One of the guys in our unit showed up with a bright red handlebar mustache. It was curled on the ends at least twice. Quite the sporty looking affair. We asked him if anyone had said anything to him bout it and very indignantly said "no, it is within regulations."
Two hours later a bunch of us ran into him again and he was clean shaven. We asked him what the deal was. He said that the Mess Sergeant refused to feed him until he shave his moustache. He said he went to complain to the captain but could not get past the company clerk until he shaved his mustache. Everyone needs to conform now and then I guess
We had to shave everyday. Even when we were in the field. We would use hot water provided by the mess section which we poured in our steel pots. If there was not hot water cold water had to suffice. We had no mirrors so to make sure that we got all the right places we were taught a technique that insured we would be clean shaven. First you select a companion, usually your tent mate, both lather up then looking at each other mimic what the other guys is doing with is razor just like you do in a mirror. It really works. Some little trivia there.
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