Thurs Apr 8, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got your letter today. I got the money order OK. Glad you sent for the boots OK. Thanks a lot. I had planned on paying for the boots though. Guess Snapper is to little for the boots yet. I don't know much new . We got a pair of fatigues today. I have plenty of clothes including t-shirts etc.
I was called over to the orderly room this eve. The 1st Sgt asked me if I knew a Beryle Lee Webb. I told him. I told him. He said his company commander had written to me that I could stay there on a leave for as long as a week. At the same time I got a letter from Arkie asking me to come visit him in Pusan. He only has 90 days left to go over here. I guess I'll get a pass some weekend and go over. He doesn't know I am in Masan yet. He sent a picture of himself, he has gained some weight. He is a cook where he s. I haven't heard anymore about R&R yet. I can probably go this month but think I will put if off till May if I can.
Well don't know much more so will close. Still painting etc. Have guard Sat
(note: Dad did not sign this letter.)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
April 7, 1954
Wed April 7, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well another day. I painted signs etc again today and that's all for the work. The house girl washed my clothes today. Did a good job. I went to the show tonight and saw. I bought some film and starch and soap etc. Then I went to the show and saw some Martin and Lewis film called Money from Home. It was a good show.
They have a truck here and it stops at the PX in town and then goes to the main base after. They call it Masan Square Garden. It is a big gym with wooden benches. So far I like it OK here. Sat night they are going to sell beer in the mess hall. Our platoon will be on guard so I wont make it this time. I got some color film tonight I am going to take some pictures soon.
I didn't get any mail tonight. Will probably get some tomorrow. Lt Wheeler our platoon leader and our platoon Sgt asked me how long I had been a cpl. I told them about a month. He said not to say anything but he was going to try to make me a Sgt when I have enough time to get it waived. He said I would make a good platoon Sgt which is quite a job and call for a master Sgt. I told him I would like to be a Sgt and I liked the army etc. I doubt if I would be a platoon Sgt if I did make Sgt. I think he was just trying to talk me into the army for 20 years. Our executive officer made Capt today so that means Capt Book will probably make major and leave before long. A company is only authorized a Capt. I don't know much to say for now. I guess I will go to bed. I am sending some more pictures.
Lots of Love, as always, Ted
Friday, September 23, 2011
April 5, 1954
Monday Apr 5, 54
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well I guess you went a few days without any mail but I wasn't able to write. I could ave written but I wouldn't have been able to mail it because the last mail went out last Thursday at 8am. Wed night I had guard. I was supervising so I did not have to pull guard. I did go on a patrol with 2 other guys. We started at 11pm and stayed till 5am. We couldn't find anything so we build a little fire up in the hills and took it easy.
Thursday we packed our duffel bags and sent them to the train. We didn't do anything on Fri except clean up the area. Fri afternoon I went to the Bn Hqs and stayed because I was in the real party. The Co left early Sat morning on trucks to go to the train. We stayed in the Bn area Sat and Sat afternoon we moved over to Regt Hqs. There was a total of about 60 men left in the rear party. We ate our meals at "Triple Nickel." They were the only part of the 5th RCT that didn't move. Sunday morning we drove in trucks to Seoul and got on the Red Ball Express and to to Pusan at 10 this morning. Right now I am at camp 2 where the Regt Hqs and 2nd Bn is located, except for George Co and they are in Masan. We are waiting for a truck to go there now. Easy, Fox and Hq companies are going to stay here and George is going to be by their selves. 1st Bn went to Koje-do and 3rd Bn went to Tay-gue. It is pretty nice here they have almost everything you want. Snack bars, beer bars, theaters etc. They live in Quonset type buildings and they have laundry, tailors, showers right in each company area where they are. The guys say George Co has a nice area where they are. I hope it is. Masan s about 25 or 50 miles from Pusan Camp 9. They use to have a Chines PW there. Pusan had North Korean PW. There are still some 24 Div men here. Don U may still be here but I probably won't see him. I won't be here long enough.
It is raining pretty hard today. Things look green here. It isn't cold so it shouldn't be to bad to be here.
