Friday, May 6, 2011

November 24, 1953

Tuesday  Nov  24

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I just got back about 2 hours ago.  We sure had quite a time.  We left our area Sunday or rather Mon morning at about 4 AM.  We have been of the move ever since.  Last night we stopped at about 6 PM and camped and got up this morning at 4 AM.  We were on the move all day today too.  I went up one hill and down the other.  I was the 4th platoon radio operator and went along with the platoon Sgt ahead of the rest of the mortars.  Because I was a radio operator I had to go a little more than the rest of the guys.  We ate C rations at  noon each day and they were cold.  No way to heat them up.  Our company were the aggressors against the 3 Div. 65 Regt.  We moved right through them and made them retreat all the way. 

Last night I got about 3 letters from you and one long letter from Evelyn with the picture of Larry and Mike.  It sure was a nice letter.  I haven't answered yet but I am going to.  I am to tired tonight but we get tomorrow off except for a rifle inspection tomorrow eve and the morning I can take a shower between 8 and noon.  So I should have time...I also got the nice Thanks Giving card, one with cake and another card, and one with cheese and crackers, candy and shaving lotion.  Thanks a lot.  The cookies were really good and I haven't got to the rest of it but I know it's good too.

Well I don't have much of anything else new, I will probably go to NCO School this Sunday.  They forward mail there now. 

It is nice Pop Sharp is staying with you now.  I guess he is lonesome.  Tell him hello and tell him I am going to learn to talk one of these days.  I remember one time he told me I should learn to talk. (note:  I have no idea who he is talking about.  I don't remember anyone staying with us while Dad was away.)

Well I am pretty tired and worn out so I think I will go to bed and I'll write tomorrow and try to answerer the letters you wrote.  Thanks for the boxes and everything.
Lots of Love, Ted

Thursday, May 5, 2011

November 22, 1953

Sun  Nov  22,  53

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

How are you doing?  Right now I am laying in a pup tent writing this letter.  Yesterday we didn't have anything to do but pack our stuff and lay around all day.  We left the company about 5 PM last night and drove for about an hour to where we are now.  Yesterday it was cloudy and cold all day long.  It was down to freezing most of the day and the wind made it plenty cold.  It was dark when we got here and started setting up our tents.  I thought it would be cold sleeping but it was warm in that sleeping bag and on the air mattress.

I am going to be the radio operator for the platoon on the problem that starts tomorrow.  I am sleeping with the medic today and it warmed up some.  We are right up on the line.  We can see Joe Chink's Hill in the distance.  The hill is covered with snow.  The hills here are almost mountains.

It rained and sleeted here last night but it did not bother us much.  We are wearing our parkas now and they are sure warm.  I have had my long underwear on and wool sweater and my fatigues.  I didn't bring anything in my field pack but a wool shirt and 2 pairs of socks.  It is not to heavy that way.

This problem starts about 6:30 in the morning.  The 5th RCT is the aggressor army (enemy) in a 3rd Div problem.  I guess we will be on the move all day tomorrow and Tuesday.  We should be back Tues night.

I guess I will be going to the NCO school next Sunday the 29th for 4 weeks.  I'll probably be there Xmas.  I sure hope I can make good there as it will help me get promoted. 

I shouldn't be to far away from going on R&R the way they have been going lately.  May go sooner than I think.  Feb or sooner.  I'll probably go twice while I am here if I have to stay another year. 

We should get our mail here.  Some tonight I think.  I just got a letter from Jim the other day telling about that new job he is thinking about.  Septic tanks or something like that.

I am glad Snapper is doing good in school.  Hope he keeps it up.  He will be in the 2nd grade when I get home.  I haven't been able to get him anything for Xmas yet.  Take some of my money and buy him something.  What ever you want.  Also same for you and Dad.  Buy some clothes and toys.  When I get to Japan I will send something too.  Well I think I will close for now.  I probably wont get to mail this till I get back to the company.  If I get a chance I will write again.
Lots of Love, Ted

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

November 18, 1953

November 18, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad and Snapper

Well I got two letters last night and one today.  I didn't get a package.  It may get here later tonight.  I was glad to get Bill's address and I wrote him a letter and also had a letter from Jim and wrote him too.

