Saturday, October 8, 2011

April 25, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I don't have much to write about but guess I will write a few lines to let you know everything is OK.  Haven't heard much of any news about moving.  Thursday night we were on guard.  I was on the main gate again.  Fri night when we got off guard Simonie, Guthmiller, and my self went to town.  Didn't do much of anything.  Drank a few beers and bought some cigarettes at the PX.  The black market in Pusan is pretty bad.  You can buy 3000 Won for 10 dollars.  If you go through the bank you only get 1800 for 10.  You can get 900 Won or 3 dollars for one carton of camels or lucky strikes.  More for the kind size.

Saturday we had inspection as usual.  Last night I stared building a foot locker and worked till 930 and finished it today.  Other than that that's all I have done.  I might go to the show tonight.  Not much else to do besides that. 

I don't seem to get any mail any more from anyone.  Haven't heard from Jim Rountreee for a long time.  I got a letter last night from you.  You asked me who paid the girls.  It cost each man about $1.50 a month.  She sews, irons and washes everyday.  She starched my clothes for me.  Irons and keeps them looking good.  I gave he some candy and gum the other day out of the package you sent.  I got the 50 dollar money order OK but not the boots.  I should get them is the next few weeks.  Did you order the dye from Cochran or what , you never did say.  I'll need dye for them when I get them.  You said in your letter that Don Underwood moved to where we did.  The 24 Div moved to where the 45 Div was.  The 3 Div moved to where we were.  I don't know who moved to where the 3 Div was.  Well hope I get some mail this eve.  If I do I will answer it in this letter.
Lots of Love, Ted

I just got three letters.  One of them was from Jim Rountree.  He didn't have to much to say.  Didn't say anything about his business.  The two letter from you were Easter Sunday and the 19th.  Sounds like you are having some nice weather.  Glad you had a nice Easter.  I enjoyed the packages you sent.  I don't know much of anything you could send except what you want.  I can get most of anything I need really.  I don't know how long we will be here.  We are going over to the Marine base to the show tonight and see "Give a Girl a Break."  Well guess I'll close for now.   
Lots of Love, Ted

Friday, October 7, 2011

April 22, 1954

Thursday April 22, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I haven't written for a couple of days.  I had MP duty in town the other night.  It is a good job.  All we did was walk around the streets.  I was with a US and Korean MP.  Had a green helmet, pistol, billy club.  We walked around all the beer joints, side streets, whore houses etc and looked for trouble.  We walked from 745pm to 1015pm.  Then I came back to the camp and slept all the next morning. 

I opened the packages.  They were sure nice ones.  I enjoyed the Easter eggs and mint candy in the little package.  I liked all the things you sent.  Magazines and all.  Also the shaving lotion.  Both bottles.  The ginger cookies in the regular mail package were very good.  They were just as fresh as they are when you send them airmail. 

I hope to get my boots before long.

Last night I got a letter from you dated March 29.  I don't know why they were so late.  The other letter was dated April 15.  You wrote on the bottom of the letter about just getting a letter from me at Pusan.  Seems like it was a long time hearing from me.

I don't remember Bill Harrington.  I think I would remember him if I saw him.  Six years is a long time to be in the army.  You asked about Sgt First Class and how many stripes that is.  A Sgt has 3 up and one down, an SFC has 3 up and 2 down.  A master Sgt has 3 up and 3 down.  So he is in between.  Master Sgt is hard to make.  We don't have one in our company.  Our first sgt is one but he works in the orderly room.  He has 3 up and 3 down with a diamond in the middle.  He is the same as a Master Sgt only he works in the orderly room and not in the field.  He is the NCO right under the old man.  We call this one First Soldier.  Burt Lancaster was a First Sgt in that picture From Here to Eternity. (note:  they have changed it around now of course.)  I would like to make SFC while I am think I can make it because I don't have enough time in the army.  They have good jobs and make good money. 

