Monday, May 2, 2011

November 11, 1953

Wed Nov 11, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I thought I would write a line today.  I didn't write Monday night and last night we had a night problem.  Monday I got 2 letters and another package from you.  The cookies sure were good and so was the bottom of t I the can.  I got the film and Kane will take some pictures soon and send them to you.  I got another letter just now.  Let me know when you send the Xmas box for the kids and who to and what was in it.

They sure had some bad car wrecks in KC.  Guess they will always have them.

You must have a lot of trouble with that cat climbing trees.  You will be able to climb up and getting him better than I can climb hills.

Monday I went out on the range.  I did about the same thing this time as I did last time, except they were machine guns at us instead of M1. 

Monday night I went to the show and saw "Down Among the Sheltering Palms" and "Glory Brigade." Sunday night I was a radio operator on the night problem.

It sure has been cold here the last few days.  It gets below freezing every night now and doesn't warm up to much during the day time.

I have been guarding the two prisoners to day, all day, and I am right now.  They are putting doors on the platoon CP while I am writing this letter.  One is going to get 18 months and the other at least 5 years.  Their court marshal is coming up soon.  I'll be glad because I am sure getting tired of guarding them.

I got a letter from Gary Sipes.  He is a gunner in a 57 recoiless rifle now and he made PFC.  They don't have floors in their tents and only get 2 1/2 gal of oil a day for their stove.

The medics sprayed the floor today for mites and fleas that the rats carry.  Sure smelled things up.  Reminded me of when I  was an exterminator.  I could show them a few things.

All most anything can happen around here.  They started burning the dead grass and bushes off the hill in back of us  awhile a go, and some 30 cal rounds were there and when the fire hit them they started going off.  Sure made a racket.  They wouldn't hurt anyone because they didn't go off with a force but it gives you a funny feeling.

Well that is about all I have right now..  I'll finish the letter this evening.------Well it is about 8:15 now.  Nothing new and no mail came in so I guess I will close for now.
Love, Ted

Sunday, May 1, 2011

November 8, 1953

Sunday  Nov  8,  53

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

How are you this evening?  I worked all day on the floor in one of the other tents.  I has been cloudy all day.  They had a fire at Regt Hequts. this afternoon.  Some Koreans were cleaning a floor in the hospital with gasoline.  There were painting and were cleaning spots off the floor.  There were only 2 ROCKS and a GI in the building.  It blew up.  Two Koreans were burned pretty bad and the GI, a medic, burned in it.  It was pretty bad.  You can't be to careful with the gas and stove.  I sure am careful with the stuff.

Today one of the boys was going to the NCO Academy and he had to check out at M-1.  He turned in his .45 pistol and I checked it out.  So now I have a weapon to keep clean.  I bought a straw rug for my floor around my cot.  They are the same thing the Koreans use for their homes.  I am  getting so I live like these Koreans now.

One of the Koreans went out today and ate a lot of Kimichi and Sake.  He came in drunk and he smelled up the tent.  You have no idea what that stuff smells like.

I bought some Korean Xmas cards at the PX today.  They sure are pretty.  I could only get one box at a time.  I will get some more later.  I only have 12 now.  I think I need 12 more.

I got the Westinghouse news today and that is all I have today.  Not much else new.  I smoke my pipe almost all the time now.  I don't smoke many cigarettes now.  Well I guess I will close for now.  I'll write again soon.
Lots of Love, Ted

Saturday, April 30, 2011

November 7, 1953

Sat  Nov 7,  53

Dear Folks

I got a letter (3) tonight with the pictures.  I only got 3 sets.  You didn't say whether you kept a set or not.  I will wait before I send a set in case I get another one in the next few days.  I didn't realize that would cost so much.  I'll send the money for them.

What did you think of the 17 gun salute by the cannons and the pictures of General Clark and General Hull.  I thought they were good.      


