Saturday, January 28, 2012

June 20, 1954

Sunday June 20, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well now I am sitting outside my pup tent writing this letter.  I haven’t written for a couple of days.  Friday night we were on a night problem.  I had the letter with my log book and the money order.  Thanks a lot for sending it.  Friday June 18 my orders came through promoting me to Sgt.  I guess you noticed on the letter.  I don’t feel much different.  I am not to excited for some reason.

Last night and Friday night  and all day yesterday it rained and we spent most of the time trying to keep dry.

Also last night I had two letters and Sgt Wood and myself got the packages.  Sgt Wood wanted me to thank you.  We sure enjoyed them a lot.  This morning we went up to the creek and washed some clothes and our selves and that is about it.  Tomorrow all the 57 RR sections from the Bn are having their classes.  I have 4 classes to give tomorrow.  It will be on the 57 and I sure hate to give it.  I am going to work on it in a few minutes.  I am still eating out of the big box you sent.  That was some picture of your bin bench girls Dad. (note: he must be referring to a calendar sent.)

Well I don’t know much more to say so I will close for now and work on my lesson plan.  Will write again later on.  Thanks for the packages and sending the big book etc and the money orders.
Lots of Love Ted.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

June 17, 1954

Thursday  June 17, 54

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I had a letter from you tonight June 8.  I thought that was cute what Snapper said about me calling girls chicks.  I sure had a nice package when I opened it up last night.  Plenty to eat and rink.  I sure am enjoying it.  We didn't do much in the field today.  This sun is hot and it is burning my hands an face. 

That is OK  that you sent the package to Sgt Wood.  We are pretty good Buddy's and what I meant when I said that it all got to the same place is that when i get a package i don't get much more  than the rest of the guys because I pass it around and every on get some of it (except shaving lotion.) (note: remember his Dad use to send him whiskey in shaving lotions bottles.)

I think he would enjoy getting a package and he would really like it because he never gets a package and he doesn't have any folks.

I haven't heard if I made Sgt or not.  The rank drop should come any day now.  Well I guess I will close for now.  We are going up to take a shower at the water fall close by.  I'll write you again before long.
Lots of Love, Ted

Saturday, January 7, 2012

June 16, 1954

June 16, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I am in the field ow.  We came out yesterday and set up our tents and worked in our area.  It seems pretty good to get out again..  It sure is hot and it looks like it might rain.  I got your big package tonight.  I haven't opened it yet but will when I finish this letter.  I also had a nice letter from you tonight.   I hope Jan makes it OK, sound like a good deal.  That 77.10 is for the upkeep of Snapper and not for her personal use.  The gov pays it for him.  She cannot have it for her under no circumstances and if she thanks she can I have the US Army to back me up.  That school I wrote about was not a paratrooper school but a helicopter school.  I would learn to fly them not jump from air planes.  The other day I went down to the personal section and put in for my 5 years reserve time pay and back pay.  If I get it I will get 324 dollars back pay and 20 dollars more a month.  I haven't heard anymore about leaving Korea or going to Japan.  Yes the 40 Div moved out.  Don't buy a big projector.  You can buy a little reviewer for about 3 dollars that can see them just as well.  Well I don't have much more to say so I will close for now.  Lots of Love, Ted  (note: Dad started taking a lot of slide pictures.  The folks did end up buy a projector, but also had a slide reviewer.)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

June 13, 1954

Sunday June 13, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I had 4 letters from you yesterday and a box of candy and the cookies today.  They sure were god.  I liked them.  The letters were dated June 2-5-6 and 6.  I guess the storm has slowed up the mail quite a bit. 

Not much new here.  We have been working on our new area.  Last night I went to the show and saw "Martin Luther."  I sat through about 30 minutes and got up and left.  I didn't like it to good. 

Today I have just been laying around reading and resting.  Tuesday we move out in the field we will just be gone about 10 days.  They changed it quite a bit, before it's over we will probably stay about 3 or 4  days.  I might not get a chance to write much out there. but will try to. 

I remember the Ragan Exterminators.  It was owned by a man and a women.  He has only one arm and drinks a lot.  His wife ran the company.  I guess he is still living.  (note: Ragan Exterminators were still in business when I was a property manager.)  I read the article about the Korean children being in KC.  Hope they didn't get any money.  They try to make money out of the GI.  The civilian working around this camp are stealing everything, black market money and the dope is bad.  Have you read anything about dope in Pusan area.  It's a and he had been on dope for 90 days and when he moved here he had a hard time getting any so he cracked up.  He had been in trouble before.  He was only a PFC.  The other two were just kids. I don't know whether you know it or not but they have people planted in the companies to put the finger on people like that.  No one ever knows about it.  They have the most trouble around Pusan or after pay day.  They try to get a hold of the GI dollar anyway they can.  They killed a couple of GIs here this last payday with rotgut whiskey and dope.  They cut holes in the fences and aid the GIs to get out.  These women come around the fence and try to talk them to come out.  There are a lot of communists still around here as they turned a lot of N. Korean PW loose here.  I think they are sorry now about the way things are going.  They practically give the whiskey away.  One bottle will almost kill you or make you go blind.  Some guys don't have any will power or something.