Well we should be leaving in less than an hour so I will close. I'll finish writing when we get to George Company.--------------------
Well it's Tuesday now. I got to G co yesterday about 6pm. It is 47 miles to Pusan from here over a rough road through the hills. The country is really pretty here. I was sure surprised when I got here. The camp is right in the town of Masan. There are ROCK women here and ROCK soldiers in the same camp. George Co is here inside the camp by ourselves. It is a lot better here than Pusan. You should see our mess hall. We have tables and chairs, a bar and stage and a dance floor that looks lie a night club. It is OK. The food should get better because the officers eat in the same mess hall. Our quarters are a Quonset type. We have steel beds. We don't have mattresses yet. We still sleep on air mattresses and sleeping bags. We should get some mattresses soon. In our building sleeps the 57 section and we are not crowded. The Sgts have a house to live in with about 3 in a room. To tell you the best we have house girls. They come in at 8am stay till 5pm. They wash clothes, iron and sew for the guys. Each bldg has one girl. This is sure different that what we have had.
I don't know much about the guard yet. Our platoon has it tomorrow night. I'll tell you about that later.
We are right on the ocean. We can see ships in the bay. I'll take some pictures of the area and send them to you when I settle in. Today I worked in the area. I painted a big pentagon in the mess hall and in the morning I will put the motto on "The Best by George."
Some one told me today that I was put in for Sgt but was turned down because I have only been a cpl for a month. The Old Man said that there was a rumor around that the 5th RCT was moving back to camp Carson Colorado this summer sometime. I heard a few days before that they planned to make the 5th a ski unit. So there may be something to it. It sure would be nice if they would.
I got a can of cookies from you last night. They sure were good. I haven't had any mail tonight or a letter so far but may get some tonight. The ROCK camp as a loud speaker. They play oriental music over it after and during meals.
Well don't have know much more to say. I like everything fine here. I'll tell you more about it as I go along.
Lots of Love, Ted
PS Mail came in tonight. I got 2 letters from Dad, 23 and 28 of Mar. Guess everything is going OK at home. We don't get guard till Sat night. I am going to be on the main gate as MP, check passes etc. You probably remember the MPs at the gate at Camp Roberts. It's on the same order. Well I got some pictures tonight from Simonie. He had some made. I am going to take some color pictures of this place soon. The guy who plays the piano, you sent clippings out of the Westinghouse News, I saw him at the NCO school around Xmas.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
March 29, 1954
Mar 29, 1954
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Starting another week today. Had PT this morning and then the guys that are staying in the rear when the co moves out went to the Bn and go some instructions on what to do. When the co moves out we stay back and sign the property over to the new bunch who moves in. We should go the next day after to Co but if there is any thing they don't like we will have to stay till they do like it. I think the Co will move the 3rd and I will leave the next day. We are going by train.
I had two letters from you yesterday. I haven't written Richard yet but I plan to today. I was nearly a moth getting his letter. Don't know why. I also was late getting a letter from Dad because he put a G on one letter and it looked like an I. So it wet to I Co. It was a few days late. The 24 Div was in the area that we are going to. They went up and relieved the 45 when they moved out. Don Underwood may still be there. Richard's brother-in-law has moved to the 45 probably.
To bad about Mr Sears (note: mom's step dad.) Hope he is getting along OK now. I didn't know he had been sick. I didn't know just what you meant in you letter when you asked me if it made me feel better that Marian was coming down to lunch. It doesn't matter to me. (note: earlier dad had told my grandmother that he wished that her and Marian - her foster sister - could patch things up, I guess he had forgotten the argument they had.)
I didn't do anything yesterday much. I didn't write any letters. Sat night I played poker and made $12 in Won. Lat night I played blackjack and won $25. So far I have done OK, about $47 since payday. I have a little more money now for R&R. I have plenty of Won (pronounced hon) I have sold about 20 dollars worth and have about 25 more dollars worth to get rid of. Still haven't been feeling to good. I think I must have strained my self while working or PT. It still bother me some. I went to the first aid station but they didn't help me any. I don't know much to write about. The weather had really been nice. Just like spring. Hope it stays this way for awhile. I didn't get guard yesterday. Will probably get it Wed again. Did you ever mail for the boots yet. Well guess I'll close for now.