You asked what Bn I was in.  I am in the 2nd Bn.  Zink was or is in the 3 Bn.  1st Bn is a Koje-do, 2nd Bn is at Pusan and 3rd Bn is at Tageue.

We have a lot of PT here and I sure can feel it.  My feet and legs are sore all the time any more.  Yest they cut the R&R down quite a lot.  I am close to the top of the list for going but I don't care to much about going.  May put it off for awhile.  There is quite a flare up in Indo China (note: Viet Nam even back then.)  Do you think they will send troop there. (note: how prophetic.) There is a lot of talk about the 5th RCT moving out of Korea but I have been wondering where.  They are the best trained Regt in Korea and they only RCT.  It would take us about one hour to load up on a ship.  They talk pretty strong about going to Camp Carson.  I hope they do and I hope I would be one of the lucky ones to go back with the Regt.

Arkie just called.  Just wanted to say hello.  Well I go on guard in a few minutes so I will close.  I'll write you again later on.
Lots of Love, Ted
PS  I couldn't find out what that was on the envelope.  I showed it to the interpreter at MP Hq.  He said he did not think it was Korean.  I wrote o the paper what he thought the words were.  (note: Don't know what he was talking about.)

April 20, 1954

Tuesday  April 20, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I am back at the Co now and just finished dinner.  In about an hour I am going to town on the MP patrol.  Haven't done much of anything today.  I got back to the Co yesterday eve about 5pm.  I came back with the mail bag.  I searched around in it ad found 3 packages for me.  I opened one of them.  It had a can of mahogany polish (one) and two spice cakes.  We ate them coming in the truck.  They sure were good.  There were two other packages in the bag but I didn't open them.  I guess I will get them tonight.  I got an Easter card from you and Dad, it was a nice one.  I also got one from Ev and Jim.

Sorry you have to go on nights Dad.  It might not last long.  You should get more money any way.

I had a good time with Arike.  He gave me two cans of Australian Butter.  I gave one to Lt Wheeler.  He set it on the officers table.  The old man sure ate it up.  Sometime I will ask him for a pass to Pusan again so I can get him some more butter.

I am looking forward to the packages.  I hope I am still here when he brings them up. 

Well the rumor is pretty strong that the 5th RCT is moving out of Korea in July or about.  Hope I go with them when they go.  Well  don't have much more to say for now.  I'll write you tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday  April  18, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Today is Easter Sunday.  I am in Pusan with Webb.  I came down yesterday morning and have enjoyed everything so far.  I came down with the mail man and Webb came over to pick me up in a jeep.  He has a good company.  He is first cook in the mess.  I sure have eaten good.  Yesterday at noon I ate at the 5th before he picked me up.  When we got here I ate again.  Last night I had a big steak and French fries.  Best I have had since I haev been in Korea.  This morning they asked me if I could eat 5 eggs.  I said yes so he fried me 7.  I ate 7 eggs, ham, chipped gravy on toast, coffee etc.  Also we had some cream butter. (note: Webb is also called Arkie.  Mom said he was sort of a con man.  Seems like he knew how to use the system.)

It rained yesterday all day.  They had a dance in the mess hall last night.  They had mixed drinks for 20 cents a drink and beer for 15 cents.  Had a GI band.  I bought an electric razor last night.  It's a sun beam, for $18.  I thought I would try it out for awhile as my face is soar and chapped from shaving everyday with water this is not quite hot enough.  If I don't like it I am going to sell it. 

It is not much like Easter here.  It is cloudy and the sun tries to shine though only in spots.  I guess right now you haven't started your Easter yet.

Well have to go back tomorrow.  Hate to leave.  It is better than R&R here.  Arkie has the house boy make my bed, shine my boots.  He has the KPs serve me at the table.  The officers don't even get taken care of like I am.  He is quite a guy.  I don't know how he gets by with things.  He has his own phone hidden behind his clothes on the wall.  The mess Sgts even ask him before they do anything.