Well it is raining now.  If it stops I think I will go to the show and see "The Saints Girl Friday."

 Glad you got the $77.10 for Snapper.  Do you figure you get it all now.  You get 51.30 and 25.80 in May and 77.10 in June.  That makes it for 2 months.  I made Cpl March 1 and signed allotment papers in or about April 1.  The 208 I got this month might have been part of that plus my back pay. 

Well don't know much more so I will close for now.  Lots of Love, Ted

Saturday, December 31, 2011

June 11, 1954

June 11, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well the last letter I wrote was last Monday morning.  I guess you will be awhile getting a letter.  I was supposed to go to the school but it was cancelled till this next Monday. I stayed here in the area and worked till the company moved down yesterday.  I don't think much of the new area compound to our old area in Mason.  It isn't near as nice.  We are going out next week on a field problem which will last 3 weeks.  We wont be back in this area again till sometime in July.  I don't know what the idea is of the field training.  It will make the time go faster. 

I don't know much to write about.  The new camp isn't much and there isn't much to write about it.  They have a PX and a beer hall, a movie and that's about it.  They have a big hill in the rear of the camp and it's plenty steep.  For punishment they send guys up at 6 PM with field packs.  I think it is bigger than any I have been up.  We will probably go up in the morning for PT.

I got two letters from you tonight and 2 the other night.  Guess everything is about the same back home.  I sure like the color picture you sent, I haven't sent mine yet.  I am getting your letters like you are getting mine.  I don't know just why.  They get held up some place.  I don't write every day anymore as I don't have much to say.  It's about the same old thing around here.

I have another new man in my squad now, that makes 8 men counting myself. It sure makes more work.

It sure didn't take long for you to get the package I sent home.  There wasn't much in the box except for some things I thought you might like to read.  Notes on school etc.  Did you find gloves and suspenders in the boots?

Glad you had a nice birthday and got some nice presents.  I wish I could have done something for you.  I haven't received any packages yet.  It takes a few days longer to get then than the letters.  I will probably get the big package you sent while I am out in the field which will be OK.

Haven you heard any from Jim?  Who told you that they broke up because of some woman that loaned Jim money  She was an old like woman.  Well I don't  know much more to write about so I will close.  I'll try to write more often.  Lots of Love, Ted

June 7, 1954

Monday  June 7, 1954

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well it's 7:30 AM and I am in Pusan now waiting to go to the Fire Prevention School.  I came down yesterday with 7 or 8 other guys who are go to work in our new area.  I am staying in the new area and there isn't much to it.  They have a movie here and a club for enlisted men.  I went to the show and saw Loophole last night and it was a good picture.  I am supposed to be down to the Regt Hqs at 8:20 for the school.  The school is down town at the fire station.  It lasts for 3 days and after that I will stay here in the new area and work in the area until the company gets here.

They asked me at Bn Hqs if I wanted to go on R&R the 13th of June to Japan and I turned it down till after the 15th so I can get paid.  Well don't have much more to write about so I will close.  I will write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted

Thursday, December 29, 2011

June 5, 1954

 June 5, 54  Sat.

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I had a package last night from you with the candy.  It sure was good.  Tonight I had a letter from Dad with the color pictures and I sure did like them.  I think they are the best I have.  Today we had our inspection and tonight we are on guard.  I am on the third relief and I think I will go to the show and see War Arrow.

Well this most likely will be my last night here.  In the morning I am going to go to Pusan.  Monday I got to the fire prevention school and then the Fst Sgt said I had just as well stay down there at the George Company.  It will move down there most likely this week.  I don't know much about it yet.  I'll have it fairly easy the next few days anyway.

I haven't heard anymore about R&R.  Sgt Miller wants me to go to Tokyo with him and he said he could fix it up.  I may go.  How about sending me another 50 dollars out of my account, I might get it before I go.  If not I will send it back or may be borrow some money and use it to pay off with.  I should not have put $150 in the Soldiers Deposit.  I wasn't thinking.  I bout a 60 dollars money order made out to myself so I now have $55 and $60.  I have $30 loaned out to a guy who went on R&R.  I have some money in my pocket too and I might get a partial pay before I go.  I would like you to do something else for me.  I have my pilots license somewhere at home.  Would you take then and get a photostatic copy made.  There are two parts to it.  One is a private pilot rating and the other is an aircraft rating.  They are not in very good shape so you will have to be careful with them.  I don't remember where they are but probably in my personal papers someplace.  I also have two pilot log books. One is a little black book and the other is a bigger brown book.  I want the little black book.  You can go ahead and send it right away and it will probably take you a couple of days to get the photostatic copy made of the other.  There is also a medical certificate you might send too.  You might find them i one of my old billfolds if you have trouble finding them.  The reason I want them is that if I put in for the helicopter school I will need them.  I will need three copies of each certificated.  I haven't decided on anything yet but I would like to have them.  Let me know.

It is raining again.  Seems like every time we have guard it rains.  How are things back home.  Well I miss you all and I'll try to write again soon.  Lots of Love,