Sunday, April 3, 2011

September 22, 1953

Tuesday Sept 22 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I got a letter from you today.  It was mailed Sept 8, 1953.  It took 2 weeks for it to get here.  It went through Sasebo.  That's why it took so long.  I guess your package will be here in the next few days.  It will take longer for it to get here because it has to go to Sasebo.  I think it will take longer than a week any how.  How long does it take for mail to reach you.  I thought you would have more mail than that.  What letter was it I mailed on the 29th.  Was it the long letter I wrote on the ship or some I wrote from Sasebo.  Did you get the larger envelope with some things in it and a picture of the Megis.  Let me know so I will know how the mail is going.  You should have now received the mail from me here at this new address.  I hope I get some mail from you soon.

So Snapper is thrilled about starting school.  I'll be glad to get your cookies.  It shouldn't take to long if you send them straight here.  Some of the guys are a month getting packages but I didn't know whether it is air mail or not.

I took some pictures Sunday with Carlos Rea,  a guy in my squad I told you about.  It will be a while before I get them.  I have to send them in to the company in Chicago when I get paid and then wait about 4 weeks.

I went to the show a couple of times.

Yesterday we fired on the range.  I thought I would fire an M-1 but I fired the carbine.  Everyone fires what ever they carry.  I did plenty good on it.  We went out again this morning.  The range is almost three miles out.  3 of us guys slipped away from the rest of the guys and walked by our selves so we wouldn't have to walk back in formation.  A major and two Sgts came up to us in a jeep and asked us what we were doing.  We don't them we had been left behind the rest of the guys and were going to walk back.  We thought he was going to get on us but he said get in.  He gave us a lift.  You can only carry five in a jeep and there were 6 of us.  He told us that when we got close to the 5th RCT Headquarters he would let us out.  He didn't want the Old Man (the Old Man is Col. Wheeler the Regiment Commander) to see 6 of us in the jeep.  You always call the commanding officer the "old man."

Did I tell you that the 5th RCT is attached to the 9th Corp.  There is the 3rd Division, 2nd Division and then the 5th RCT.  There are usually 3 divisions in a corp.  A division has about 12 to 20,000 men.  A regiment has about 4000.  So you can see the difference in size.

Don't know why you haven't heard from Margie.  I got a letter from her today.  She said she was going to Chicago about the next weekend.  She wrote about the 8th.  So I guess she has been home.  Have your heard any more from Jim.  How is JQ and his family.  Let me know.  Have you taken any new pictures lately.  You might send a couple if you have.  If you talk to Jim tell him I would like to have a snap shot or two of him and Rosalie.

Don't know to much more to write or say right now.  I think I will go to the show.  I'll write you again soon.
Love, Ted

Friday, April 1, 2011

Setptember 20, 1953

Sunday Sept 20, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

I haven't had any more mail from you yet.  I will probably get some this next week.  I haven't done much the last couple of days.  I fried ham, made potato salad etc. I enjoyed it.  I would like to  work there all the time.
I washed my clothes out this morning and other than that that's about all I have done.

When you send my boots how about sending my sun glasses.  They are in the drawer some place.

Time goes by fast here.  Seems like I just got here but it has been two weeks now.  I heard that the troops that are hear now only have to stay a year.  I hope so.  We may even leave sooner if everything turns out OK.  Wish I could go to Hawaii if they move back.

I am sending a paper that I got on the ship for crossing the date line.  It is just like the card only bigger.

I traded for a pack of Korean cigarettes.  They are not bad, don't know what they are.  I am sending the empty package. 

I ran into a fellow here that lived in KC for a couple of years.  He worked for Thompson Products and sold auto parts.  The place is next door to Sam Brown Auto Parts. I think he said the guy he worked for or the manager's name was Frank Terro.  A little short guy who has been in the parts business for a long time.  I thought you might know him.  This kid comes from Thayer, Mo.  His name is Ivy.  He is in the communication platoon in our company.  He took basic at Camp Roberts in the B440, the company to mine.
He left Roberts the night after I got there.  He has been here for quite awhile.

We got a new guy in the platoon the other night.  He comes from Italy.  He has only lived in the U.S. five years before he got drafted.  He was in Italy during the last war.  He was to young to fight.  He is interesting to talk to.