Lots of Love, Ted
PS I may not write much around the 2nd and 4 of April. Till I get to Pusan.
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Starting another week today. Had PT this morning and then the guys that are staying in the rear when the co moves out went to the Bn and go some instructions on what to do. When the co moves out we stay back and sign the property over to the new bunch who moves in. We should go the next day after to Co but if there is any thing they don't like we will have to stay till they do like it. I think the Co will move the 3rd and I will leave the next day. We are going by train.
I had two letters from you yesterday. I haven't written Richard yet but I plan to today. I was nearly a moth getting his letter. Don't know why. I also was late getting a letter from Dad because he put a G on one letter and it looked like an I. So it wet to I Co. It was a few days late. The 24 Div was in the area that we are going to. They went up and relieved the 45 when they moved out. Don Underwood may still be there. Richard's brother-in-law has moved to the 45 probably.
To bad about Mr Sears (note: mom's step dad.) Hope he is getting along OK now. I didn't know he had been sick. I didn't know just what you meant in you letter when you asked me if it made me feel better that Marian was coming down to lunch. It doesn't matter to me. (note: earlier dad had told my grandmother that he wished that her and Marian - her foster sister - could patch things up, I guess he had forgotten the argument they had.)
I didn't do anything yesterday much. I didn't write any letters. Sat night I played poker and made $12 in Won. Lat night I played blackjack and won $25. So far I have done OK, about $47 since payday. I have a little more money now for R&R. I have plenty of Won (pronounced hon) I have sold about 20 dollars worth and have about 25 more dollars worth to get rid of. Still haven't been feeling to good. I think I must have strained my self while working or PT. It still bother me some. I went to the first aid station but they didn't help me any. I don't know much to write about. The weather had really been nice. Just like spring. Hope it stays this way for awhile. I didn't get guard yesterday. Will probably get it Wed again. Did you ever mail for the boots yet. Well guess I'll close for now.
Lots of Love, Ted
PS I may not write much around the 2nd and 4 of April. Till I get to Pusan.
March 26, 1954
Mar 26, 1954 Fri
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
No mail from anyone today. Haven't done much today. Trained a little bit this morning and this afternoon we had what they call "police call" for two hours. We are cleaning up the place for the new company that is going to move here when we move out. Seems like they are in the process of weeding out a few guys that don't want to cooperate. They caught 4 guys loafing on police call and now the field first has them out digging a swamp hole for the mess hall. They started at 3pm and have to dig till 11pm tonight and if they don't finish they will dig swamp holes for 7 days. The hole is about 6x6x6 or bigger. They refused to dig one so they are going to keep them digging till about 3am. They refused to dig so they are also going to give them a court martial. Some guys just don't wise up. I have to go out and see that they did from 830pm to 11pm. The field first told me to give them a hard time tonight. Guess I will because I don't like standing out i the cold at night watching someone dig. Two of the guys by the way are Porto Rican.
If you haven't mailed for the boots yet would you order some dye ad polish when you mail the boots. A guy got some boots today and got some dye and polish just like I need for them. It is Dark Mahogany dye and polish. The dye is 50 cents per bottle and the polish is 35 cents a can. I need to bottles of dye and 3 cans of polish or 4. They call it paratroop Dark Mahogany boot polish. If you have mailed for them already you can mail this separate. They have the kind of dye I have been looking for. Hope you don't mind to much . They pay the postage.
I don't know much more to say. I'll write again later. Here is another patch for Snapper/ (2nd Inf Div) I also won about a 1000 Won last night playing blackjack again.
