. Probably about the 31 of Oct or 1st of Nov. Sure hat to go but it should be my last time.
Did I tell you I ran into quite a few guys I went to basic with here. A lot of them are in the 2 Bn of the 19th Rgt. 2 of the guys are in this company. One of the guys told me Jerry Thiderman, one of the boys I stayed with after basic is in Charlie Company just went to the 40th and when he went back to the state he was transferred to the 24th Div. I have been wondering about Sipes who was in the 25 Div. Wonder if he went to Hawaii . I haven’t seen Zink any more either. Guess he is in the 24th. Probably the same company he was in like I was. He is in the 3rd Bn and they are about 50 miles from here.
Well hope to be leaving and get home before to much longer. It’s less than 2 months now. Will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted