Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letters date September 22 and 25, 1954

Sept 22, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I had two letters today Sept 14 and I had one from J.Q. Not much new on this end to write about. I am glad to hear Snapper is OK now and back to school. I guess you are really laying cement around home. That’s hard work. It reminds me of the time we poured cement for the back room and we had all the beer in the tub of Ice and Old Curley came and turned the water on and off for us so he could get in on the beer.

I have heard about that picture Rear Window. I don’t go to the show much any more. But if it gets here I will go see it.

I guess that was quite a surprise for Quinton. Sounds just like him. (note: Quinton was J.Q.s dad and our uncle who was married to Mama’s sister Edith. Don’t know what the surprise was.) I would sure like to see the gang. I think about them all the time and I sure miss them.

Well I am going on less than 3 months now so it wont be much longer. I think the 5 RCT leave on a boat about the 27. They moved to the 8069 Baker Co to get clothes etc and they are just waiting to go now. Well I don’t know much more to write about so I will close . Will write again soon.

Lots of Love, Ted

P.S. Here is another patch for Snapper. It goes with the Stem up. It’s the 24 Div patch. 


Sept 25, 1954 Saturday

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well it’s Saturday afternoon now. I haven’t written for awhile. Not much to write about. I had a couple of letters from you and one from Jim. I guess Jim was enjoying himself while he was there.

We had an inspection today. First one I have been in for quite awhile. My first with the 19 Regt. It came out darn good and I was complimented on my barracks and the men. It sure is a job getting a bunch of guys ready for an inspection like that. Everything has to be just so and if it isn’t you sure hear about it.

It has been raining all day today. Looks lie it will for most of the night. I thought I would go to the show tonight and see "From Here to Eternity" again. If you remember I told you about it being about a Company G. Well it was this same Co that I am in now. Co G of the 19th Regt. I don’t think it was in the 24 Div at that time. But any way they said it was about Co G of the 19th Regt. It was a good picture and I think I will see it again. The last time I saw it was up north.

I heard that the other Div that was leaving Korean was the Third Div but I didn’t hear that the 1st Marines were leaving. They said over here that the other Div would announced when the 3rd started its move. I thought it would be the 24 Dvi. These guys here are staying in the 24 for 17 and 18 months depending on how much time they have till their discharge. The reasons is that they had been in Japan and rear areas so long and had not had much combat time since the middle of the war. General Dean was the Div Commander at one time if you remember. He was captured.

I got a kick out of what Dad said about that Spade that o worked for him. I know just what they are like. I have had to live , eat and take orders from them for a long time or since I have been in the army. I sure hate them. How do they act in KC now. Are they going to the same school with the whites. I read something about that here awhile back. They sure try to take over the army. None of them are any good. There are a lot of southern NCOs in this Co and they make it rough on them. The1st Sgt that stayed here from the 5 is a nigger. These niggers have been ganging up on the white guys down town in Pusan and they cut up a few guys in the company. This morning the CID was here looking at every man in the co. I don’t know what they wanted. I don’t think they found who they wanted. (note: What can I say. Dad was a product of his time and place. I never heard him say very much about Blacks except on one occasion. His only exposure to Black people was in the army and I guess it was not a good experience. He did mellow in later years but was in his heart a segregationist. I have often wondered what he would have thought about having three African American Great Grandchildren and how I didn’t fall into the trap and that my kids don’t even know there was a trap out there. Each generation gets a little less prejudice but the tendency is out there most of us unless you are very carful.)

Well not much new. I’ll write more later on.

Love, Ted

Letters date Septemeber 18, 20, and 21, 1954

Saturday Sept 18, 1954 (note: a couple of these letters may be out of order.)

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

No mail for the last couple of days. The last was Sept 9 and 10. Well I got my orders for the 1 Inf Regt. 24 Div but no orders for what company as yet. I may find out today. None of the NCOs know what company they are going to. It may come down today. They say I will most likely stay right here in this company. Don’t write me anymore at my old address , use the address I have on the envelope. The 5RCT is leaving tomorrow to process here in Pusan and will probably leave in a few days. The mail will probably be messed up for awhile. At least until I find out what company I am going to for sure. If you go ahead and mail the letters to Co G, 19 Inf Regt, 24 Dvi Apo 24% PM SF Calif they will send it on to me and it wont take to long. When I find out what compay you can change that part of it. The 19 Regt will move ito our company tomorrow. The ROKs left last week and a bunch of PFC are leaving tomorrow for the 8th Army Hqs. Don’t know what they will do. Most of the other guys are going to George Co of the 19th Regt. All I know is that I am going to the 19th Regt. Hope to stay right here so I wont have to move.

Glad Snapper has his same teacher this year. (note: I had Mrs Dodd for the 1st and 2nd grade.) Hope he gets to feeling better. Seems like he doesn’t feel well quite often.

You said something about troops that are send back being sent some place else. They probably will but the reason they wanted guys with 6 months is so they could help train the men and get more time out of them rather than some one like me.

The days a fairly worm but not lie they were. I bet Larry’s car is really pretty. Tell him to take care of it and not burn it up all at once. Dad said something about the Koreas being beat up at some time. The Japs were ruling the Koreas for 40 years before World War II. They use to beat, kill, and treat them pretty rough. That is about all they know. When you catch one stealing he expect to be beat up. The MP knock them around quite a bit when you take them in. I have watched quite a few. The young ones are worse about wsing off than the older ones. I watched on MP Desk Sgt (GI) knock one clown across the room one day because he insulted me.

Well I got a feeling I wont get quite as good a deal as I had when the 24 moves in. I’ll let you know. Will write again.

Love, Ted

Monday Sept 20, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I am in the 19th Inf Regt, Co G 24 Div. They moved in yesterday morning and I think it will be OK for awhile anyway. I to to keep the same job as Section Leader. We have a good Platoon Leader. I think we will get along OK. It sure had been a mess getting guys moved around where they belong. Haven’t had any mail lately. It will probably start coming slow now. As far as I know we will do nothing for about 2 weeks and them pull guard for 3 weeks and go to the field and train. That should be my last time in the field before I go home. I hope so any way. I think I might even make SFC before I rotate if everything goes OK before I rotate. They do thing a little bit different around here than in the 5 RCT not much different but a little. The NCOs run the company 99%. I didn’t have to move anything when I moved it. They moved in around me. Tell Mrs Underwood and Betty that I am in the 24 Div now. If I am ever close to the 34 Regt I will look Don up. Right now I thing the 34 Regt is till up north. We have a lot of me in the company. A lot of them rotate before long though. Quite a few in the next 30 or 40 days. I think there is over 240 men here now.

I scrounged up 8 pairs of fatigues now and I can change every day. Took me a long time to get that many but that’s what I have. Well not much new to write about today. If you know anyone who you thing will write you had better tell them my new address. You might tell Jim if you write him.

Lots of Love. Ted

Tuesday Sept 21, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Not much new to write about. Not anything doing today but I thought I would write a short letter anyway.

We just worked around the area today. We had PT this morning and I am a little sore. I got two letters from you. Sept 13. Guess everything is going OK. I am sory I forgot your anniversary. Time sure goes fast any more. 28 years is a long time.

I got a few pictures I am sending you. They were taken this last week. I guess you have heard that the 3rd Div is moving out of Korea. They start next month. I all so heard that we are going on the field about the 1st of Nov for 3 weeks. Hope we don’t but if we do I should be on my way home soon after we come back. Well not much more to write about. I will write again later.

Love, Ted

Monday, April 2, 2012

Letters 18, 20, 21 September 1954

Saturday Sept 18, 1954 (note: a couple of these letters may be out of order.)

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

No mail for the last couple of days. The last was Sept 9 and 10. Well I got my orders for the 1 Inf Regt. 24 Div but no orders for what company as yet. I may find out today. None of the NCOs know what company they are going to. It may come down today. They say I will most likely stay right here in this company. Don’t write me anymore at my old address , use the address I have on the envelope. The 5RCT is leaving tomorrow to process here in Pusan and will probably leave in a few days. The mail will probably be messed up for awhile. At least until I find out what company I am going to for sure. If you go ahead and mail the letters to Co G, 19 Inf Regt, 24 Dvi Apo 24% PM SF Calif they will send it on to me and it wont take to long. When I find out what compay you can change that part of it. The 19 Regt will move ito our company tomorrow. The ROKs left last week and a bunch of PFC are leaving tomorrow for the 8th Army Hqs. Don’t know what they will do. Most of the other guys are going to George Co of the 19th Regt. All I know is that I am going to the 19th Regt. Hope to stay right here so I wont have to move.

Glad Snapper has his same teacher this year. (note: I had Mrs Dodd for the 1st and 2nd grade.) Hope he gets to feeling better. Seems like he doesn’t feel well quite often.

You said something about troops that are send back being sent some place else. They probably will but the reason they wanted guys with 6 months is so they could help train the men and get more time out of them rather than some one like me.

The days a fairly worm but not lie they were. I bet Larry’s car is really pretty. Tell him to take care of it and not burn it up all at once. Dad said something about the Koreas being beat up at some time. The Japs were ruling the Koreas for 40 years before World War II. They use to beat, kill, and treat them pretty rough. That is about all they know. When you catch one stealing he expect to be beat up. The MP knock them around quite a bit when you take them in. I have watched quite a few. The young ones are worse about wsing off than the older ones. I watched on MP Desk Sgt (GI) knock one clown across the room one day because he insulted me.

Well I got a feeling I wont get quite as good a deal as I had when the 24 moves in. I’ll let you know. Will write again.

Love, Ted

Monday Sept 20, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I am in the 19th Inf Regt, Co G 24 Div. They moved in yesterday morning and I think it will be OK for awhile anyway. I to to keep the same job as Section Leader. We have a good Platoon Leader. I think we will get along OK. It sure had been a mess getting guys moved around where they belong. Haven’t had any mail lately. It will probably start coming slow now. As far as I know we will do nothing for about 2 weeks and them pull guard for 3 weeks and go to the field and train. That should be my last time in the field before I go home. I hope so any way. I think I might even make SFC before I rotate if everything goes OK before I rotate. They do thing a little bit different around here than in the 5 RCT not much different but a little. The NCOs run the company 99%. I didn’t have to move anything when I moved it. They moved in around me. Tell Mrs Underwood and Betty that I am in the 24 Div now. If I am ever close to the 34 Regt I will look Don up. Right now I thing the 34 Regt is till up north. We have a lot of me in the company. A lot of them rotate before long though. Quite a few in the next 30 or 40 days. I think there is over 240 men here now.

I scrounged up 8 pairs of fatigues now and I can change every day. Took me a long time to get that many but that’s what I have. Well not much new to write about today. If you know anyone who you thing will write you had better tell them my new address. You might tell Jim if you write him.

Lots of Love. Ted

Tuesday Sept 21, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Not much new to write about. Not anything doing today but I thought I would write a short letter anyway.

We just worked around the area today. We had PT this morning and I am a little sore. I got two letters from you. Sept 13. Guess everything is going OK. I am sory I forgot your anniversary. Time sure goes fast any more. 28 years is a long time.

I got a few pictures I am sending you. They were taken this last week. I guess you have heard that the 3rd Div is moving out of Korea. They start next month. I all so heard that we are going on the field about the 1st of Nov for 3 weeks. Hope we don’t but if we do I should be on my way home soon after we come back. Well not much more to write about. I will write again later.

Love, Ted

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Letterd dated Septemeber 11, 13, and 16, 1954

Saturday Sept 11, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I had two letter from you yesterday afternoon Sept 3 and 4. Nut much doing today. I am on guard tomorrow which I am glad to do as I get tired of doing nothing for 3 days at a time. I get plenty of rest though.

Don’t fee to bad about me not leaving with the outfit. I was disappointed OK but I didn’t feel fad about it. I am getting used to things like that anymore. I guess I had my last chance to go yesterday as the CO sent the 1st Sgt over to ask me if I would go again and I said no. I am kind of sorry I didn’t say yes in a way as I think I would like it at Ft Lewis. Yes I will stay here 15 months but those guys that are leaving here in 14 are mostly going to get discharged and can’t stay 16 moths as in my case. (note: I think he is explaining that he will have been in Korea for 15 months by the time he returns.) And some of the 14 month guys, now, have had some combat time which counts some. Hope you don’t write Symington about anything as it would do any good and I would probably have to see the Col about it. (note: Stuart Symington was the Senator from Missouri, if I remember correctly my grandfather was going to write him and tell him and demand that Dad come home because he had been in Korea a year.) I only have 3 months and 10 day to do over here. It should go fairly fast and I should get away early as every one else has left 2 week early.

I guess if the 5th would have got to Camp Carson, Colo. I would have probably taken another year and gone back as I would have been close to home. I had just as well be over seas as to be in Ft Lewis.

I didn’t catch would Dad said about alligators swimming around in the Missouri River. What did you mean. (note: It seems that I have a vague memory of some urban legend going on at the time that there were some alligators in the Missouri river.)

I guess the weather should start getting milder in KC now. It’s hot over here and has been for a couple of days. Has Jan still got the Dairy Queen. Are they going to close it this winter. If they do I guess they will be looking for work. (note: Mom and a sister-in-law ran a Dairy Queen on the corner of 24 and Noland Rd. Back then DQs only stayed opened during the summer. The sister-in-law ran off with all the money. That is when mom went to work for the telephone company.) Does she still drive the Chevy she bout from me. (note: It was a yellow convertible.)

Today is a holiday for the Koreans. I think it is their Xmas. Well not much new towrite about so I will close. Hope I get some mail today again.

Love, Ted

Monday Sept 13, 1954 9:30 AM KAT

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

How is everything going? (note: one of the first times he has used a question mark.) I don’t have much to write about but thought I would write a line anyway. It s raining and the wind is blowing today. I think there is another typhoon on the way.

I was on guard yesterday again. I think that will probably be my last time. With 5 RCT anyway. We finish in a couple of days and some one else will take over. Not much going on yesterday. Ti was Sunday and there was only one ship unloading. We did get a couple of Koreans for eating potatoes on the ship. I didn’t see any mail yesterday but I should get some today.

12 men went home today and that puts me father down the list. I think I am about 42 or 43 now. I don’t know how I will stand when the 24 Div moved in. I should keep the same rotation date anyway as they can’t keep me to much longer than Dec 20. I think there will be another drop this week which will get a few more men.

Still no word for sure as th what they will do with us but it pretty certain that we will be in the 24 Div, no change of addresses yet. Be sure to write me what Jane’s brother’s address is. The 25 Div moved 3,700 men now from Korea. It will take 1 month to get them all moved. I guess the 2nd Div is moving now. Now word on the other Divs moving yet. They just have the 3rd, 7th, 24th and 1st Marine Div here now. The air force is starting to move out and they are taking the AAA from the Pusan. That is Anti-Aircraft Artillery. They have guns set up around Pusan and the harbor area.

Have you heard of Operation Glory. that is taking place here in Pusan on Pier #1. The 5 RCT has an honor guard there during the operation. I think it is about over now. You might see it on TV or news reels. If you do you’ll know that’s where we are pulling guard. I thin Easy Co had Pier 1 and 2 and George Co has 3 and 4. Well not much new to add. So I will close. I will write again late.

Love, Ted

Sept 16, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well we are finished with guard for a while now and the 5 RCT is about no more in Korea at last. The 24 Div, 19 RGT, 1st Bn, took over our guard on the docks at Pusan. I didn’t have anything to do and I was tired of laying around so I went on guard Tue night at midnight and pulled till Wed morning at 8 AM. This is probably the last time I will pull guard with the 5 RCT. We had a company party yesterday afternoon at the beach. It was a little to cold to swim and anyway the ocean had quite an undertow so they would let anyone swim anyway so I didn’t go in. The 5 RCT has an officers club there. Kind of beach house. We had been, cold cuts, potato salad etc. I filled up with everything and helped out behind the bard. It went pretty good. They on had one fight. We had 45 cases of beer there which made an average of 14 can per man.

I had two letters from you yesterday Sept 7 and 8. Glad to get them. I haven’t been told where I am going yet but the company commander said that most everyone would stay right here in this company and be in the George Co of the 19th Rgt. No new address yet. The 5 RCT hasn’t let yet but they are ready to leave. They have their cadre picked and men are coming to the out fit from all most every Div to go back with the 5th. Most of them are Regular Army. I think they leave on the ship about the 27 of Sept. The 19 Regt will be moved in to camp #2 in the next few days. They have all ready moved into the 1st Bn.

Well I have 13 weeks and 4 days left till Dec 20. That’s 95 days. Hope it isn’t that long and I don’t thin it will be.

That wasn’t a very big article you sent me about the 5 RCT moving out of Korea to Ft. Lewis. Those parakeets are cute if they are tamed (note: my grandfather started buying parakeets for pets, he did this for several year. One died laying an egg, another flew into are front door and broke his neck, and another was eaten by the cat.) I have always liked them and would have brought one home but didn’t think it would have gone over to good. I bet the kitchen will looks nice when you get it finished and the back porch too.

If I figured right that make 3 checks you have got for 50. July, Aug, Sept. I drew $163 last pay day. I don’t know why I drew so much money all the time. I should get 161-50=111. Hope they are not over paying me any. Don’t know much more to write about so I will close off. I’ll write later on.

Love, Ted

Thursday, March 29, 2012

september 10, 1954

Sept 10, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Sounds like everything is going OK at home. Wish I was there to help with the back porch. I haven’t written for a couple of days. Haven’t had any male since day before yesterday. Had a letter from Jim. He said he was going to Fort Lee to Quartermaster’s School. Ft. Lee is in Virginia. He is just taking 8 weeks of basic that everyone takes and then he goes another 8 weeks to school. I don’t guess he is going to be in the Infantry. He is lucky in away.

It won’t be long now till the 5 RCT moves out. So far as anyone know they are leaving sometime about the 20 of Sept. The 19th Infantry Regt of the 24 Div has their advance party here and the rest of the Regt will be here about the 19th of this month. The 5RCT is going to Lt Lewis, Washington and bee stationed there. I don’t guess they are going to Camp Carson. They are taking 750 Cadre (key men such as platoon Sgts, supply, mess, 1st Sgt and Company Commander etc.) They will take 400 more who want to reenlist or extend back with them as trainers. It came out yesterday that Pvt, PFC, and Cpl with an IQ of 90 or more could reenlist for the 5 RCT and go to the states and join the 5 RCT later on. They can leave Korea up to 90 days early. The Company Commander scratched a couple of Sgt on the Cadre list. Now they are asking me to go back with them again. I would have to extend. One of the officers even called for a jeep and sent me down to the recruiting Sgt to talk to them. I told them I couldn’t do it but he said he just wanted me to go down and talk to him. I would like to go back myself. I would only had to take a year to go and it would be some good training. I think they will probably have some special training and even ski troops. If I went back I could get a 30 day leave before to long after we got back. I would probably make SFC before to long. But Ft Lewis is a long way from KC and it would cost a lot to go back and forth. I would have it pretty good. But don’t know how I would like it that far from KC for another year. You never seemed to be very fond of the idea about me staying in the army. I found out that I couldn’t take the test for Helicopter school Have you read anything about the 5 RCT going back to the states yet. It was in the Stars and Stripes that I sent to you and it was in again yesterday about the 5 taking reenlistments.