Lots of Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
No mail from anyone today. Haven't done much today. Trained a little bit this morning and this afternoon we had what they call "police call" for two hours. We are cleaning up the place for the new company that is going to move here when we move out. Seems like they are in the process of weeding out a few guys that don't want to cooperate. They caught 4 guys loafing on police call and now the field first has them out digging a swamp hole for the mess hall. They started at 3pm and have to dig till 11pm tonight and if they don't finish they will dig swamp holes for 7 days. The hole is about 6x6x6 or bigger. They refused to dig one so they are going to keep them digging till about 3am. They refused to dig so they are also going to give them a court martial. Some guys just don't wise up. I have to go out and see that they did from 830pm to 11pm. The field first told me to give them a hard time tonight. Guess I will because I don't like standing out i the cold at night watching someone dig. Two of the guys by the way are Porto Rican.
If you haven't mailed for the boots yet would you order some dye ad polish when you mail the boots. A guy got some boots today and got some dye and polish just like I need for them. It is Dark Mahogany dye and polish. The dye is 50 cents per bottle and the polish is 35 cents a can. I need to bottles of dye and 3 cans of polish or 4. They call it paratroop Dark Mahogany boot polish. If you have mailed for them already you can mail this separate. They have the kind of dye I have been looking for. Hope you don't mind to much . They pay the postage.
I don't know much more to say. I'll write again later. Here is another patch for Snapper/ (2nd Inf Div) I also won about a 1000 Won last night playing blackjack again.
Lots of Love, Ted
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
March 25, 1954
Mar 25, 1954 Friday
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
I got quite a bit of mail tonight. I had a letter from Marian and finally one from Richard. It was a long time getting here. I had two letter from you. To bad about Lockman. I read the clippings you sent. So Margie called you up. (note: Dad's old girl friend that was going to wait for him while he was gone.) I haven't written her for quite awhile. I don't care much about writing to her. She didn't like the way I treated her I guess when she came to California. Guess she thought I should chase after her because I was going to Korea but I didn't. I don't think I will chase any of them. If they like me they can come after me and when they do it I don't care. Jim probably told her I was getting letters from Jan just to make her mad. I don't write Jan and I haven't had any letters from her for a long time. It doesn't bother me if she writes or not. Jim and Roselin probably said that to Margie just to get her goat. Marian didn't have much to say. She sent a picture of them all. She sure looks different with her hair short and Jimmy sure is big. Just as tall as Charlie. No we haven't had much training lately as far as tactics and field problems bu we have a lot of classes on bayonet, unarmed defense, knife fighting, judo, physical training, narcotics, etc. I think some of that is about as rough as the field problems we have.
I'll be glad to move in a way. It should be soon. Sgt Josephson leaves in the morning in the advanced party. We will go about the 1st of April. I will stay and be one of the last to leave. I don't know how long I'll stay. May be one day or a week. I think later on we will go to Hawaii or Japan. The rumors are strong. It sure would be nice.
That picture with F.S., From Here to Eternity was good. About the best picture I have seen. It is a good picture of the army and how they treat you if they get the chance although they are not supposed to.
I saw Zink today. He said that their CO took 2 guys out in a jeep 8 miles and made them walk back because they didn't know one of the General Orders. I have noticed that Capt Book has changed a lot lately. They are just getting the troops ready for garrison life. He sure can be mean when he wants to be. He doesn't bother me any because I can take anything he can do or put out.
Did you ever get the color pictures I sent to you? You never did say. I have quite a few more to send.
Last night I took some of the Won I had bought and played blackjack with the GI's and Koreans. I took 150 Won to start with and played for an hour and when I was finished I had a stack of Won about 3 inches thick. I counted it up and it was about $5 worth (1100 Won) 900 Won makes $5. I only have $15 and I think when I move I will have to carry an extra bag for it.
Snapper does a good job of drawing I think. Hope he keeps it up.
Richard's letter was nearly a month reaching me. I don't know why. It is interesting, I'll send it to you but don't tell his folks they might get the wrong idea about it or something. He has a good deal there and likes it OK. I don't guess I will see him before we move. I am going to write him.
Let me know when you mail the money for the boots. I was thinking it might be better if you get a money order.
They came around tonight and said you could get a money order made out if you wanted to. I had already mailed the letter to you.
Well I have about run out of things to say. I will write again later. I may not write you when we are moving but I will try to. I think the place the 5th is going are the same places the Regt Don Underwood is in when they were down there. Headquarters will be at the same place Camp 2 at Pusan. Let me know where Don U is when you hear. George Company will be at Ma-san.