Well don't have much more to say.  When you send the boots you might send a few candles too.  They don't give us but one or two a month.  They don't last long.  I'll write you later.
Love, Ted

Thursday, March 31, 2011

September 17, 1953, second letter

Thur Sept 17, 1953

Dear Folks,

I got some mail from you today that you  sent to me with my old address. (Sasebo)  I got 5 letters from you.  I was sure glad to get them.  They start from Aug 23 till Sept 2.  I don't know if there are any between Aug 16 and then or not.  If there is I will gt them soon.  I also got some pictures back that I took at Camp Stoneman.  They weren't to good but I thought you might enjoy them. I have some more to send in when I get paid.  I have to make out money orders.

That was something about those bombs at those places.  Have they had any more yet?   Funny you haven't heard from me when you wrote those letters.  I got a letter from Margie dated Sept 2.  She had one from me.  You should have gotten it the next day.  My mail should come in regular now.

Sounds like everything they is the same back home.  Do you ever hear from Margie?  She said something about her job but I couldn't  make out whether she had it or not.

Today I helped build a Quonset hut.  We put up the frame for it.  I climbed up on top and put metal screws in it.  The Old Man took a picture of me up there. (the old man is the captain) 

I took my shirt over to the tailor and I will get it in a little while.

I am glad everything is going OK at home.

I remember Chuck Lenty.  I never did care for him to much.  I knew Bubs was here.  He is a 2Lt.  He isn't a pilot though.

We don't have anyone around here to wash our clothes except ROCKS and they act like they are doing you a favor by doing it for 2 or 3 dollars.  I wash my own clothes, what little I have.  We should get some more before long.

Well not much more right now.  I'll drop you a line later.  I think I have to go on the range tomorrow.
Lots of love, Ted

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

September 17, 1953

Thursday  Sept 17, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well I thought I had better write a line.  The last letter I wrote was Sunday.  I still haven't received any mail yet.  Shouldn't be to long till I do.

Monday and Tuesday we went out to the range and pulled targets.  It rained most of the day and evening.  Not hard though.  I went to the show Monday night and sat out in my rain coat.  It drizzled all night.  No body seemed to mind it.  I saw Every Minuted Counts.  Tuesday night I didn't do anything.  Wed morning I helped dig a place to put a rock wall.  They are going to put up a Quonset hut for the kitchen and mess hall.  I got off a noon because I was on guard.  I guarded an area where they have classes, etc.  They have trouble with Korean civilians stealing here.  We carry live ammunition.

I saw a big owl last night riding in the jeep from my post.  It stood almost 3 feet high.  It was sure big.

They got a shipment in for the PX last night.  I bought some Old Spice shaving lotion and a flash light.  I took a pair of pants down to a Korean tailor and had him sew creases in my pants.  If I get a chance I am going to have my shirt tailored.  Remember how my kackies fit when I was home.  That's how they wear their fatigues over here.

I had this morning off till noon because of guard.  I didn't get to do that in the states.

I heard something about new troops that were in Korea only had to stay a year.  I hope so.  I think this Singmon Ree doesn't want this war to end or the troops to leave because they have it better now than they ever did.  They make a fortune in town on what they sell.  They are higher than Japan.  They try to charge a dollar for shoe polish.  We can't get it in the PX and they know it.

The ROCK soldiers when they come into our outfit don't even have boots.  All they have is tennis shoes.  Then they don't do anything till we give them a pair of boots.  None of the guys like them to well.  They don't appreciate what we have done for them.  They don't work and we are feeding them and keeping them in clothes and they still want more. 

In the ROCK camps and most all civilians eat what they call Kem-she.  I haven't seen any of it but from what the guys say it must be awful stuff.  Rice, fish, greens, onions, garlic and it green like in color and its thick like mush.

It is warm this morning.  Its been cool lately.  They gave us winter sleeping bags.  New ones.  They are sure nice.  They are arctic sleeping bags.  They are filled with water fowl feathers and down.  They have zippers on them and the material is quilted.  I sleep in my shorts and I almost sweat without the zipper zipped up.  So this winter I shouldn't get cold and stay pretty warm.

If you send any packages you should put what ever you send in a strong box.  I think you can buy cardboard boxes for that purpose.  Some of the guys have been getting packages from home and they are pretty well beat up when they get here.  I can't think on anything I want.  I would like to have my zipper boots sent.  If you send them put a can of shoe polish in there and a t-shirt, some black shoe polish and cordovan.  No need to send it air parcel because it would cost to much.

Well how is Snapper getting along in school.  Hope OK.