Don wonder Don doesn’t like the army from what I have seen of the 24 Div. They don’t show me much. The officers aren’t even sharp as they ones in the 5RCT. They don’t have very many Sgts in the out fit. I should do O< if they move in here where we are like they say they are. The George Co of the 19th only had 3 Sgts. Our company has about 12 or 13. They have a bunch of wise guys too. I don’t think they will get along with this bunch we have. We get some mean guys here. We got along with the 45 guys when they moved in but when we move in with the 24 I don’t think we will click. There was a Cpl Section leader here and he came in saying he was Section leader in the 24th and he had is squad leaders all picked out and everything. I wonder what he thinks I am. I have rank and time and grade on him. I guess I can use that if he try to get smart. The 45 knocked us out of our jobs when they moved in and I guess we can the same thing to them.

Well I don’t have much more to write about so I will close. I should get a letter today. If so I will write.

Lots of Love, Ted

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Three letters. Sept 2, 5, and 7, 1954

Sept 2, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Another month started yesterday. Won’t be long till I’ll be here a year. Sept 7. I got to the company on the 8th.

Not much new here. We are still pulling guard and probably will be till about the 15th of the month. I pull it about every 4 or 5 days. Sgt of the Guard. I don’t do anything besides that. I just lay around and sleep in the day and go to the club at night. Sure getting lazy. The other guys pull guard every day. The last time I was a guard I gave those Korean workers a fit. I took a pistol belt off a Korean kid. He went and got the National Police to try and get it back but it didn’t do him any good. It had US stamped on it. It was a better belt than the one I had so I changed it and turned the old one into the arms room here at the company. Once before a Korean had a pistol belt holding up a size 40 pants which were two sized big for him. I took it off of him and also a T shirt. He left the gate holding up his pants with one hand and his lunch pan in the other with no T shirt. I arrested two for trespassing on one of the piers and turned them over to the MPs. That’s about all I do on guard is go around all over the ships and piers 3 and 4 checking on different things and people as well as my guards. The people down there move out of my way when they see me coming now. I get a bang out of it. Some guar are afraid to say anything to them. I cal sure tell the Koreans off when I get started and they stand there with their head down.

Something happened here this morning I wont ever forget. I got a big kick out of it. My practical joking come out on me once in awhile. Out cigarettes we get here are wrapped in wax paper. 3 of us took our cartons and opened them up and too the smokes out of them and then filled them up with card board to make them firm and then sealed the paper around them agin. We had 5 empty cartons when we finished and they looked good. A couple of guys took them out to the fence in back of our company and sold them for $10.00. As soon as the Koreans had hold of the 5 cartons they knew they was nothing in them and the GIs already had their ten dollars. They really raised heck. Our whole platoon was out there laughing at them. The Koreans had their family out swearing at us for taking them. We sure had a good time. The Koreans are always stealing etc and it did us goode to put something over on them for a change.

Nothing new on moving yet. A couple of guys got orders for the 25 Div to Hawaii. I don’t think any of the outfits have moved. I think ours will be the first to go and it will be this month. I don’t know where I will go as of yet.

I got 5 letters from you today. One had pictures in it that you took in Colo. Sure were good. Glad you liked the slides I sent. I guess from the way you write about Don that he didn’t make any rank yet. It’s pretty hard to do in some outfits.

