Dear Snapper
I thought I would write you a letter and send you some cpl stripes. You can have Mama put these on your jacked in place of the PFC stripes. I hope you are over the mumps now ad your back in school. Mama said you sent me some comic books in a package. I'll be glad to get them. Everyone in the tend reads them. How do you like the robe I sent you from Japan. When I get back there I'll send you another one of some kind. I sure miss you a lot and think of you all the time. Wish I could see you.
Lots of Love
From your Daddy
March 14, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I haven't written any letters for the last two days because there hasn't been much to write about. Haven't done anything and haven't heard any more about moving. The mail has been slow for the last couple days. I didn't get any mail the last two days. I should get some today. As far as I know we are still moving about the first of April. The captain said something about our guarding the mines yesterday. He said he didn't think we would. So we will probably not be split up from the rest of the Bn. I think we will still be close to Pusan though. The ROCK soldiers are starting to move out of the Regt now. They are going back to their ROCK armies. They are send only a few at a time. Lee Con Say in the 4th Platoon is going tomorrow. He use to be in my squad.
I haven't been feeling very good for the last few days. My stomach has been upset for some reason. Wish I could feel better. I was going to go to church today but after breakfast I laid down and went to sleep again and didn't get up in time. We had an inspection yesterday by the Bn Commander, Major Plott. It didn't amount to much.
The weather has been cold the last few days. It snowed this morning but it didn't last long.
They are going to have a lot of guard this week. They have started letting farmers come up to this area now. So they will be stealing etc going on. I haven't had any guard since I went to NCO school. I have been lucky. I will probably start having it now. Well I don't know much more to say for now. I will hold off mailing this letter till the mail comes in, may be I will get a letter or two-------------------------------------
Well I got two letters Mar 7 and 8. I enjoyed the picture post card. Sound like everything is normal at home. You were asking about when I was going to be home. The way it was before I was supposed to rotate about Nov. That would make me 14 months using the 4 points I had. The new deal says anyone who is to rotate 4 months before they are to be discharged will be extended one month here in Korea and when they return to the states they would be discharged when they arrive. In other words they would get out in less than two years. Like Carlen Tabutt. The other deal would be that anyone who is to rotate with over 4 months or near 5 months will be sent home 7 months early and stay in the army in the states till their original discharge. The other deal is they would stay here in Korea till they have 30 to 40 day before discharge and then send them back to the states. I think Richard will fall into this one. Myself in Nov. I will have only 3 months to do so I will probably be coming home at that time. I was to come home in Oct. I would be extended till Nov anyway. If it was Sept I might be coming home early but the way I see it it will be Nov. The First Sgt said he would post a rotation list on the Board as soon as he could make it up, so when I find out I'll let you know. (note: does anyone follow this?) Of course things can change between now and Nov. (note: they did.) They might send all of us home. Myself I don't think I want an early discharge as they can call you back first if you don't spend 24 months. I would rather come home and spend 6 months in the state and stay in till ETS (discharge)
Glad you like the pictures I have been sending. I'll be looking for the box you sent. We may be gone by the time it gets here but they will forward it to us. Guess Snapper is over the mumps now. It is sure cloudy and it is really windy out now. I hope the tent hold out tonight. I am sending Snapper a new patch. it is the 45th Div. One of the guys gave it to me. Well don't have much more to write about. Will write soon.
Love, Ted
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