I didn't have to stand inspection today.  I worked on the tent all day.  Tonight the flu on our stove stopped up and smothered the fire out.  The stack filled up with smoke and after it cleared out a little we opened the lid on the stove and then let the extra oil burn.  We clean the stove every 3 or 4 days and we never had any problems with it until they had us put in dampers.  We had to clean the stove in the dark out side.

Time sure passes fast anymore.  We no sooner start Monday till another week-end goes by. 

Sounds like the Hodsons are just like they always were.  Don and I use to have a lot of fun in the old Buick.  I often think of the things we use to do.  You have a lot of time to think over here.

That 240 engine is quite an engine.  Sounds like it is quite the job.
I am glad to hear that Richard got an extension.  If he went to Stoneman he would be coming to the Far East, may be Japan, Korea, or some other island close around here.  About 90% come to Korea though.

What did Margie say when she called.  I haven't heard from her in a long time.  Guess she is waiting for me to write.  She didn't think I wrote enough.

I was sure glad to get my boots.  I ate the cheese and crackers last night.  They sure were good.

Don Underwood was lucky to fly over  He probably went to Japan, Camp Drake or Sasabo.  He could stay in Japan but probably will come over here.  I hope I can fly back when  go home.

I think the packages you send is a good deal that they don't get broke or opened.  Hope you put a pint in the next one you send.  I know it would get here OK.  Some the guys get them OK.  Keith use to get a half pint in basic all the time.  Don't worry about what you say in your letters about the plant because I burn the letters every week or two.  I don't like to throw them away but I get so many I can't keep them.

I am going to try and get some Xmas cards to mail home but it may be awhile getting there.  I have to wait till I go to the 9th Corps rest center or Seoul.  I guess I will have to work tomorrow all day.  Not much more to say.  So I will close.  I am sending the picture back that I don't want.
Love, Ted

November 6, 1953

Nov 6, 1953  Wed

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got a big box today with all my boots in it.  I got everything.  It arrived in good shape.  The box wasn't dented a bit and had never been opened.  I put my boots on first thing.  I liked the black shoe polish you sent.  I am going to eat the cheese and crackers tonight.  I am well fixed now on shoe polish, cigarettes, shorts.  I sure liked the spice cake you sent in the other package.  It was fresh too.  I finished it today.

One of the guys got a radio today so we have music now.

I stayed in today and worked on the tents and helped with the floors in one of the tents. Tonight we are having a black out.  There were enemy planes reported over the Punch Bowl on the coast so we have to black out.  Tomorrow morning we have an inspection and then we have to work on the area all day Sat and Sun.

It wont be long till it snows.  Seems like each day it gets a little colder.

I haven't seen Zink but that one time.  I got a letter from Martin the other day.  I think I will write him tonight.  I got my pictures back that I took on the way over and some after I got here.  I think some of them came out good.  It takes good pictures once in a while.  I am sending these pictures and some other ones in a separate envelope.  These were taken when I was on a pass to Po-chan.  I took them of a family by their house. 

Well I didn't get my mail today other than the packages so I will close for now.  I will write again soon.
Love, Ted

Friday, April 29, 2011

November 5, 1953

.Thur  Nov 5, 1953

Dear Folks

I got a letter from Dad this morning.  I enjoyed reading it very much.  This morning we had PT and close order drill.  The platoon Sgt called on me to drill the platoon for awhile.

The weather is nice today and it is fairly warm. 

This morning just before noon we had a drawing for critical items.  Camera, watches, fountain pens etc.  I was lucky and got a Shaffer pen.  It sells for $10 in the states and I got it for $5.25.  My other one just about came apart.  It writes nice.  I also got a sewing kit.  They had a Lord Elgen watch for $45 that sells for $71.50 in the states plus your tax, 20% sales tax.  Everything here is tax free.  I might buy a good one before I come home.  If you would like anything let me know.  I'll try to buy something.  They just get a few things in and the people who want them put their names in a hat for what ever they want.  They had a Icona Camera for $106.  It is German made and is about the best you can buy but it was to much money for me.  It would probably cost $200 in the states.  I am going to wait for awhile.  I can still use the little one and the others guys when I get some film.