The storm never did hit here. Just a little wind and rain. What kind of Mercury did Dick’s sister get. She got stung I guess for 3,300. Don’t know what kind of car I will get when I get home. Might to to some honest crook and ge a good used care like the Olds I had. I thought I came out OK on that deal. I bet Evelyn’s care is really nice. Is that what they call a Starfire. I guess Jim thinks he has a rough basic training cycle. Good thing he is only getting 8 weeks of it.

That sure is something about the ring. I know it came out of one of your letters as I felt it in the envelope before I opened it up. (note: I guess no one back in KC new anything about it. It could be the power of suggestion but the more I hear about the ring the more a little spark goes off and I can almost see me putting one in the envelope while thinking he might want to get married. But that is a stretch.)

Well I can’t think of much more to write about. I will write again later when there is something to writer about.

Love, Ted

Sunday Sept 5, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Not much doing today. Everything is quiet. Yesterday I was on guard again and I wont go again till Wed. That gives me 3 days between guard that I don’t do anything. This is the first time since I have been in the army that I’ve got to take it easy.

I haven’t had any mail for a few days. The last I had was the 5 I got with teh pictures of Colo. I did get a letter from Arkie. He was telling me about KC etc. I hope to get a letter form you today. I will probably get several. Not much new, about the same old stuff, nothing new about the move… I am sending a part of the Stars and Stripes. It tells a little about the 5 RCT, it finished on the back page. I have heard that the most of us with a little time left will stay right here in the camp. The 19th Regt of the 24 Div is moving in here by the 15th of the month, so I will probably be transfer to the 24 Div till I go home. The 5th leave on different dates. From15 till the 22 of Sept. Most of the guys that are going will be gone by the 21 of Sept. They are going to take a lot of guys that are rotating in Oct back with them on the ship. They won’t be in the 5th. They will get their discharge as soon as they get back.

Well there isn’t much more to write about so I will close. I’ll write later on today if I get any mover mail.

Love, Ted

Sept 7, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

It rained some this morning and looks lie it still want to rain. Yesterday was a hot day again. They had a carnival over at the Hialeah Compound for the last 3 days. It ended yesterday. It was put up to make money for the Korean Hospital fund. All the different units in the Pusan Military Post area had a booth. Most of it was gambling booths, beer, ice cream, duck the doll, etc. Simonie and I went together yesterday afternoon We sure had a good time. Ate at "Little Italy" a concession there. Had spaghetti and meat balls and pizza pie and read wine. It sure was good. Simonie call me the Missouri Wop (dagoe.) They had a "German Beer Booth" too. We filled up on German bear after eating. The beer was really good. The Germans make good beer. They had women serving it. The Germans have a hospital over here for the Koreans. The British had a lot of concessions too. Seemed funny to see all the different people here together having a good time. Germans, Swedes, US, Australians, English, Canadians, etc. It also seemed funny to see 50 cal machine guns sitting around in different place on the armored cars in case of a riot or something.

I got two letters from you. Aug 29 and 30. Nothing about moving yet. The 24 Div is starting to move in. The 19 Regt. What was Jane’s brother Regt and Company. He may be around here before long. If he is I’ll look him up. From the way they talk they won’t be around here very long either. I will probably stay right here in the same company and be in George company of the 19th Regt. Keep writing to the same address as you have been and when it changes I’ll let you know. Well not much more to write about so I will close.

Lots of Love, Ted

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Letters dated August 25, 27, and 30, 1954

Aug 25, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well we got the news today from the CO that the outfit was leaving for the states in Sept. and would be back by Sept 30. But only 700 to 800 men would be going with the out fit. The rest would stay in Korea some place. Only key men could go. Platoon Sgts, Section Leaders etc. The only catch is you had to have at least 6 months to do in the army after Sept 30. So that put me out. I only have 4 months and 8 days to do. They may change it to 4 months instead of 6 months if there isn’t enough men. That’s my only chance. They told us we could re up and go. I was sure disappointed when I found out. I thought sure I would get to go. I will be sent to another outfit most likely that isn’t due to move right away. We will find out more about that later on I guess. I might get a break some how. I’ll let you know more when I find out something.