Well I don't know much more to write about.  I'll write tomorrow when I get back to the company.  Wish I was coming home before long.
Lots of Love, Ted

Saturday, October 1, 2011

April 16, 1954


April  16, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got you Easter Card tonight and a letter from dated April 9.  Sorry to hear you have to go on nights.  I wonder why you are.  I wouldn't think they would put you on nights unless you wanted to go, may be they have something in mind for you. 

I was on guard Wed night and all day yesterday till 6pm.  I was cpl of the third relief though.  All I did was see that the guards were posted and relieved etc.  I like it OK.  We will probably change around next time.

Yesterday I had the postman pick up an electric iron in Pusan PX.  It was a Westinghouse open handle iron.  It cost $8.25.  Cpl Smith the other squad leader in the hut went in with me.  That ought to sound good in the Westinghouse News, that I can press my fatigues in Korea.

I went into town last night and got another stamp made.  The one below is the one I had made. (note: he means a rubber stamp with his name in capital letters.)  The one I did have was the one I had made in Iwo and the other one is a hand made one I got here.  They don't print to good on this pad.

Sunday night our platoon goes on guard again.  I wont be here because I got a three day pass starting in the morning.  Sgt Jo turned my name in for me.  The old man asked me where I wanted to go.  I told him so I'll go in the morning at 7:15 and come back Monday afternoon.  I will get MP duty Tues night.  My first time for that. (note: he doesn't say where he is going?)  All they do is walk around the clubs and streets looking for trouble, etc. 

Well don't know much of  anything new so I will close.  I am sending some more pictures that I had developed.  These are not as clear as the others because they were developed in Masan.  There are three in our old area in north Korea.  You can place them side by side and get a good idea what our area looked like.  Will send a few more later on.
Lots of Love at Easter,
I sure liked the Easter Card.

Friday, September 30, 2011

April 14, 1954

Wed April 14, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

It sure has been nice today and for the past few days. Tonight I am on guard.  Sgt Walker went to the hospital so Lt Wheeler picked me for Cpl of the guard.  I have the third relief which isn't to bad.  Today I got ready for inspection.  We also have a rifle inspection.  We are by the ocean and our weapons rust fairly easy.  It sure is a job keeping them clean.  We have PT every morning.  We get more here than we had up north.  I think they want to keep us in shape.

Did I tell you we have 3 barbers for the company.  It cost us 40 Won each time which is less than 25 cents.  I get one about every 4 days before I go on guard.  I had a boy give me some lip today so I took him to the Sgt for extra detail.  He will be digging all day tomorrow.  Yesterday they posted the rotation list up.  I rotate Dec 20.  It can vary 14 days either way.  But I look to go before then.  Yesterday Arkie came over and spend the day.  He sure has gained weight 225 now.  He used to weigh 187 when he was home.  He didn't have much to say.  He goes home July.  I may go down and spend a few days with him.  I bet I eat good there.  He is a cook.  We took some pictures.  When I get them back I'll send you one.

Last night I went to town for the first time.  It sure is dirty.  The bars sell state side canned beer for almost $1 and can and we can buy if from the army for 15 cents.  I went with Sgt Wood, 57 Section Leader.  We went to a GI operated club.  It was a nice place.  Snack bar, beer, etc.  It cost $3 to join.  Monday night I went to the show and saw Calamity Jane with Doris Day and Howard Keel.  That's about that is new here.

I got you letters late about Adams making superintendent.  That was a good deal.  I knew he worked for it.  I sure couldn't see Sam Comer as a Foreman.  I remember the time when he got mad at an instructor that his wife worked for.  He is a good worker anyway.  I can just see Adams in his office.  I got your box of cookies Monday night.  The box with the candy bars.  I sure enjoyed them.  Glad to hear Mr Sears is OK now.  Hope he gets along now.  Have you heard any more about the 5th on the TV story.  You probably will.  I sure didn't expect you to pay for my boots or the 50 dollars.  I planned to pay for all of that.  Thanks a lot anyway.