There is going to be a parade this afternoon.  I don't know what else we are going to do. 

This is the stationary Margie sent.  It is nice paper.  I haven't written Tucker yet as I haven't been able to figure out just what to say to him, but I am going to write one before long.  Well I think I will close now for awhile.  I will finish this evening.  May be before long I will get another letter. ------

Well we had our parade this afternoon and the new Col talked to us.  He is a fairly young man.  His name is Col. Ben Sternburg.  He has only been in the army for about 15 years and is a full Col. 

I found out tonight that my platoon Sgt turned in my name for PFC.  I should know in about two weeks.

No mail came in tonight.  I am looking forward to getting my boots.

I went to the show tonight and saw The Colgate Comedy Hour with the Ritz Bros.  It was all TV, no movies.  They had Jack Webb, Kay Star, Corene Calvert on the show.  You might have seen the show.  Also Martin Kane was on next. 

Well I don't have much more to say.  I don't know what we will do tomorrow.  This week has sure gone fast.  Hope the rest go as fast.  Well I will close now.  I'll write again tomorrow.
Love, Ted

                                                                                                                Ritz Brothers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

November 4, 1953

Wed  Nov 4,  53

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I go a letter last night and a letter today and 2 packages.  The spice cake sure was good.  I was glad to get the pipe and the Rum & Maple.  I got the shaving lotion OK and the candy etc.  I liked all of it.  The envelopes were nice too.  I am well fixed for cigarettes now.

I didn't get a chance to write the last 2 nights.  Monday we did the same old thing and Monday night I went to bed fairly early because we had to get up so early Tues morning.  Tuesday we had a problem out in the field.  I got to operate the radio all day.  I told the Sgt I could operate one so I got the job.  I sat in the pits all day.  The rifle squads made some attacks and fired their rifles at targets.  We had a 50 cal machine gun in our pit and we took turns firing it.  It was a lot of fun.  We fired at a big rock about 2000 yards away.  We had 1500 rounds to fire all day.  We almost cut the rock in two by the end of the day.  The guy who set the machine gun up did not adjust the head space right and when he fired the first few rounds a round blew up in the machine gun.  He just cut his hand a little bit.  I got an idea how it feels to be in combat a little bit.  They fired rocket launchers at us and they fell about 75 yards from us.  They also fired at targets around our pit.  We were in a safe place though.

Last night when we came back in the company was going out for a night problem.  One of the Sgts sent Guthmeller and I to the 9th Corps Headquarters PX to buy Xmas presents.  I only had time to buy 2 things.  I couldn't send them air mail so it will be about 60 days before you get it.  I hope you like it and it arrives OK.  I was going to try and buy some more things to send but they ran out of order slips.  It is a mail order gift shop.  They send the orders to Japan and they will  ship them from there.  I may get to go back before long.  I hope so, they had a lot of nice things.  I looked at some China.  It was Noritake.  I think it was the same as you said.  They were all 92 piece set and the ship weight was 130 lbs.  The price was $35 to $100.  They had some pretty sets from $50 to $60.  What kind of design did you have in mind.  Gold trim, painted flower etc or what.  I would like to have some idea.  I would like to send some more things for Xmas but don't know whether I can or not.  You will be late getting what I have sent now.

The Old Man called me in and asked me if I would like to be the Troop Information and Education NCO.  There were 3 of us.  The TIE would be giving class once a week.  You know what I think of that.  We all said OK but one guy acted over enthused about it so he let him have it.  I was relieved because I didn't want it to bad.  I found out today that I am going to go to  NCO school but the Captain is going to send Guthmeller instead because he had been here a little longer than I have.  I am going next.  It will be a month or so before I go.  I hope I get to go.  Sgt Gretizie told me that Captain Book thinks McAnally and Guthmiller are petty nice boys.  It may work into something good.  Sgt Gretizie is from Sabbath, Kansas.  His brother works at Bendix.  He is going home before long, may be this month.  I told him to call you up when he gets to KC.  He said he would.  He is 27 and a farmer.  He is a nice guy.  I really like him.  You would enjoy talking to him.  Another Sgt is leaving too.  Sgt Hill.  His wife works at Sears.  He is about 24 and kind of religious.  He doesn't drink or swear.  He is a nice guy too.  He said he would call you or come by the house.  It will probably be in Dec.  Gretizie is the squad leader of the 2nd mortar squad and Hill the 3rd squad.--------

