Sunday, March 6, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 4

....continued from August 22, 1953

I figure we have gone around 2400 miles.  I heard that we are going to be in Japan on the 29 of August.  That is next Saturday a week from today.  I hope so because I am a little bit tired of this ship.  We haven't seen an island or anything but water.

The sun is coming down good now.  Seems funny that back home that now the sun would just be going down.  Well not much to say right now.

Sunday-August d23, 1953.  Didn't do much last night but play some more cards and lay around the deck.  I went to the late show last night and saw Fearless Fagan.  It was a good show.  I had to stand up all the way through the picture.  It was about this guy who got drafted and had a pet lion.

We set our watches back an hour again last night.  That makes 6 hours difference between here and K.C..  It is about 11 am now and back home it would be 5 pm.

Tonight we cross the International Date Line.  We will go to bed on Sunday and wake up on Tuesday. So from now on I will be a day a head of you.


Friday, March 4, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 3

...continued from August 20, 1953

I went to the Sea Store today and bought a carton of cigs and a box of cheese-it crackers.  It is funny how cheap different things are.  Everything that has a lot of tax is cheaper.  Just think cigarettes are 8 cents a package.  Well that is about all today.  I am going to bed.  I have to get up at 4 am for KP.  We sat our watches back another hour.  That makes 3 hours now.  I think we have travelled about 1500 miles.  Maybe be and maybe not.  The ship has turned a little more south today for some reason.

I didn't get a chance to write yesterday.  Today is Sat the 22 of August.  It's 2:30 pm here.  At home it would be 7:30 pm.  There is five hours difference between here and K.C.  Last night we sat our watches back again.

Didn't do much yesterday.  Went on KP about 4 am and stayed on till about 2:30 pm.  After that I took a shower and washed up some of my clothes.  I had a headache so I layed down around 5 and didn't get out of bed till about 5:30 this morning.

I played cards with the boys after breakfast from 7 am till lunch and then after lunch we played more till I quit to write this letter.  We play hears and rummy. 

I picked up a cold somewhere.  My head is stopped up.

The weather is nice.  I clouded up a little bit today and it sprinkled but it didn't amount to anything.  It seems like it is a little hotter each day.   Our compartment is plenty hot at night to sleep in.  I think we have gone about half way now.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Aboard the USNS Meigs-part 2

....continued from August 19, 1953

They had a movie last night but I didn't go.  They have it outside. I might go tonight.  I  haven't been to the PX yet.  There is just a few that can go at one time.  You have to get someone to get things for you.  Cigarettes just cost 85 cents a carton. Well I guess I will stop for awhile.  We just had roll call in our compartment and now we have to leave.  I'll write more later.

We had dinner a little while ago.  It was pretty good.  I just took a shower.  It was salt water and the soap I had would not lather.  I feel clean anyway. This afternoon we just layed around on the deck in the sun.  They played a recording over the speaker.  They were special recordings for the armed services radio. 

At the present time we have two hours difference between here and K.C.  They told us to set our watches back again tonight before we go to bed.  I figure now we have gone 960 miles.  I haven't the faintest idea where we are except we are going west at about 20 knots an hour for 48 hours.

I have taken about two rolls of film altogether. When I have them developed I will send them to you.

All of us are growing mustaches.  That is the 8 of us who are together.  We are all in the same compartment.

There is going to be a movie tonight, Atlantic City. They have two showings a night.  They had Geisha Girl last night.

The talk is that we are going to dock in Japan, Yokohama or something.  Don't know much about it yet.  I would like to get off there for awhile.

We are going on KP tomorrow afternoon about 3 PM.  I hate to go because it is so hot.  I haven't been to sick but could feel a lot better.  It really cleared up today.  The sun came out when I was on deck.  I got my arm burned a little.

Today is August 20, 1953, Thurs.  It is really nice out this morning. Last night I went to the late show and saw Atlantic City.  It was a good picture.  They put the screen on the real most part of the boat and everyone sits around on the deck and watches the picture.  After breakfast everyone sits around on the deck and then everyone goes to their compartment for roll call. 

We went on KP today about 2:30 PM and got off at 7 PM  It is really hot down there.  I work on the serving line and have the same job every time I have KP it seems.  It is better than having the pots and pans.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

August 19, 1953-part 1

Aboard the USNS Meigs
August 19,  1953

Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper

Well Sunday night after I called you I went back to the barracks and we ate breakfast about midnight.  Then about 2 am we started loading on trucks and they took us to the ferry boat.  The ferry boat was an old  passenger ferry boat.  It was about 4 am before the ferry was loaded and we left the army dock at
Pittsburg.  It was about 9:30 when we got to the Army Dock at Ft. Mason.  Ft. Mason is right next to Fisherman's Wharf where we all were that day you visited.  We rode by it that day in the boat that day when we went around Alcatraz.

The dock is painted, red, white and blue.  We unloaded there and the Red Cross gave us coffee and cookies.  We got on the boat than waited all day till 3pm before we left.  The army band was there and played music.

The tug boats pulled us out in the bay.  We sat there until about 5pm before we left.

We had a fire drill etc.

It got foggy before the sun went down.  We went under the Golden Gate Bridge shortly after 5pm.

I didn't get seasick at all till later on.

Our compartment is really crowded.  There are over 500 men in it.  Our bunks are stacked four high.  It is so crowded you can hardly move.  No fresh air at all.  Our bunks are kind of rectangle shaped steel pipe frames with rope holding canvas.  They are comfortable.  One blanket a pillow and no sheets.  I am on the top bunk which I like OK.  More room on top of you.

Tues morning we were on KP till around 3 in the afternoon.  We really have good food.  I got sick on KP.  It was so hot down there and the ship rocked all the time.  I went to bed about 6:00 this morning.

Today is Wednesday Aug 19, 1953.  This is the first chance I have had to write since I got on ship.  I think I will write one letter all the way because it will save stamps and I just as well write it all in one letter because it wont be mailed till we hit port anyway.

Not much to do but walk around deck.  It is crowded every place you go.  I think we must be about 800 miles out now.  We travel about 20 knots per hour.

The water is real dark blue and that is all you can see, the sea.  It is cloudy this morning but the sun got through in spots and when it hits the eater it's really pretty.  This afternoon it should clear up a little bit.  It was clear yesterday.  The air is just right.  Worm and not to hot or cold. 