Lots of Love, Ted
Monday, September 19, 2011
March 24, 1954
Mar 24, 1954 Wed
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well I thought I better write today as I didn't yesterday. I got a letter yesterday from Dad, Mar 17 and one from JQ. To bad about Lockman, that was Walt Lockman wasn't it? You said he got shot and died but you did not say how he got shot. I use to play with his son a few years ago. He also worked at Byaanes when I did. His nickname was Bunny. Did you say the booze had him the last few years.
JQ didn't have much to say. Might get some mail later on today. Haven't had any yet.
I am going to send off for a pair of jump boots as soon as I can make out a money order. They are the regular Cochran jump boots. They are about the best you can get.
(his back then) (the kind I had)
I would like to know what size shoes Snapper wears so I can send him a pair. They make them for little kids but I don't know whether he is big enough for them. Let me know what size. (note: I never received a pair.)
Sgt Josephson just came back from R&R. He brought my pictures back and some were pretty good. I'll send a few like I did before.
Or company had guard again tonight. I didn't get it. Yesterday we had a talk by the Bn Commander he told us we were leaving about the 1st of April. He said one company would be at Mayson about 25 miles west of Pusan. Today we found out that George company was going to Mayson instead of Pusan. Everyone was put out. It is not nice as nice as Pusan.
I got paid yesterday for 23 days. I got $83. I only put 30 in deposit. I bought 10 dollars worth of Won (Korean Money). They said we will need it at Pusan. Lt. Wheeler said today that I was going to be the last man to go from the 4th platoon when we move. So I will be here longer than any of the rest. When I find out more I'll let you know. I found out today that I will not be able to get any money orders till I move so I think I'll let you send for them for me if you don't mind. Send a check for $12.87 to them and have the boots sent to my address over here. I will probably get them faster that way. (note: the last pair of jump boots I bought cost over $50, and I hear they are closer to $100 now.) Mark the check as the one on the slip. Put my return address on the envelope. Take the money out of my account. Well don't know much else to say so I will close.
Love, Ted
Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
Well I thought I better write today as I didn't yesterday. I got a letter yesterday from Dad, Mar 17 and one from JQ. To bad about Lockman, that was Walt Lockman wasn't it? You said he got shot and died but you did not say how he got shot. I use to play with his son a few years ago. He also worked at Byaanes when I did. His nickname was Bunny. Did you say the booze had him the last few years.
JQ didn't have much to say. Might get some mail later on today. Haven't had any yet.
I am going to send off for a pair of jump boots as soon as I can make out a money order. They are the regular Cochran jump boots. They are about the best you can get.
(his back then) (the kind I had)
I would like to know what size shoes Snapper wears so I can send him a pair. They make them for little kids but I don't know whether he is big enough for them. Let me know what size. (note: I never received a pair.)
Sgt Josephson just came back from R&R. He brought my pictures back and some were pretty good. I'll send a few like I did before.
Or company had guard again tonight. I didn't get it. Yesterday we had a talk by the Bn Commander he told us we were leaving about the 1st of April. He said one company would be at Mayson about 25 miles west of Pusan. Today we found out that George company was going to Mayson instead of Pusan. Everyone was put out. It is not nice as nice as Pusan.
I got paid yesterday for 23 days. I got $83. I only put 30 in deposit. I bought 10 dollars worth of Won (Korean Money). They said we will need it at Pusan. Lt. Wheeler said today that I was going to be the last man to go from the 4th platoon when we move. So I will be here longer than any of the rest. When I find out more I'll let you know. I found out today that I will not be able to get any money orders till I move so I think I'll let you send for them for me if you don't mind. Send a check for $12.87 to them and have the boots sent to my address over here. I will probably get them faster that way. (note: the last pair of jump boots I bought cost over $50, and I hear they are closer to $100 now.) Mark the check as the one on the slip. Put my return address on the envelope. Take the money out of my account. Well don't know much else to say so I will close.
Love, Ted
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