Tuesday, June 14, 2011

December 15, 1953

Dec 15, 1953  Tues

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I was on guard last night so I didn’t get a chance to write.  School is going OK so far.  I have 3 tests tomorrow.  They will be rough ones.  I hope I make a good grade on them.

I gave my PT yesterday.  I did good on it.  I told the class how the exercises were done and then demonstrated by using a demonstration.  I made 70 points out of 70.  I took a Radio test and got 37 out of 40.  That was high in the class.  I fell down on a terrain evaluation and only got 56 out of 70.  I lost 14 points on that.  That was a hard test.  I think there were 18 out of our class that failed it.

I got a letter form you and a package.  The letter was the first one that said PFC on it.  The package was the one with the shoe dye.  The weather has been about the same here.  Cold but we keep the stove on at night so we get up to fairly warm.

Well it is not long till Xmas now.  Just 10 more days.  Hope you have a good Xmas.  Next year I plan to be home.  Wish I could have done more for you but I couldn’t send much.  I’ll make up for it when I go to Japan.

School will be over right after Xmas.  I sure would like to make honor student.  I would have to have 900 or more points.  So far I have done good but there are quite a few more tests to go.

I give my second presentation may be tomorrow or the next day. 

Well I have been enjoying the box.  The fruit cake sure is good. 

I saw a good picture tonight, “Breaking the Sound Barrier.”   It was about the jets going faster than the speed of sound.  You would like it.  Well I better close for now.  I’ll write later.
Love, Ted

Monday, June 13, 2011

December 13, 1953

 (Turkish 5th RCT patch)             
Sun  Dec 13, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got up about this morning.  I missed breakfast so I opened up a can of fruit cocktail, made some coffee and had some fruit cake.  It sure was good. 

I went back to the company and saw some of the guys.  Sgt. Gretize is leaving tomorrow.  Him and Sgt Hill.  He said he would call you up.  He is a nice guy and you would like him OK.  Some of the guys are gone already. 

I ate dinner and fooled around for a while.  They had a USO show but I think I saw it here so I didn’t stay. 

I think I will be a squad leader when I go back.  They also lifted the time in grade, so I might make corporal when I get back.  I hope so.

I came, back took a shower and studied a little bit.  Guthmiller left and Simonie came down.  I think I will go to the show again tonight.

I got a package to day dated Dec 3.  Cookies and candy.  I also got a Xmas card from Keith.  The first card I have got yet, a letter from Evelyn and a Westinghouse paper and 2 letters from you. 

I am glad you are OK.  Guess you hadn’t heard about me making PFC.  The night problem we had when were were out for 3 days wasn’t bad at all.  They had another one over night this last week and one next week already and another one is scheduled for Jan 14 already.  That one will be a 3 problem exercise.  So I will be back for that one.

I doesn’t seem like two years that JQ took his physical and didn’t pass. 

What rank did Glen have when he came home?  I just wondered whether they gave rank out when he was in.  I am glad everything is going OK at work.  It will really be a boom when the plant expands.  Well I don’t know much more to say, so I will close.
Lots of Love, Ted
5th Army Patch

Saturday, June 11, 2011

December 12, 1953

Dec 12, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I finished my 2nd week of school today.  First two weeks weren’t bad and went fairly fast.  I think the next two weeks will go fairly fast too. 

I saw a good show tonight. 
Main Street
to Broadway.” 

I opened the other package tonight.  It was loaded with food.  I’m going to enjoy it.

I might go back to the company tomorrow if I can.  Guthmiller finished school today.  He finished 20 th  in his class with 834 points out of 1000.  His class only had one honor student and he was from the 5th RCT.  In fact the first 4 in the class were from the 5th RCT.  This is a 3rd Div. school and the 5th only sends a few men each week.  I think there are only 7 from the 5th in our class.  The rest are from the 3rd. 

It sure has been cold here the last couple of night.  I think it has gone down to about 20 or 18 above.  It doesn’t seem much like it because we are exposed to the weather so much.  We keep the stoves on here at the school all night and it is not too bad when we get up in the morning.  This morning we put a liner in our tent.  It is made out of muslin and it goes on the inside of our tent and it hangs down a little bit and leaves a space between the liner and the tent.  It sure helps a lot.  It is white and it makes the inside of thent light too.  I hope we get them in our tent back at the company. 

My cold seems better.  I think I am getting over it fairly good. 

I sure like my bracelet and lighter and the other things in my box.  I hope you get the things I sent for Xmas.   Your should get the things I sent first by the last of this month and the other things I sent last weekend, by the last of January.  I hope you like it OK  They are not much but I thought you would like it.  They were not many gifts I could send to one person so I just sent them to all of you and for the house.

Well I wish I could be home for Xmas.  I guess they are putting up light and trees by now.  They have a tree up here in the mess hall.  Well you can plan on me being home next year for Xhmas any way.  It won’t be to long.  I hate to be away but I don’t mind to much.  After you are away for so long you get fairly use to it.  There isn’t much you can do about it.  I am doing fine and we can make up for this Xmas next year.  Well think I will go to bed now.  I will write later.
Love, Ted

Friday, June 10, 2011

December 11, 1953

Friday Dec 11, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well today I gave my first talk.  I did OK as far as the instructor was concerned.  He said it was one of the best so far.  I still have tow to go.