I have been doing about the same thing as usual.  Yesterday morning I went out on detail to cut some logs.  We are making an arch in front of our company.  It will sure look nice.  Last night I was radio operator for the Field First and the Old Man.  Captain Book asked me last night what I thought about the NCO school.  I told him I would like to go.  He said I would probably go for an interview today at Bn.  I went this morning and the officer there said OK, so I guess I will be going before long.  May be this weekend or the next.  I hope to go this weekend so I wont have to go on maneuvers for 4 days.  That other deal I told you about is not as good as this and I didn't want it (note: he is talking about the Training NCO slot.)  That was the TIE.  That school was only for a week and it wasn't in my line and I think the captain knew I was going to this other school when he asked me about that.  My name was first on the list and I think he wanted to send me to that any way (NCO school)  It has more advantages to it. 

Your remember one time I said I did not get along with my platoon sgt very well.  Well he became field first and we have another plt sgt now.  The field first and I get along good now and he puts in good words for me.  I like him OK.  We just didn't click at first. (just like Adams and I)  I sure hated to see him leave the platoon. He was one of those Regular Army men with a lot of time in the army.  He came here after I did from the states and Germany.  He was a master sgt and got busted one stripe to sgt first class.  He will get his other stripe back before long.

Today I worked on the arch again and saw a move on the atom bomb.  Tonight I went to the aid station and got some pills and cough syrup (GI Gin)  for my cold.  Hope it gets it.  I don't want to go to that school with a cold.  That school will consist of 2 twenty minute talks, giving PT, close order drill etc.  I don't think it will be to hard.  I sure hope I can make a high mark in the class and not let the Old Man down.  He is only sending the ones he thinks will do good.  If I can rank close to the top of the class it will sure help me get promoted.  I don't think giving a class will be hard.  It is not that I would be scared, all I have to do is know what I am talking about and talk.  I wont have any trouble giving PT or close order drill.  The school is 4 weeks long.

Still haven't heard if I have made PFC or not.  I should know in the next few days.

I am glad you mailed a lot of packages to the Christmas Party.  They can use what ever you send. 

Did Don Underwood stop in Hawaii on his way over.  If he did he was lucky.  Send me his address as soon as yo can.  Sounds like I will be get a lot of Xmas packages.  I guess I can use them.  Most of the guys don't get many packages.  I haven't seen Carlin Talent yet. 

It is pretty cold any more  to be going any place.  He probably wont make it.  You say you think you missed a letter.  Did you get the one that I mentioned about the pipe tobacco mixtures 79.  You never did say in your letters. 

Boy, Junior must be big.  I sent him a Xmas card (note: Junior was one of my grandmother's sister's son who lived in Hutchinson, Kansas.  Junior went on to be a commercial pilot for Eastern Airlines.)

Well not much more to say now.  I'll write you again later.
Love, Ted

November 16, 1953

Nov 16, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got 2 letters tonight.  One from Dwight (note: was Dad's best man when he married Mom and lived in the neighborhood.  Small world, years later a guy worked for me that was an electrician apprentice to Dwight.)  Dwight said that Don Hodson was going to a Private Detective school.  I sure got a kick out of that.

I went out this afternoon and fired the Mortar again.  This morning we had crew drills.  We came back about 5:30 and after dinner we saw a movie  "CBR" a training film on chemical warfare.

Right now I am drinking a cup of instant coffee.  It is OK.  I still have a cold and it seems to get worse every day.  Hope I get over it before this weekend.

We didn't celebrate Armistice Day here.  It was just another day.

They were talking about bringing in the jet engine plant from the east when I left KC.  It sure would be nice if they did.

I have guard from 2-3 in the morning.  I'll sure be glad when they send those two guys to the stockade. 

The weather today was fairly nice.  Hope t stays that way for awhile.

I polished my boots tonight and have been trying to polish my holster (.45)  It's in pretty bad shape though.  I need some black and cordovan dye.  I never thought about asking you to send some before.

Well I don't know much more.  I haven't heard whether I made PFC or not yet.  Well I'll write again tomorrow or Wed.  I think we have a problem Tues night.
Love, Ted

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

November 14, 1953 enclosure

(note: this is a letter that was enclosed  with the one sent on Nov. 14.  It is from his friend Gary Sipes.  He was in that special school with Dad and the nephew of Dad's ROTC instructor.  Dad mentioned getting this letter several letters ago and I guess he wanted to save it, that is why he sent it home.)