One of the guys just came in and he got some mail so I might get some the next day or two.  I will sure be glad to get some.   Well not much more to say now.  I'll write soon.
Love, Ted

Monday, March 28, 2011

September 13, 1953

Sunday Sept 13, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Hope you have been getting my mail OK.  How long does it take. Yesterday we had an inspection.  It didn't amount to much.  Friday night I went back and saw the Dick Cantano Show and yesterday just laid around.

Some of the guys went on a tour yesterday.  They let so many go from each platoon.  I'll get to go before to long.  One of the guys in our squad went yesterday.  They sell tailored fatigues in town.  I gave him the money to buy me a shirt.  They also wear block hats here.  They look good.  I had him buy me one of those too.  I hope he does.

I washed my shirts and socks and a pair of fatigue pants today.  I just have one extra T shirt.  I thought I had two.

It has been cold the last couple of days.  It rained of and on yesterday.

Last night I went to the show and saw John McCall Desperation with George Montgomery.  It was a good show.  But half way through the picture the sound went out.  They had trouble with the projector.  One thing about the shows they have here, they are not crowded.

I sure make my money stretch anymore.  I was paid 20 at Sasebo and that's all.  I have about 15 dollars now.  Cigarettes cost a $1 a carton.  I haven't plan to spend more hardly so far.  The only get beer once in awhile and it is cheap.  They haven't had any so far.  2 colored guys in our tent got a hold of some Jap beer some place and I drank a couple of those.  It was hot but it still tasted pretty good.  I would like to have some whiskey when it gets cold but you can't get it here.  We had some Toddy the other night. That's canned chocolate milk.  Our platoon Sgt bought that.I should have three months pay coming.  July, Aug, and Sept when I get paid.  I think it will be around $250. I am going to send most of it home.  I wish I was going some place where I could send some presents home for Xmas but I don't know yet. 

The way things are now I should be heading for the states in about a year or so from now.  If the truce is signed it may be sooner.

I wish the mail would start coming in.  I would sure like to hear from home.  It's been a long time.  I have only received the letters I got in Sasebo when I got off the ship that you wrote Aug 16 and 17.  So about a month has gone by that I haven't any news from home.  I hope to get some this week or next.

I heard something about a British ship being sunk by the Chinese.  Was there anything to that.  They have been moving tanks, trucks, and troops toward the front the last couple of nights.  They always move at night for some reason.  I guess so the Reds don't know what we are moving.  I think we are ready here if anything happens.  We are ready here.  We could move in a few minutes.  We practically sleep with our weapons.  They don't seem to think it will start up again, but they like to be prepared.  They do seem to be short on supplies here.  Clothes, boot, weapons, etc.  They told us at Sasebo anyone that had a weapon to turn it in and they would send it home for them.  The peach treaty says that no weapons will be carried into Korea.  But there are plenty of ships in the harbor that has everything we need.  It wouldn't take long to get them here. 

We see a lot of helicopters flyover all day long taking the US-POWs to the ship.  I think we are close to where the exchanges take place.  As far as I can figure we are close to Ko She Korea (about 15 miles) and pretty close to Seoul, the capital city. 

I guess Snapper has started back to school.  Hope he does better than I did.  I think he will.  They are going to give a high school test for those who want it in a few weeks, so I guess I will take it.  We can take a lot of courses by correspondence.  If I can I might sign up for some, we will have to have some lights first I guess.  They have one on supervision and formanship.  Those might be good ones to take.  I think we will be set up better  after a while.  We should have lights etc.  We are supposed to get a laundry etc. 

It shouldn't be to long before I make Private First Class or Corporal.  But since the war stopped they have slowed down on promotions.  I am eligible for PFC now if they ever get around giving it to me.  May be I can speed things up if I shoot a high score with the M-1 next week.

Well not much more to say.  I guess I will close for now.  Tell Snapper I am going to send him a patch before long.  If any of the ones I sent are dirty just wash them out,  write all you can.
Love, Ted

Sunday, March 27, 2011

September 11, 1953

Fri  Sept 11, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Not much new.  Same old stuff.  I still haven't gotten any letters.  Don't worry about it though.  Probably by the time you get this letter I'll have received some.  I know you are writing. 

This afternoon we had a special service show.  Do you remember Dick Continto who was on Horace Height Show for so long.  He was drafted into the army and didn't report. Well he is in the army now over seas here.  He is with special service here.  He put on a show.  He can really play the accordion.  He was dressed in fatigues.  I was surprised when I saw him. 

We have a movie every other night.  Last night I went to see the Prince Was a Pirate. with John Derek.  It was pretty good.  Last night everyone bought some Toddy.  It's Carmel chocolate malted milk. The company gets it and divides it up.