I took a map reading test and go 50 right out of 50, so I didn’t lose any points there.

Tomorrow we finish our 2nd week and we just have two more to go. 

At today I got 2 letter and 2 Xmas boxes you mailed the 4th of Nov.  Also the can of fudge you mailed Nov 7.  I opened the fudge at .  It sure was good.  Tonight I opened the smallest box.  I sure was thrilled with my lighter and bracelet.  I sure liked them.  I needed the lighter.  It is the first one like that I have ever seen.  I needed the smokes too.  Thank Daisy for me will you.  Also Evelyn and Harley for the hand warmers.  I will use them too.  I can’t remember everything I got but all of the package hasn’t been opened yet.  Thanks for the shaving lotion.  Was that Rum or what?  I tasted it and thought I was drinking shaving lotion at first.  I haven’t ever gotten the packages that Jim sent yet.  I was wondering if his stuff was in that package.  I haven’t opened the other package yet.  I think I will wait a few days. I will be here Xmas unless I go back to the company.  I hope I can.

Well I think I will go to the show.  A Jessie James picture is there.  Last night I saw the USO Show again.  They told us the USO fund was out of money and we wont get many  more shows unless a Company back in the states send some over like Stanly Home Productions.  I don’t think anyone cares much.  I don’t care.  You get use to not seeing anything like that so you don’t miss it.  A good show is OK. ……. Well I just got back  from the show.  It didn’t show me much. I guess I will shave and go to bed now.

I got a letter back that I mailed Snapper.  I am supposed to write my name and the word free airmail rather than to print it.

I guess in my last letter I sounded like I felt bad.  I wasn’t exactly.  I am ok and doing Ok.  I still have my cold but I think it is getting better.  Well I don’t know much more to say for now .  So I guess I will cloes.  Will write again soon.  Sure enjoyed the packages
Lots of Love, Ted. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

December 9, 1953

Wed 9, 1953

Dear Folks

I got plenty of mail tonight.  4 letters from you and one from Bill Anwalt.  I also got the package with the coffee and tobacco in it.  I haven’t got the package with the fudge in it yet.  You said you mailed it Nov 7.  It should have been here Nov 15 anyway.  This package I got tonight was mailed Nov 12.  The mail must be slow because of the Xmas rush.

I was glad to hear you had a good thanksgiving. 

Everything is going good here at school.  I for got to tell you it snowed the other day but by it was all gone.  It is cold some days and some days it isn’t.  We wear our thermo boots most of the time here.  They sure are hard on you feet.  Your feet sweat all the time and when you take your boots off your socks steam when they hit the cold.

I haven’t  given my talk yet.  They had some guy give a talk and it was good and the instructor asked him if he wanted to stay at the school.  This fellow was a Sgt First Class.  That would be a good deal.  I am ready to give my talk.  I don’t think I will be afraid to give it.  I am going to talk on the Phonetic Alphabet.  I am going to give my second talk on intelligence.  A part of it will be about war documents.  I think my third talk will be on the motor.

Some of the guys are flunking the course already.  We had a USO show and they would not let the guys go who had failed any tests.  The show was good.  Had 4 good looking girls in it from the states.  It was the Home Production Overseas Show.  I didn’t hear about the fire in Pusan.  I think my mail comes from around Seoul.

I didn’t mean to sound in my letter that I was angry about the place.  I was just griping a little bit.  Everyone does .

I think the tour will be cut down to 1 year.  The cold doens‘t bother anyone to much.  You get use to it.  Well I haven’t got much more new to say and I have a lot to do.  I have to study a little.  I think I will make some coffee and eat the little fruit cake.  I’ll write you again later.
Love, Ted

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

December 8, 1953

Tues Dec 8, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I thought I had better write you a letter so you would know I was still thinking of you.  I studied last night and didn’t have time to write.  I thought I would give my talk tomorrow but I wont give till Thursday.  I haven’t had any mail for a couple of days.  I have some mail at the post office but when I went over to get it tonight they were closed.  I will get it tomorrow.

School is going OK so far.  I took a test the other day and got 29 out of 30.  That was on CBR.  We had a map reading test today but I don’t know the score on it yet.  I think I did ok on it.  Thursday I also will give my PT test or class.

 I went to the show tonight and saw Return to Paradise with Gary Cooper.  It was a good picture.

 Time goes fast here and it won’t be long till I’ll be back at the company.  I hope I can get over 900 points while I am here.  So far I am doing OK and I haven‘t had any demerits or gigs yet.  Well I don’t know much more so I will close for now.  I have a lot to do.  I’ll write again later.
Love, Ted

December 6, 1953 (letter to Snapper)

Sunday  Dec 6, 1953

Dear Snapper

How are you.  I guess you are being a good boy like you always were.  How do you like school.  What would you like to have Santa bring you for Xmas.  Your Daddy is in school now and I am learning jus like you are.  I sent Baba some Korean money.  10 Hawn, 10 Won, 5 Won.  Hawn and Won are the same thing.  It takes 180 Won to make one GI Dollar. I also sent some military script.  That is what we use in place of silver.  They have 5, 10, 25, and 50 cents in the same size.  The one dollar is a little bigger and the 5 and 10 dollar ones are larger than the one dollar.  I got you letter the other day.  You sue can write good.  Your daddy has one stripe now so I will send you one for your jacket and also a patch that I got from the Korean PX.