Nov 6,  53

Dear Ted

Just a line to tell you I haven't forgotten about you.  Glad to hear that Cliff is so close to you.  I have been trying to find out where you were at but nobody seems to know.  I went to Seoul with a couple of my buddies last Sunday and we had quite a time.  Will tell you about it when I see you.  I looked all the way down there for the 5th RCT but didn't  see it.  We went on 33A. Are you on that road.  I am tent guard today so I thought I better drop you a line.  We have been digging on the hill everyday.  It sure does get tiresome.

I'm gunner on the 57 R.R now and made PFC the 24th of Oct. That isn't to bad.  We are going to have classes on mortars.

It is really getting cold here, how is it where you are.  The ROCKs are pulling guard  now so we only have it about once a week which is a lot better.  How do you like the winter uniforms.  What does Cliff have to say about Korea.  Tell him to write me f he has a chance.  They wont let us have beer here, toddy's or cokes now. I think I will get it later.  My wife still hasn't had the baby.  She should have it any time.

Do you all have wooden floors in your tents yet.  We are supposed to get ours soon.  Some of the tents now have them.  They only give us 2 1/2 gallons of fuel oil a day, so we have to take it easy.

Yes, I got a letter from my friend and didn't have any trouble with it.  I still haven't answered yet. (note: He is referring to the person that was assigned to write them in code and they were to answer back in code.  It was to keep in practice in case they ever needed it.  This is explained more on my other Blog called the Adventures of Conley McAnally, entitled Spy Dad I posted back in Oct of 2010)

I sure wish we could get together some time as I would like to see you.  I might have a chance .  If you ever get down this way stop by the 27th,  1st Ban. A co and I'll try to be here.  If I can find out where you are at I will try and come see you.  Don't catch to many Moshoes. HaHa.

November 14, 1953

Saturday  14 Nov 53

Dear Folks

I had kind of a slow day today.  I was on Bn guard last night.  I didn't do anything this morning and this afternoon we didn't do anything either.  I got my new boots before I went on guard last night and wore them.  They sure keep your feet warm.  Shouldn't have any trouble this winter.  We drew some more clothes today.  I got a parka, liner, field pants with liner.  Sure have a lot of clothes now.  Will probably wear them before long.  We also got mittens.

I bought some new Xmas cards last night.  I have 22 now and I don't need but just a few more.  I think I will send them out about the first week in Dec.  I send them to almost everyone.  Send me JQ's address and also James Glover's address and anyone else you think I should send one to.  I am sending one to Sharp and McDonald and a few others.

I took a roll of film yesterday.  I might send the roll to you as it is hard to get them developed here. 

Some Greek Soldiers have been coming around selling ornaments the last few weeks.  I don't know where they get them but they have a lot of them, I think they are to high.

I went to see Zink tonight.  He didn't have much to say.  About the same old line.  I guess next Sat the 21st we are going on a 4 day problem in the field.  I sure hate to because it's getting colder.  I hope they call it off.  I probably wont get to write much while I am away so don't be surprised if you don't get a letter for a few days.

Some of the guys just came back from R&R in Japan and they sure bought some nice stuff to send home.  There is a list of things I want to get and send home.  I hope I can before long.  I think may be March.
Zink is behind only 133 guys and I got here just a little after him so I should not be that far away from going.  Sometimes they send you to Hong Kong China for you R&R if you want to go but I think mostly that is for Sgts and Officers.  I would sure like to go there.  It would be better than Japan.

Well I think I will close now and finish up tomorrow night.  I got a letter by the way tonight dated Nov 8.  What was that pictures "Blowing Wild" about, was it a western.  Thanks for send the packages for the kids  They will enjoy it a lot.---------

Well no letter came in today or tonight either so I guess I will finish this letter.  Last night I went down to Zink's and talked to him (I guess I told you about that)  This morning I got up and ate breakfast.  I fooled around this morning and addressed some Xmas cards.  After lunch I went over to the Triple Nichol and saw that friend of mine, Don Cummings.  There was another kid there from KC who knew Jim Prather from KC and gave me his address.  I wrote to him awhile ago.  Jim told this guy to look me up.  He didn't know at first I was the guy Jim had told him about till we started talking.  Jim Prather is one of the guys that was with me at Alameda.  I came back this afternoon and haven't done anything.  It's been cloudy and cold all day. 

Guthmiller left for the NCO Academy today.  I hope I hear something before long.  I should hear about  PFC tomorrow some time.  I hope I make it.  It means a little more a month besides being my first stripe.

I guess the whole 5th RCT is going on this 4 day bivouac net Sat.  The Triple Nichol (that is the field artillery for the 5th) is going and so is the 3rd Bn, so I guess it is going to be a big thing.  I hear we are going to be the enemy force for the 3 Div. 

Well don't know much more to say.  I will write again tomorrow night.
Love, Ted

Monday, May 2, 2011

November 12, 1953

.  Thurs  Nov. 12, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I didn't get but one letter last night and it was Mrs. Sears (note: my mother's mother.)  It was a nice letter.  Didn't have much to say.  She said she had wrote a book and had it published. (note: it was called Let Me Speak.  She wrote and published it while she was bed ridden with a broken hip and Lupus)  I haven't had any mail yet but it should be here before long.

Today we have been training as usual.  We started wearing our pile caps instead of our helmet liners.  Winter is the same as here now.

This afternoon we had a big parade.  Bigger than any I have been in here at the 5th.  They had all the jeeps, tanks, artillery etc. in it.  It was a big deal.  I snowed a little while it was going on.  I wouldn't doubt it if it snowed tonight.  Well that is about all that is new here.

I like the new toothpaste you sent.  It sure cleans  teeth nice.  I think I will go to the show tonight at Easy Company they are showing "Rouges March."  Sounds like it would be good.

Sure wish they would sign the truce and start sending troops home before winter sets in.

 It is sure going to get cold.  I have picked up a little cold.  Seems like it gets a little worse each day.  I hope I can shake it before  it get to bad.  You know how hard it is for me to get rid of a cold.

I hope you get the presents I sent from IX Corps before Christmas.  I want to send some more things if I can get a chance but don't know yet.  If I don't I will send them when I go on R&R.  I probably wont go before Feb or March. 

May be we will move to Hawaii this spring.   Things look pretty bad in Trestn (note: I can not make that word out as of yet.)  You can never tell what will happen any more.  Well I guess I will close  till I come back from the show and may be I will have some mail by then.---------Well I just got back from the show.  I saw "Rouges March."  It was and English picture.  It was just fair. 

I had three letters and a Westinghouse paper when I came back.  The letters were dated 4,6,7 Nov.  I got the pictures.  I wrote back what they were and I am sending them right back.  I may pick up the pictures that I had taken in Seoul when I go back sometime.  I don't think they are to good.  I never did see them though.

Whatever you sent in the Xmas box will be OK for me.  You always have good taste.  I will be glad to get it.  I usually pass my boxes around a little any way so there wont be to much in them to lay around.  Also what ever you send for the children here at the Xmas party will be OK.  Thank Mr Sharp and Mrs Stafford.  You don't have to send much but what ever you send it will be a big help.  Also thank Evelyn and Harley.  The Old Man might not know where they are from if you name isn't on the packages but it wont make any difference.  He will be glad to get them.

You sure have a lot of trouble with Snapper's jacket. (note: I use to forget it at school for some reason.)  but I guess if he likes it is worth it. 

I don't know how the boy is that got shot.  You never hear about anyone when they leave the company.  He was in bad shape.

I have a flash light and I get my battery's from the commo tent.  I use my little light to.  Don't worry about the camera.  I will probably buy a good one one of these days.  They are plenty cheap here.  So far I haven't needed any razor blades and I don't think they are hard to buy.  I have some that Jim gave me when I left home.

We don't have any light in our company as of yet and I don't think we will get any for a while anyway.  Some company's have them.

They say or mortar was damaged when the moved last time and hasn't been replaced yet. 

The instant coffee will be OK.  So far we haven't had much coffee at night in our tent but we might later on.  I always like it.

So you had some snow.  You are ahead of us.  I didn't understand what you said about voting democrat next time.  What is wrong with the Republicans, not that I don't think it is OK but why the change of mind. 

I enjoyed looking over the Westinghouse paper and seeing some old faces.  Well I have about run out of things to say.  I don't know much of anything more or what we will be doing tomorrow.  I will write again soon.
Love, Ted