I got 3 letters tonight and a C.S Sentinel.  The mail doesnt' come to much in order.  Tonight I got 3 letters, Ap 8 and 5.  It takes about the same time to get them, let me know about my letters.  The mail leaves every morning at 8am and the mail man take it to the PO at Pusan everyday and picks up the mail.  We get it about 6pm. 

I guess they haven't stared raising the allotment yet.  Before we moved I signed a new one for $77.10.  They asked who it went to and I gave you name.  I don't know what the outcome will be.  It would be nice if you would  I'll help if you ever do.  Glad you and Marian are OK now.  I got Snapper's Easter card.  I forgot about Easter "Happy Easter" to all of you.  I didn't remember what day it is.  Must be the 18the.  Still don't know about R&R yet.  Haven't got any packages  you spoke about for Easter.  Our address is the same at it was up north.  Just wish I was moving back to the state soon.  I miss all of you and being home too.  I look to be home before Christmas.  We wont be in Masan very long.  Don't know where we will go.  Probably one of two places.  To the states or somewhere around the Far East.  I got some pictures developed at the PX.  They didn't do a very good job.

Well lots of love.  Will write soon
Love, Ted

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

April 11, 1954

Sun  April 11, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

It has been raining almost all day.  Sure is wet out.  Yesterday we had inspection like we have every Sat.  4th platoon had guard yesterday too.  I had the main gate.  It was a good post.  I hope I can get it every time we have guard but I probably wont.  I went on guard at 6pm and had 2 hours of guard and 4 hours off for 24 hours.  I only had 8 hours of guard.  I went on today about from 12 noon till 2pm for my last time. 

I have been sewing clothes this afternoon and evening.  Just finished. 

This morning Arkie called me.  He had my letter already.  Just took a couple of days.  He said he was going to come over today but didn't have any train transportation.  His company commander is coming over to Masan Tuesday so he said he was going to come over with him.  He will probably come over.  He asked me to come over and stay for a week if I could. 

I got a letter from dad.  Said he had a new general foreman.  You didn't say what happened to Adams.  I don't know if I missed one of your letters or not.  I remember Jack Rambo.

Captain Book sure has changed a lot.  Guess now that we have it better he is going to be more army.  Told us yesterday that (in formation after the inspection) that he didn't have to get along with anyone except his wife and she wasn't here.  They have been giving passes out.  I haven't been to town yet because the guys say there isn't much in town except the PX etc.  I think I will go in one night and look around though.  I sent off while back for a blocked hat in the state.  Everyone wants one now.  

The R&R rotation has been slow.  No one has gone since the middle of March.  Some of the guys went yesterday and they sent them back today.  No transportation from Pusan or something so I will be a while yet.

I got you money order OK, think that will be plenty as I will get paid most likely before I go on R&R anyway.  I am glad you found the mahogany dye and polish.  You can ship some in a package when you send it.  I am out of dye now.  I have polish to last though.

I took a picture of the house girl yesterday.  When I get the pictures back I'll send you one.  I haven't taken any color pictures yet and I  have only went a few.  You got the one I sent I think. I bought a roll of color film and I haven't taken any pictures yet.  So it will be a while yet.

Glad to hear you and Marian made up OK.  Just never seemed right that you and Marian should be un friendly to one another.  I don't know what Margie wants to bother you for.  It seems funny to me.  Jim says she owes him money and Margie says that she signed a note for him.  She should know better.  I haven't heard from Margie for quite awhile.  I got a card from her when I cam back from Japan.  It was a "why don't you write" card and the other day I got a silly written note form he with her picture.  I still haven't written her.  I thought I might have Sgt Wood from my section leader write a letter for me for kicks.  Everyone writes different letter like that to different people.  Simonie writes to a lot of girls that fellow give him.  Some of the girls are ugly, they send pictures back to him.  They are the kind that are looking for a husband.  You should see some of the pictures.  Most are fat and ugly.  He really gets disgusted.

Well that's about it. Guess I'll be painting tomorrow.  I'll write you tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted