Monday, August 15, 2011

Feb 21, 1954

Feb 21, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Will didn’t get any mail today.  Thought I would write and try to answer some of the things you wrote in your letters.  I wrote Jim at the address you sent and also a letter to Marian.  I was writing this afternoon when Lewellen came in.  First time I have seen him since we got off the ship in Korea in Sept.  He has a good job and works in supply.  He came down in a jeep.  We went down to see Zink.  He said the same thing happened in his company as ours.  They put a lot of Cpls in and he lost his job too.  That’s the way it is.

Last night I went to the show and saw “Island in the Sky,” with John Wayne.  It was a good picture.

It sure is cold here at night.  It must get below zero now.  The days seem to be longer so it might start warming up some. 

We are finished with our 26 week training cycle and now we are starting another one.  We have tomorrow off because of George W’s birthday.  Next time you get a hair cut tell Reynolds the women are just like the girls in the states.  Show him a picture of the girl I sent, he will get a kick out of it probably.

I didn’t tell you I called to Arike on the phone when I came back to Pusan.  He was on R&R so I didn’t get to talk to him.  I might take a pass some Sunday and go see Richard in Seoul.  I never take a pass here much.  I will find out what he does if he writes me.

My thumb is OK now.  My nail is coming off and it doesn’t look to good but it is OK.  I am glad you liked your valentines.  I sure enjoyed mine.  I didn’t have much to pick from.  Did you say you got the book Baby-san.  It is a good joke book.  I don’t remember McFadden. (note: I guess he is answering a series of questions she asked in the letters.  The McFadden’s were the mother and father of one of my school mates.  They were from Florida, about my grandparents age, and I knew them will while growing up.  Interesting family.  I might write about them some day.)  They don’t have any movie equipment over here so you better not send any films.  I wouldn’t be able to see them. 

I found out I don’t have to make out and income tax form till I get out of the army.  I wish I could get it done now.  Why don’t you find out how I can go about it anyway.  I don’t think I would have to pay much.  Let me know just what you do about Snapper. (note: My mother was my legal guardian but I lived with my grandparents.  Dad’s child allotments went to my grandparents, but no one really knew how I should be claimed for income tax purposes.)  Jan had better not claim him.

I am glad you liked the things I sent at Xmas.  Glad they got there OK.  I think they were chop sticks weren’t they.  I will have to teach Snapper how to eat with them. (note: I  don’t remember him ever teaching me but to this day I cannot figure out how to do it and have had several lessons.)

I am looking forward to the box you sent regular mail.  I like that pepperoni you buy at the Roma Bakery.  Simonie gets some from home quite a bit and it is always OK  I think the box sent by regular mail would be better than air mail if you would like to send them that way.  I don’t know of anything I need right now.

Well don’t know much of anymore to write about.  I had a good time in Japan.  Wish I had more time to spend over there but it wont be able to.  Time sure is going fast and it won’t be long till I am home.
Lots of Love, Ted

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feb 20, 1954

Sat Feb 20, 1954
George Company

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I am back in the company now I was kind of glad to get back in away.  We rode all night in a train and got to a depot about 2.5 miles from here yesterday morning.  I came back to the co. yesterday afternoon.  I was sure disappointed when I got back.  You know the 45 Div is leaving for the states and leaving their men here.  They split all the men up into different groups.  The 5RCT got 1000 men, all Cpls and Sgts.  George Co got 37 Cpls and 15 Sgts.  They took all the jobs according to their rank.  So I was back to asst gunner.  I am not squad leader anymore, for awhile anyway.

Most all the Cpls will leave in 4 months to go home.  I haven’t made Cpl yet and it will be harder to make now than ever.  Cpt Book had put me in for Cpl with a special letter and he hasn’t got an answer yet.  I don’t know what the out come will be now.  I don’t know what they gained by sending the Div back to the states and leaving all the men here.

Guthmiller made Cpl this month so he got to keep his squad leaders job.  I am in his squad now. 

I had about 40 letters and 2 boxes of cook when I got back.  I’ll be a long time answering them.  I’ll have to slow down quite a bit.  Well I think I will stop now.  The Red Cross girls are here serving coffee and doughnuts so I am going after some…………….

I am back again.  I got another letter from Dad awhile ago dated Feb 14.  I guess Richard has a good dear now.  He hasn’t got it so bad in Seoul.  MPs over here have it pretty good.  They ride around in jeeps, walk the streets, direct traffic etc.  I wouldn’t mind something like that.

Thanks for the pictures you sent.  I will have some fun with them.  I also enjoyed reading the letter I wrote in the Westinghouse news also about the article in the paper about NCO school.  I remember when I was there I filled out a paper with my home address and your names.  They must get the news from that.  I filled one out at Eta Jima too.  So watch the paper

I am glad you like the robe Dad.  I thought you would enjoy it.  I liked it myself.  It is usually worn around the house over your pants and shirt, not necessarily over pajamas.  How did the jacket fit.  Also how did the one fits Snapper. (note: Both fit fine.) 

Thanks for the valentines and the money.  They sure were sweet.  I had a lett from Jim and Rosalyn but they hadn’t moved yet.  I will write to the new address you sent.  I got a letter form Marian too.  She sent a picture of her and Jimmie.  He sure is growing. (note: Jimmie grew up to become a profess or Spanish at a major university in Indiana.)  Marian said he is quite a book worm.  I showed Marian’s picture to some of the guys and they thought she was my girlfriend.  They did not believe she was 39 years old. (note:  Given the fact that Marian and my grandmother were on the outs I bet she really liked hearing that – not.  Many years later Marian contracted Alzheimer but did remain a real beauty till her death.)

About the tax statements.  I don’t know what to do.  I guess I’ll wait awhile and see what you do about Snapper.  They haven’t said anything here about paying income tax.  Let me know just what you do.

Simonie never has heard from Marilyn yet.  I guess her mother doesn’t want her to write.  He asked me several times while I was reading my letters if you said anthing.  He is going to Japan now.  He is going to an intelligence school for 3 weeks and Camp Drake.  He is getting a good deal.  He leaves about March 1st.  Wish I could get another school  Probably won’t get anymore.  

I couldn’t find a Zippo lighter just like I wanted to send Dad.  They had a lot of Ronson type but they weren’t very good.  I will be able to get one for you on R&R also the things you sent on the list.  The pearls I saw were mostly cultured pearls.  They are supposed to be good.  A good single strand cost around 25 dollars.  Let me know what you think.

About where Eta Jima is.  You find Korea on the map.  Well Eta Jima is one of the 2 Islands right off the from Kure.  You have to go there by a ferryboat.  I don’t think it is named on a map.  Those cars you saw were officer’s cars.  All the camps are fairly modern like the pictures. 

Marilyn Monroe was here while I was gone.  She was at the 40 Div.  They took the 5RCT up there in trucks.  I sure would have liked to have seen her.  You probably read about it in the paper.

I am sending you some pictures of some Moose or Mayas.  I found them when I was in Pusan.  I thought you might like to look at them.  They don’t look as good as the Jo Sans in Japan.

What did you think of the picture I sent of the Jo San in Eta Jima. (note: I am not sure if Jo San was meant to be plural or if it meant the one he dated while he was there.) 

Sounds like Snapper is doing OK in school from the looks of his grade card.  I hope he keeps it up.

I am sending you another picture of myself in color and another one of myself in Eta Jima.  I still have a lot of pictures to send yet. 

Well I think I will close now and I will write you later on tomorrow and read my letters again and try to answer them.  Well hope things work out over here.  Maybe I’ll make Cpl yet.  I am looking forward to that package from Kentucky. (note:  You want to bet it wasn’t Old Kentucky in a Old Spice bottle.)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Feb 16, 1954

16 Feb 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I am back in Korea now.  We left Sasebo yesterday afternoon about and got in the Sgt Keathly.  We got to Pusan about .  We are at a replacement depot and will probably be there till tomorrow sometime.  I hope I get back soon.

We had a fairly good trip back to Pusan, there were about 300 troops on the ship.  It is misty here but ot to cold.  I have got out of a lot of cold weather since I have been here.  There is only 2 months of cold weather left, March and April.  I will have been gone about a month tomorrow.  I bet the company has changed a lot when I get back.  A lot of the guys will probably have gone home and then there will be lots of new ones.  I’ll have plenty of mail when I get there too.  I’ll have a lot of letter writing to do to answer them.  I hope I still have my job when I get back as section leader.  I will have plenty of pay coming too.  I only got 68 dollars last time I was paid.  They were 40 dollars short.  I am sure broke now.  I have 1 dollars left.  I think I will go to the PX and spend that so I can say I am broke.

I would like to call Arkie up while I am here.  They don’t like you to use the phone here but I may find a way to do it.  I wont be here long enough to see him I guess.

I guess you are starting to have a little nice weather at  home now.  I know you had some worm days in Feb.  It shouldn’t be to long till you winter is over. 

Time should go fairly fast over here now.  I hope I get home befoe the year is out but it may be Dec.  It’s a 16 month tour.  They have never made it 12 months yet. 

I was told in Sasebo that Sigman Ree wanted to send troops to Indo China.  They told us to write home and tell the the people back home to write letters (to the president from organizations and people) and say that if Ree had so many troops to spare why not send us home from Korea.  I haven’t read anything about it in the paper, maybe you have. (note:  This was very interesting to me.  Viet Nam was heating and having an effect on the US long before most of us realized it.)

The 40 and 45th will be leaving soon and the 24 Div will take their place.  So I guess Donald Underwood will be going north befoe long.  What have you heard from Richard J.?  I have been wondering about him.  You probably said in one of your letters.

I really enjoyed my trip to Japan.  I saw a lot of things and learned a lot and will always remember it.  The people think along the same lines as we do but only different. (note: sounds like a quote from Yogie Berra.)  They have different customs etc.  For instance I went to the rest room in Korean one time and the women and me us the same restroom.  They don’t think a thing about it.  But some of the places they cater to GI’s do.  In this one night club I was at in Sasebo they had a woman in the restroom to keep the place clean and shine shoes etc.  Well I saw so much and did so much I couldn’t start to tell you about all of it.

Well I will write you as soon as I get back to the company, if I leave tomorrow.
Lots of Love, Ted

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Feb 13, 1954

Sat 13 Feb 54

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I am still here.  I don’t guess I will leave before Monday.  I’ll sure be glad to get out of here.  Now I am on guard again.  This is my 2nd time so far.  Hope it is the last time.  Haven’t done much.  I went to town Tursday night again.  Did about the same thing.  That was my last pass in Japan.  We turned in all the clothes we had yesterday.  I got some extra socks and shorts so I think I’ll have enough to last me for the winter now.  I sure will be glad to get some mail.  I’ll be gone almost a month in a few days, so I will have a lot of mail to read.  You can mail that paper I got from the Col and Major back.  I might put it in my record jacket in case there isn’t  one in there.

I’ll be glad to get back to the company for severl reasons.  To find out if I made Cpl and get my mail etc.  I haven’t written much of anything because I have a hard time  trying to write when I don’t get any mail.  Not much of anything to write about camp.

I went to the show last night and saw Band Wagon.  I saw it once before but I enjoyed seeing it again.  I have been wondering how everything is at home and what is new but guess I’ll find out most everything when I read the mail so I won’t ask anything now.

I haven’t seen Richard yet.  He may have been here and gone already or maybe he isn’t here yet. 

Hope you like the things I sent home.  I really liked the smoking jacket I sent dad.  Hope it fits OK.  Let me know.  Hope the robe fits Snapper too.  That seemed a little to large but he may be able to wear it later on. (note: I remember the smoking jacket and my robe. It fit just fine.)  Those scarves are Georgett silk.  Hope you like them.  I saw a lot of them I would like to send but thought I would wait till I went on R&R and send some better things.  I should go before to much longer.  Well I don’t have much more to write for now.  I will write later on.  Hope I get back to the company soon.
Lots of Love, Ted

PS  I have some more patches to send Snapper (note: I now have them framed, but I think I have mentioned that.)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Feb 10, 1954

Wed Feb 10, 1954

Well I am still here at Camp Sasebo.  Looks like I will be here for a while.  I never did see Richard.  The ship that came in Sunday with all the guys is gone already to Korea.  He may have been on one.

Monday 3 of us went in to town and had a good time.  First time I have seen the town.  It is fairly big.  Lots of Sailors of all kinds.  The town is high priced on everything.

  Last night I got stuck on guard.  That is the first thing I have done since I have been here. 

I got a line number today for the ship but haven’t had any word on when I am going yet.  I think it will be next Monday.  I am anxious to get back.  I bet I have a lot of mail there.  I am tired of this place.  We traveled good until we get back to this place.  They sure give us a run around.

