Monday, March 14, 2011

August Explanations

Camp Stoneman was used as a debarkation point for WWII and Korea.  Thousands of men went through there.  Any of you that have been in the military know that there is plenty of nothing to do a lot.  Those in charge have to make up things and the troops know this so they become a little passive aggressive.  The funniest thing is when they were all marching about, about 150 Dad says, and were halted in front of a company headquarters.  As soon as they were left alone, all 150 scattered simultaneously.

His orders to shoot anyone who tried to escape when he was at a detention camp must have been sobering. 

He mentions several people again but the only one who I sort of remember is the guy named Zink, I think he lived down the street from us and his family owned a dry cleaners in Fairmount for awhile.  I guess he was not too mad a mom because he sold her his car.  He seems to be with all the guys who had the "special" training. 

The ship must have been an experience.  He had never been on one and I thought it amusing that he said when the sea got choppy, that it was "the roughest he had ever seen." 

I thought it interesting the way he washed his clothes on the ship.  I wonder how many guys threw their clothes over the side and lost them because they didn't tie the rope tight enough.

The last letter I posted just exudes his fascination with Yokohama and Japan in general.  It was the first time he had ever been out of the country and you can tell how excited he was.  I remember very vividly the stuff he sent back and still have several of the items.  I had a denim jacket with all the patches he sent sewed on and was quite the hit at school and the silk embroidery jacket he finally did buy and sent home.  It was reversible and very colorful.  I have no idea what happened to either jacket.

Dad is getting ready to take off from Yokohama and really does not know where he is going to be stationed yet. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

August 30, 1953. Yokohama

Sun Aug 30, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad and Snapper

Well we landed in Yokohama Sat about noon.  It sure was good to see land again.  A few of us were lucky to get a pass.  I left the ship about 5 pm and didn't have to be back till 11 pm.  I sure enjoyed myself.

I had about $5 and changed it to 1800 yen.  I saw a lot of things I would like to send home.  I will the next time I get a chance.  I bought a lot of small things.  This stationery was 150 yen, rubber shower slippers 200 yen, cigarettes 40 yen, I had a guy draw my picture for 200 yen.  I'll send you that.  Beer is only 160 yen a quart.  A girl sits with you and pours it for you and talks to you.  They really treat you nice here.  They talk enough English that you can get along good.

It was cloudy and to dark to take pictures. 

I saw a jacket I would like to send Snapper.  It's a silk zipper jacket with embroidery on it.  It only cost 1100 yen which is about 3 dollars.  360 yen is a dollar.  I will get another chance before long probably.

You should write me and tell me the name of that China you want, and anything else you would like.  If I go to Korea I can come to Japan every 3 months for 7 days.  That's the way they do now any way.  Everything is dirt cheap.  I really like it here.  Yokohama isn't the best place in Japan though.  I was surprised at it in some ways.  They drive American cars here, Fords, Chevy's, Plymouth's etc.  There are 47 and 48's mostly.  They dress American style and oriental.  They don't wear shoes much, mostly sandals.  Their stores are neat and clean. 

I went to the United Nations snack bar and had a club sand. (ham, cheese, tomatoes, potato salad, 3 Decker) it only cost about 30 cents.  It was a regular American place where they serve only GI's.  You can spend American script there.

Coming in to the bay there were a lot of ships and fishing boats.  The sky was cloudy and misty and we couldn't see very  far and they played music.  The only people who got off were Air Force officers.  We stayed here all night so they gave out a few passes.  I was the only one of us who got a pass.

In town they don't ware ties.  Our ship is going to leave here before to long, it is about 11:30 am now.  I'll be glad to get where we are going.  I am a little bit tied of this ship.  I guess we go to Sasabo, Japan from here and then they send us from there.  Where that is going to be.

I sure wish you could be here to see the country.  It is really something to see and something I will always remember.  I would like to have spent more time here but I guess I will get another before to long. 

What size jacket should I get Snapper.  I don't want to get one too small.  They showed me one for a boy 6 years old but I couldn't tell if it would fit him or not. 

Write me and tell me anything you want.  I looked for a zipo lighter for Dad but all I could find were those that looked liek a Roson.  I can probably find one a little later on.

This paper is Japanese Wood Paper with lacquer paint.  I thought it was very pretty so I got some.  Each page is different.

Well I can hardly wait until I hear from you.  I sure hope I get some mail from you.  Hope you tell me all the news about everything and everyone.

Well not much for me to say for right now.  I'll write tomorrow or the next day.  This letter probably wont get mailed for a few days.

Lots of love, Ted

P.S.  A am sending a few thing home to keep as souvenirs.  They money is only 10 yen.  It isn't worth much considering that 360 yen is only 1 dollar.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 9

...continued.   The next day.

Aug 29.  I finished KP again.  The sea is plenty rough.  Today I was standing on deck and a wave splashed up over the rail.  I got plenty wet.

We will be in Yokohama in the morning.  I don't know whether we can get off of the ship or not.  We can mail our letters no so I guess I will mail this one.  I'll write again a little later.  Hope to get some mail from you soon so I can know what is going on back home.  Everything is OK with me.  I hope it's OK with you

Will write again soon. 

Love, Ted

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 8

continued the next day....

Thurs - August 27, 1953

I just got off KP.  Started at 2:30.  I didn't do anything this morn much.  Last night I played bingo.  They really had some nice prizes.  I didn't win anything.

It is really hot here.  I use to think some nights at home were hot to sleep but this is worse I have ever seen..  Your are just wet with sweat all night long.  Pillows and bed are soaked when you wake up.  The weather is pretty rough.  It has been windy today and yesterday.  The water is choppy.  About the roughest I have ever seen.  We have been out about nine days now.  I guess we have gone about 4000 miles now.  We are close to Japan.

I have a new patch for Snapper. It is the 82ne Airborne Division.  I will send it when I get a chance.  I also got a card and a certificate for crossing the International Date Line.  It is a custom to get one when you cross the line.  I'll send that also.

I don't know much more to say.  I go on KP in the morning again so I'll write tomorrow evening.


Aboad the USNS Meigs-part 7

almost there........
....continued from August 26, 1953

This afternoon I went to the Sea Store and bought a box of cheese-it the had pecan rolls there, so I bought one of those.  A big roll for 30 cents. They are not as good as the ones you use to get though.

Before we get off the ship we have to change our money to script.  We can't use US money there.  We can only use script in army PX etc. not in town.  I only have 4 or 5 dollars to change.  I would like to keep about 2 or 3 dollars.  They say US money is worth quite a bit in Japan.  I may have you send me some in the mail.  Well I think our compartment plays bingo tonight.  Think I'll go play.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 6

....continued from August 25

I may go to the show later on.  Captain Hornblower was on last night but I was to tired to go.  Sudden Fear is on tonight. 

We have been out 7 days tonight.  I guess we have gone about 3000 miles.  That's a long way from home.  We didn't set our watches back last night but we will tonight.  That will make it seven hours between us.

We have had perfect weather so far.  I hope it stays like this.

We are going to land in Yokohama Sat as far as we know.  Then on to Sasabo, Japan and be there Monday.  Well I guess I will close for now.

Wed. 26 Aug 53
Last night I layed down and went to sleep and didn't wake up in time to go to the show so I went back to sleep.  I got up around 3:30 this morning because I couldn't sleep.  I took a shower and then wet back on the bow of the ship and washed a pair of fatigues.  That is where we wash them.  How we do it is kind of interesting.

We take a rope and tie everything together and drop the clothes over the side.  They drag along the water and really get clean.  No soap or anything.  I didn't do much of anything besides that today.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 5

.... continued from August 23, 1953

Yesterday we were about 50 miles away from Midway Islands.  We couldn't see them because we only see about 11 miles.  We see quite a few flying fish early in the morn.  That's about the only kind of fish we have seen.

I played cards this morning and just fooled around.  We go on KP again this afternoon till tomorrow after noon.  Our food has been good so far.  Yesterday we had a 1/2 pint of milk.  I thought that was good because I wanted some milk.  When I started to drink it, it was so cold it was frozen.  I could only drink about half of it. 

It sprinkled a little bit a while ago.  Last night it sprinkled too but it didn't last long.

Well I am going to chow in a little bit and have KP this afternoon so I will close for now.

Well this is Tuesday the 25 of Aug.  Yesterday should have been Monday but sense we passed the date line we jumped a day.  I was on KP last night and when I got off I went to bed.  We were up early this morning for KP.  We got off about 2:30 today.  I didn't go to dinner I was so tired. and hot.  Yesterday we had ice cream for diner.  I filled up on that.  It tasted pretty good.
