Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
It sure has been nice today and for the past few days. Tonight I am on guard. Sgt Walker went to the hospital so Lt Wheeler picked me for Cpl of the guard. I have the third relief which isn't to bad. Today I got ready for inspection. We also have a rifle inspection. We are by the ocean and our weapons rust fairly easy. It sure is a job keeping them clean. We have PT every morning. We get more here than we had up north. I think they want to keep us in shape.
Did I tell you we have 3 barbers for the company. It cost us 40 Won each time which is less than 25 cents. I get one about every 4 days before I go on guard. I had a boy give me some lip today so I took him to the Sgt for extra detail. He will be digging all day tomorrow. Yesterday they posted the rotation list up. I rotate Dec 20. It can vary 14 days either way. But I look to go before then. Yesterday Arkie came over and spend the day. He sure has gained weight 225 now. He used to weigh 187 when he was home. He didn't have much to say. He goes home July. I may go down and spend a few days with him. I bet I eat good there. He is a cook. We took some pictures. When I get them back I'll send you one.
Last night I went to town for the first time. It sure is dirty. The bars sell state side canned beer for almost $1 and can and we can buy if from the army for 15 cents. I went with Sgt Wood, 57 Section Leader. We went to a GI operated club. It was a nice place. Snack bar, beer, etc. It cost $3 to join. Monday night I went to the show and saw Calamity Jane with Doris Day and Howard Keel. That's about that is new here.
I got you letters late about Adams making superintendent. That was a good deal. I knew he worked for it. I sure couldn't see Sam Comer as a Foreman. I remember the time when he got mad at an instructor that his wife worked for. He is a good worker anyway. I can just see Adams in his office. I got your box of cookies Monday night. The box with the candy bars. I sure enjoyed them. Glad to hear Mr Sears is OK now. Hope he gets along now. Have you heard any more about the 5th on the TV story. You probably will. I sure didn't expect you to pay for my boots or the 50 dollars. I planned to pay for all of that. Thanks a lot anyway.
I got 3 letters tonight and a C.S Sentinel. The mail doesnt' come to much in order. Tonight I got 3 letters, Ap 8 and 5. It takes about the same time to get them, let me know about my letters. The mail leaves every morning at 8am and the mail man take it to the PO at Pusan everyday and picks up the mail. We get it about 6pm.
I guess they haven't stared raising the allotment yet. Before we moved I signed a new one for $77.10. They asked who it went to and I gave you name. I don't know what the outcome will be. It would be nice if you would I'll help if you ever do. Glad you and Marian are OK now. I got Snapper's Easter card. I forgot about Easter "Happy Easter" to all of you. I didn't remember what day it is. Must be the 18the. Still don't know about R&R yet. Haven't got any packages you spoke about for Easter. Our address is the same at it was up north. Just wish I was moving back to the state soon. I miss all of you and being home too. I look to be home before Christmas. We wont be in Masan very long. Don't know where we will go. Probably one of two places. To the states or somewhere around the Far East. I got some pictures developed at the PX. They didn't do a very good job.
Well lots of love. Will write soon
Love, Ted