I took time out to take a shower and go to the show.  I saw "City that Never Sleeps."  I have to guard the prisoner tonight from 12 to 1.

Can you remember when you mailed my boots.  I got a package from Margie tonight that she mailed Sept 29.  She sent me some nice stationary and a big box of mixed nuts.  It sure was nice.  I haven't heard from her for quite awhile.  I don't think she liked the last letter I sent her.  I am well fixed on stationary now.  I should get my boots any day now.  I haven't got the package Jim sent yet.  I should get here one of these days.

Did I tell you that Monday I got called on during PT to give the 8 count push up.  My section leader called me.  I had to get up in front of the company and command the exercise.  I didn't mind at all and I did 10 repetitions instead of 8.  I made some of those Sgt's backs hurt for a change.  It is funny but usually when you are doing the push-ups you get tired but when you are doing them and counting them off for the company they are not nearly as hard.

We had a tetanus shot Monday also.  I sure have had a lot of shots since I have been in the army.

We put a new tent over our floor so it shouldn't leak now. 

So Richard is still at Ft. Sill.  He might be able to stay there if he is lucky.

I don't know if I will get any more advancement right now or not.  They may wait till I come back from NCO school or something.  I hope I make Sgt in the mortars.  If I was in the rifle squad I might not like it very well.  Gretizie said I should make it before I leave.

That picture I sent was taken right outside our tent.  The company area is in the background and those hills that you see in the rear are all around us.  They are small compared to the ones that you see on the front line.  I have been up there once or twice and they are a lot larger.

It seems like each night it gets a little colder.  I hope winter wont last long.  I liked the Sea Forth shaving lotion you sent.  I hope you send some for Xmas presents or rather some clothes for the kids.  Be sure and send them to the CO.  They can use it.

Well I have just about ran out of things to say.  I am sending a scarf that a Korean was selling.  I didn't buy it I pulled a fast one on him.  It's not much but thought you would like it.  I think I will drink a little shaving lotion and go to be.  I'll write again soon.
Love, Ted

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

October Recap

If you have been following this blog you may have noticed that the last few postings were annotated now and then with "note" in parenthesises.  I started doing that because when trying to recap each month there was to much to explain in detail and quite frankly I could hot remember what all I, or Dad, had written.  So from now on I will only give an over all impression of each month.

It seems like October finds Dad settling into Army life.  He is interested in making rank but doesn't see a whole lot of promise because the vacancies for advancement are less and less.  He is very eager to receive letters about what is going on back home and he is thrilled with the packages that my grandmother keeps sending especially the cookies.  He describes things like my Grandfather sending him whiskey in After Shave bottles and validates the family stories that I heard growing up and only half believed.  He makes some very interesting observations as to the Koreans.  At first they started out sort of negative but now and then there is a glimpse of real compassion for the way the ROCKs are treated by their own government.  He gives me a history lesson now and then which could be viewed and was, as what we called in our history classes "primary sources."   For instance I did not know that the Koreans, at least from Dad's perspective "chanted or sung" the letters they received, or that there was a Boy's Town in Korea.

I guess the thing that struck me the most was how many of his childhood friends had been drafted and were serving in Korea at the same time and the lengths he went to to find out their addresses and even visit them if he could.  It was really a coincidence that the guy he calls Zink stationed just down the road from him lived just four doors down from us on Lake Drive.  Also the guy he calls Sipes was the nephew of his ROTC instructor when he went to Northeast High School.   Small world even though it was  a "World Away."