I hope if I am sent someplace else I can get into something besides an infantry unit because winter is coming soon and all the other units are up north.

You said something about reading about the troops leaving yet. Have you seen anything. It would have been nice to be home Sept 30 but I wont be long after that.

I had a letter from Dad yesterday and another can of cookies. To bad they laid some men off at Westinghouse. Wonder why. Wasn’t there enough work. Well I can’t think of any more to say. I’ll write you before long. Don’t send any more packages or anything of importance in you letters as I might move or something might happened to them. You can still write letter though.

Lots of Love, Ted

Aug 27, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I was on guard today and when I came in I had 3 letters from you. I had read in the Stars and Stripes about the units moving over here. I guess you have read may other letter about the 5 RCT leaving over here for the states. I guess the other RCT is the 187 RCT in Japan. I don’t know anymore about where I will go when the 5th leaves. They will leave about Sept 15 for the states. Everyone sure is sore because the way they are taking the men. Guys that have just been here 6 months are going in place of guys that have been here 12 months and more. The only way they can go is to re enlist for 1 or 3 or 6 years. A few guys are doing it. A Sgt took 6 years today and his bonus is about $1600.00. You get a months pay for each year you take and $300 mustering out pay and travel pay from Calif to you home plus rations and pay for the leave time you have coming. Sure adds up.

I could be extended for a year to go back but wont do it. You can re enlist to go to Hawaii with the 25 Div. I sure don’t know what they are going to do with all the guys they leave over here. May be they will send them home. I sure wish I could go with the 5th to the state. I would like to spend some time in the army there training those basic trainees.

Guess everything is going ok back home from the way you spoke in your letters. Guess summers is about over. Well not much new I’ll write you more later on.

Love, Ted

August 30, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Haven’t had a letter for a couple of days so I thought I would write a line this morning anyway. Seems like the letter come in 2 and d3s. I will probably get a letter today sometime.

I thought I told you about getting the spice cake. I got it in the field. I also got two cans of cookies this last week. They sure were good. Hope you didn’t mail a birthday box like you said as I might not be her to get it or I will be late getting it. I don’t need much of anything at all. You said Bill was coming home from Germany. Is he getting out of the Air Force or is he staying in. Glad you are getting the 50 dollars checks OK. Which account had 9 dollars in it. I didn’t know I had any left. How much money to I have left all together. There should be enough check to build it up over a thousand dollars by the time I get out of the army. I should have a least a thousand in Soldiers Deposits when I get home. I should be set up for awhile anyway. I get leave pay for almost 2 months and $300 mustering out pay. I can take it easy for a couple of weeks at least. Pay day is tomorrow again. I think I will put most of my pay in Soldiers Deposit. I think for the 2 yeas I have (almost 2 years) been in I have saved plenty of money that I would have saved in civilian life. Beside the 77.10 you get for Snapper. Couldn’t hardly to that with what I made at Westinghouse.

Not much new about moving. I heard that when the 5 moves in Sept that all the men due to rotate between then and Nov will rote home rather than get sent to another outfit. That misses me a little over a month. No word as what will happen to the rest of us. We will probably get sent to anther outfit that is staying in Korea or maybe get to go to another place close by. We might get a good dear out of it. Sgt Miller is trying to get me to extend for a year and go back tithe the outfit. Almost all the Sgt and SFC are going back in the company. We would all know each other and have a good time probably but we might get some place to far from KC and I wouldn’t get to get home very much and if I took another years I would loose my seniority at the job I have at Westinghouse. The outfits will be filled up with guys just out of basic or recruits and then train as a team like we use to.

Well not much more to wrie about. I am on guard tomorrow all day and that about it. It’s raining pretty good today. It s a little cooler than it has been. I’ll write later.

Lots of Love, Ted