Dear Mama-san, Papa-san, and Baby-san
I got a couple of pictures this eve from Japan that I had taken over there in Fukuoka. Thought you might like them for your billfold. They are not too bad.
I just got 3 of them made.
I got a letter form Dad to night and one from Larry. (note: another cousin.) I am going to write him soon. I went to the show tonight and saw "Take the High Ground." It was a good picture.
Well not much more to write about now so will close.
Love, Ted
Dear Snapper
How are you? I hear you are quite the swimming expert now. Have you got those Sgt stripes sewed on yet? Have you been taking it easy with the hot weather. So far it hasn’t been too hot here. I had a letter from Jim. He is in Ft Bliss, Texas taking his basic training just like I did at Camp Roberts. Those pictures I have of you are sure good. I show them to everyone. Mama said you are a big boy now. You must really be growing up. I am glad you like base ball. Hope you play a lot of it. I sure do miss you and will be glad when I get home Write to me.
Lots of Love, Daddy
July 20, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I have the day off today. I won’t go on till 4 PM tomorrow. I was on from midnight till 8 AM Sunday night. Wasn’t to bad. I sat on the ship "Indian Mail" and ate peanut butter sandwiches and drank coffee most of the night. It was a US ship and was on the way to Hong Kong and Indo China.
Almost had a little excitement around the docks. I lost my helmet liner climbing off the side of a ship trying to get a Korean in a little boat that had pulled up besides a barge.
I guess it has been hot in KC. I read in the paper it was 120 one day and in your letters you wrote about it being hot. Hope it doesn’t get you down to much. I haven’t had Larry letter yet. I had two from you yesterday and one from Jim. He is in Ft Bliss waiting to start his basic. There was a troop ship that left Sunday night before I went on guard. I kind of think Arkie was on the ship.
I guess you are seeing some good shows at the Starlight Theater. I am going tonight and see "Take the High Ground." It an army picture. It’s about a basic training company. Have you seen it yet. You want to see it if you get the chance.
Sorry to hear that Lowell was sick and in the hospital. Hope he is OK now. I haven’t written them for a long time. Guess I’ll write them again one of these days.
I still have the color pictures yet. I am going to send them off and get them developed and send them to you. What kind of viewer did you get. A little one or a big one. I’ll take some more when I get a chance.
I think we have about another week on guard and then we go back out in the field for a little less than 3 weeks. That will sure kill the month of August and then I will just have Sept and Oct and look to go home the last of Nov. Time goes fast over here, at least it has been.
Sgt Oliver got relieved off his job. The new company commander didn’t like him to well. I always got along with him and yesterday he came in my hut and woke me up and said there was an Embarkation school in Japan for 4 weeks and said I could put in for it. He isn’t first Sgt any more but he just told me about it. I don’t think I’ll go because you have to have over 6 months to go in the Far East. The school in Embarkation which means Troop moving. Ships etc. You hae to be a least a Sgt to go.
Well I don’t know much more to say so I will close.
Lots of love, Ted
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