I don’t know what I will do tonight.  May go to the show or something.

The weather is nice today.  About the best I have seen for quite awhile.  The sun is out bright and it is nice and worm.  It looks like this month will be gone pretty fast by the time I get back to the company.  I’ll miss plenty of cold weather I hope.

I hope when I get back I still have my job or a better one.  I still have a lot of pictures to send but I wanted to show the boys some of them.  So when I do that I will send them all.  A couple of the boys are leaving tomorrow for Pusan.  I think I am going to Inchon.

Well I don’t think I will go to town any more here.  I am about out of money.  Monday night we went to a big Japanese night club.  Had a big dance floor and a 12 piece band.  It was sure something.  Well I will close for now and write you later on.
Love, Ted

Friday, August 5, 2011

Feb 7, 1954

Sunday Feb 7, 54

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

We left Eta Jima yesterday afternoon at .  We got on a train at Kure.  It was a troop train.  Not to big.  All the guys were going to Sasebo and had just finished the CBR Course.  All of us in the MOI split up and about 6 of us stayed together.  We got a car with the officers..  We ate dinner on the train and we had a birth.  We got at Sasebo at this morning.  We got off the train and they took us to the camp.  We ate breakfast and had a clothing shake down.  I guess we are going to get a complete new combat issue here.  I already have everything back at the company.  We finished by and I have been sleeping all afternoon. 

There were about 3000 troops that came in today from the states.  I thought I saw Richard but am not sure.  I think I will look around this evening.  Let me know when he got here incase I don’t find him.  We will trade our clothes tomorrow and I think we will go back Tuesday sometime.  I don’t guess we will have as nice a trip going back as we had coming here.

I sure have enjoyed the trip here. (note: I wonder if the girl he met there had anything to do with it.)  I am ready to go back now though.  It will be good to get a letter form you.  It seems like a long time since I have heard from you. 

Hope you like the package I sent and I hope the one I sent Dad fits.  They only had a large but they said it was small for a large.  It was made in Hong Kong.  They sure have quite a trading business with Hong Kong.  You can buy a tailor made cashmere suit that would cost 175 in the states for 35 to 50 dollars here.

Well I think I will go up to the PX and snack bar and look around.  I’ll write again as soon as I can.
Lots of Love, Ted

Friday, July 29, 2011

Feb 5, 1954

Fri Feb 5, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

This is my last day in Eta Jima.  I leave tomorrow at .  I sure hast to go back.  I have really enjoyed these two weeks.  I finished the school in good shape.  There were only 10 of us that got our diplomas yesterday.  The rest of the guys had to go back this morning and talk to the instructor.  They gave the rest of us the day off.

I have not done much of anything  today.  Just resting etc.  I have two packages to send.  One for Snapper with you scarves in it and one for Dad.  Yesterday I mailed some valentines.  They didn’t have much variety of cards so the card were not just what I wanted to send.  There are two other packages I wont be able to send till I fill out some cards and have it signed by an officer.  I should get that done by and they will be on their way.  I hope the things are not to heavy to send airmail.  I have been wondering if you got the other things I have sent before Xmas and if they got there not broke up.

I guess I have a lot of mail back at the company.  I’ll be glad to read them and find out what is new at home.  I have been wondering home Jim and Rosalyn are now.  I guess they have moved by now.

They say it is cold over in Korea now.  More than it has been.

Hope you like the pictures I sent in the valentines.  I still have a lot more to send.  I’ll send them right away.  I saw the Noritake China again.  There are several patterns to pick from.  I don’t have enough money to get it this time but I will have on R&R.  (note:  I don not recall Dad ever sending the China.  He might have been but it never made any impression on me.  I know my grandmother had China but don’t know where it was from or where it is now.)  I will probably go in a month or so. 

Here is a picture of Kiyoko Shimokawa and myself.  I took these with my camera.  She sure is a nice girl.  She is on the quiet side.  Works at the PX.  Have some more pictures to send.  Will send them later on.  I’ll write soon.
Love, Ted.  (note:  Dad has mentioned this “nice girl” before but I don’t recall anyone ever saying anything about it.  It will be interesting to see if I come across any pictures of her or if there is any further discussion about her.)