In my last post I made a mistake. The tornado was on May 20, 1957, not 1947 on May 5, both of which were my birthday of course. There is a small epilogue however.
I eventually got over air sickness and have spent many hours in small air crafts while in the army and living in Alaska. My fear of storms was overcome and even resulted in my working for the state version of what is now FEMA where I encountered severe weather all the time. The air sickness was over come sort of naturally but my fear of storms took on a mystical quality.
It seems that after the tornado on May 5 of '57 the summer was full of storms and storm warnings. We did not have a basement so every time a warning would come up we would go to the neighbor's house and either sit in the basement or their front room ready to head for the basement if things got sticky, so to speak. I was always petrified during the warnings or even when a bunch of clouds gathered. So like most people when they get scared I would pray or even resort to reading the bible.
One evening I was prone on the floor reading some passage of the bible, don't remember which one, full of fear and anxiety. A breeze came in the front door and caught the edge of the page I was reading and blew across the bible and my eyes fell on a passage that went something like this, "you shall not be afraid because you do not know my ways."
I have tried several times to find that passage or something like it but have failed every time. However I was never afraid of a cloud, storm, or tornado from then on. I wish all my fears could be handled in the same way.
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