Saturday, April 16, 2011

October 6, 1953

Tuesday Oct 6, 1928
(note to reader -  The above date is not a typo.  Dad put it on the top of the letter because that was the date he was born and he wrote the letter on his birthday.  He was just being funny)

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well today I am 25 years old.  Sure doesn't seem like my birthday but I couldn't expect it to too much.  I'll make up for it when I get home.

We heard the last of the Series today or I guess this morning.  I guess the Yankees are winners again this year.  I wonder if Brooklyn will ever win one. 

I got a letter from Dad today telling about the Greenlease boy.  I read about that in the Stars and Stripes.  I think I told you that in one of my other letters.

Sunday night I had to guard the prisoner.  I took him to the USO show.  After that they had a movie.  Small Town Girl. It was a good picture.

Yesterday the Mortar Sections from each company in our battalion started training with the mortars.  I am glad because I didn't remember  all of it.  I guess most of the time now will be spent that way.

We went to the show last night and saw Redhead from Wyoming.  It was a good western.  We are going to have another tonight.  The prisoner didn't get to go.  I guess I am the only one who will take him.

We have to pack a field pack and pack all of our personal stuff in our duffel bag and our clothes etc and leave nothing laying around except our cots and tents.  We will then turn in our duffel bags and march to an area a few miles away.  It is just practice.  I hate to have to pack a duffel bag.  It is hard to get everything in it.  Then we march back and get our duffel bags.  We start about 6 tonight.  They just want to keep us ready.  I don't know much more.

We had classes again this morning and this afternoon.

I have been wondering if you get my letters as you never mention it in your letters.  How long does it take to get mine.  I got one Dad mailed the 29 Sept.  It usually takes 5 to 7 days.  Sometimes they come later.  They probably get stacked up some place once in a while.  I still haven't got the package you sent to Sasebo (my old address).  Did you send one there?  I should have had it by now because I have all the mail you sent there now.  The date cookies I got the other day were sure good and so was the candy.  I'll be glad when I get paid so I can by some candy or something to snack on.  I have $1.40 besides the 5 you sent me.  I hate to spend that.  I may use that to send my pictures in.  I like my billfold to.  It sure is a pretty one.  I needed one too.  My other one was ruined by the chemicals they had in the fatigues.  I don't know why they do that because they don't put any more in there now. 

Well it is almost lunch time so I will close for now.  I'll try to write a few more lines later today before we go on the march.  Maybe I'll have more mail then.   

Oct 7  I didn't get a chance to finish writing yesterday.  We had what they call "Chiperee Sweepstakes".  It is a course of about 2 miles.  They have different stations set up along this 2 miles with different PT, throwing hand grenades, firing at targets, fixing weapons, telephone and radio operating and a lot of other things like that.  They have so many possible points for each station, there are 700 points and 300 points for finishing in an hour and half.  They have about 6 men from each company represent the company.  They start them off and have this large scoreboard and as each man goes through a station they phone his score in and put it on the board.  The other people just sit there and watch the score board.  They play the radio, serve coffee and doughnuts.  They had a band there too.  It was fairly interesting.  George Company took 2nd place in the test.  We also had a man who made the highest score.  After that was over we came back and ate and packed and hung our sleeping bags on the walls of the tents.  Then we waited till about 9 PM and marched about 2 or 3 miles to a place and then came back.  We had coffee and doughnuts when we got back.

This morning we had a little extra time off.  So I finished writing.  I got a letter from Carlen Talent.  He wanted me to write him and tell him how to get here.  He said he was going home in a month of two.  I'll write him and tell him where I am but he may be to far away.

Well not much more to say now.  I will write more later.

I got another letter from you this afternoon.  It was mailed Sept 30. It had clippings of the Greenlease kidnapping.  I would think you would get my mail OK.  I write one almost everyday.  I haven't had any more packages.  I got a letter or rather a birthday card from Mr. and Mrs. Sears.  She said Abe retired from the Post Office.  If you ever talk to her tell her hello and try to find our what John and Lurk's address is in Chicago. 

Sounds like JQ is a salesman.  Tell him to write me a line when he gets a chance.  It must be hot in KC this time of year.  I haven't had a package Jim.  Did you say he sent one?  Tell Cecil that I got a letter from his boy and am going to write him.  This afternoon we drilled about an hour and got the rest of the afternoon off.  We are going to parade tomorrow in the Regt parade. 

I guess I will close for now.  I miss you and wish I could have been home for my birthday but I will make it up next year when I get home.
Love, Ted

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