I think I get to take a shower tonight.  I hope so anyway.

I got a sleeping bag now.  One of the guys had an extra one so he let me have it.  I got some pretty good friends now.  One is Besky an airborne guy who came in the same time I did and another guy Ryales, a Spanish kid.  He gave me the sleeping bag.

They are having another Dick Continto Show tonight so I think I will go after I the shower.  I sure can use one.

I wish I could have taken some pictures of the show.  I am going to start taking my camera.  I have a lot of pictures taken but I haven't got any back yet.
Love, Ted

Saturday, March 26, 2011

September 10, 1953

Thursday Sept 10, 1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

How is everything at home.  I haven't done much of anything.  Yesterday I laid around in the tent and wrote some letters. Yesterday afternoon we got to see a USO show.  It was Jess Williams Western Variety Show.  It was pretty good.  They had the same show last night.   Where they have the shows is just in back of us over the hill.  I went last night and saw the same show.  They had about 4 girls in it.  They played and sang.

This morning we went out and had PT for about an hour and then had classes on the M-1.  We have PT an hour a day.  That is more than we had in basic.  We only had PT 2 or 3 times a week.

I sure get plenty of sleep.  I went to bed last night at 8:00.  There isn't much to do after it gets dark.

Next week we go out on the rifle range and fire.  Soon as things get straightened out I'll turn in my M-1 for a carbine or a 45 pistol.  If you are in the Mortar Section that's all you carry.  Right now I am low man on the squad but they move around a lot so I might be gunner or assistant gunner before long.

They don't seem to talk much about the war.  About 85% of the guys were here when the fighting was going on.  They haven't had hardly any causalities.  They held part of the line by themselves since the war started.  So they are a pretty good team.  I think their record here is better than anywhere.

We have Korean ROCK soldiers here.  Each squad has one or two, so there isn't to many that can't talk anything but Korean and the GI's talk to them and they don't seem to understand a lot, but know all the cuss words.  Even then they don't know what the words mean.  When someone tells them to do something or talks to them, whether it is an officer or not they  just say cuss word.  Everyone gets a kick out of them and they tease them a lot.

It wont get cold until next month or late November.  That's when it starts snowing.  They are going to start winterizing the tents before long.

We just finished lunch.  We had fish, potatoes, beans, salad, bread and peanut butter, apple sauce, pie and coffee.  That's not to bad.

I guess I wont have a chance to buy any Xmas presents to send home unless we leave here or they bring something in to buy.  The PX just has things you need.

About the only problem here is trying to keep clean.  We can take a shower about twice a week.  We can turn our pair of underwear in once a week for clean ones if they have any.  I am glad I have my extra pair.  I am going to try and wash my own clothes because all the ones I have now fit me and if I turn them in I might get any size.

Well I have to fall out in a minute so I guess I will close for now.  I'll write more later on today.


We had a parade this afternoon, band and all.  They awarded some metals to some people.  That's about all we did today.  I just finished dinner and tonight I think I will go take a shower. 

I traded my M-1 for an automatic carbine.  I also got a pistol belt instead of a cartridge belt.  I traded my bayonet for a knife or a small bayonet for use on a carbine.  I don't have to much weight right now to carry around.

At the present time there is not to much of anything I need.  Do you remember those garters you sent me at Camp Roberts?  They were elastic and adjustable and you can hook them together.  I could use  a pair of those.  You can just send them in an envelope with a letter.

I hope you get my mail OK.  I haven't had any yet.  It sure made me mad that they would not give me any at Sasebo.  I haven't had any sense I got off the ship at Port Sasebo.

What do you hear from Margie and Jim and everyone.  I am going to write Lowell one of these days.  Do you ever hear from him?

One thing they are short of here is shoe polish.  You can't hardly get it but one in a while.  It doesn't do to much good to polish your boots because it is so dusty.

Did I tell you the dates that I got here.  It was September 7 on a Monday when I arrived at Inchon.  That would be labor day I think and I got to the 5 RCT on 8th the next day.  I haven't got a patch yet.  It is red and is shaped like a bird house with a white border.  It has five sides to it. 

Well I don't know to much yet.  Read the papers you might see something about the 5th RCT, 2nd Battalion, Company G.  If you ever do let me know.

I will try to write often because I know you wonder what I am doing.  Don't worry about me because it is easy going here.  Did Snapper ever get the jacket I sent?  Let me know.
Love, Ted