Monday, March 7, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 5

.... continued from August 23, 1953

Yesterday we were about 50 miles away from Midway Islands.  We couldn't see them because we only see about 11 miles.  We see quite a few flying fish early in the morn.  That's about the only kind of fish we have seen.

I played cards this morning and just fooled around.  We go on KP again this afternoon till tomorrow after noon.  Our food has been good so far.  Yesterday we had a 1/2 pint of milk.  I thought that was good because I wanted some milk.  When I started to drink it, it was so cold it was frozen.  I could only drink about half of it. 

It sprinkled a little bit a while ago.  Last night it sprinkled too but it didn't last long.

Well I am going to chow in a little bit and have KP this afternoon so I will close for now.

Well this is Tuesday the 25 of Aug.  Yesterday should have been Monday but sense we passed the date line we jumped a day.  I was on KP last night and when I got off I went to bed.  We were up early this morning for KP.  We got off about 2:30 today.  I didn't go to dinner I was so tired. and hot.  Yesterday we had ice cream for diner.  I filled up on that.  It tasted pretty good.


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