Monday, February 21, 2011

Explanations for July

Dad received a pass for about two weeks and then headed back to California, where he was stationed at a Naval Airbase to start the special school he keeps mentioning..  He seems to like the Navy and the way they live and the freedom he has to leave and go where he wants.  Spends a lot of time in Fresno and Oakland and revisited Frisco.

He keeps referring to Steinman or Stoneman and uses several spellings and I haven't figured out where it is or what they do there.  I think it must be close to San Fransisco and have something to do with transporting him over seas.  His reference about going to Pittsburgh is puzzling,  I have no idea what he meant.

He mentions a few new names.  Some were familiar to me.  JQ was his cousin, Edith was his aunt, and Arline lived down the street from him and was the bridesmaid to Dad and Mom when they were married.  Arlene lived down the street for many years and I grew up with her children.  Apparently he heard from Martin because he mentions him and I found an envelope addressed to Dad from Martin but no letter inside.  The envelop was addressed to Dad's Independence address so I suspect my grandmother opened it up and sent the letter to Dad.  We shall see.

It was a small world.  Running into the the nephew of his old ROTC instructor was a strange encounter, especially since they both were attending that "special" school.  I spell out what the special school was all about in a posting on my other blog, The Adventures of Conley McAnally, dated November 10, 2010. 
The school seems interesting to him and he showed surprise that such things existed.  He told me years later that they held the classes over a mess hall so it would look like they were getting some kind of training in mess operations.

Dad keeps going to movies, not getting all his money, seems to be broke a lot, and really looks forward to the mail. 

He was able to come home after the school for a second time after basic .  It must have been a real hardship on him and my grandparents given neither had much money.  But it would have been the last time he would have been able to because he was shipping out to some place he "doesn't know where yet."  I don't remember much about the visit home only that we took Dad down to Municipal Airport,watched him get on the plane while we stood on the observation deck.  My grandmother had her had resting on her chin and her elbow on the railing while she clung to the railing with here other hand.  Why would I remember something like that?  But the picture is just as to vivid now as it was back then.  I don't remember my grandfather even being there, but he had to be because no one else drove and he told me years later that he watched Dad get on the plane and didn't know if he would ever see him again.  The war was still going on when Dad left us this time.

Which brings up something I think is sort of odd if I have my dates correct.  The cease fire was declared on July 29, about the same day Dad left for California.  He mentions nothing about it in his letters of July 29 and 31.  I have a vague memory of seeing President Eisenhower on television and everyone in the room, which I don't remember who they were or how many, were listening intently.  What might have happened was that the President addressed the nation and told us that at a certain time on a certain day hostilities would cease etc.  So if Dad had been home on leave when the cease fire was declared it would have been no need to dwell on it in letters.  I guess I might find out later in my readings.   Or maybe there was a cease fire months before and the war ended on July 29.  But I don't think the war really did end officially, we just stopped fighting.  If anyone know let me know and I will make a correction to the blog.

Anyway, Dad is in Stoneman (I am settling on that spelling) waiting for a ship to take him to either Hawaii, Okinawa, Japan, or Korea, he has not received his orders yet.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

July 31, 1953

Friday  31 July 53

Dear Mom and Dad

I got 2 letters from you today and the one you wrote to me at Alameda.  I was glad to hear from you. 

I guess I have finished processing.  Not much to it, just wait around now til our orders come.

They gave us a pass tonight, some of us are going to Pittsburg.  Our pass is just good till 5 in the morning.  We are going to be in a parade tomorrow. 

I am glad you went to the ball game the other night.  Wish I could have been there.  I went to the show last night and saw Mission over Korea.  It was a good picture.

I only got forty dollars pay so far.  I still have about 80 dollars that I should have got today.  Don't know when I will get it.

Well I don't guess it has cooled off there yet.  It's hot here in the day and it might get cool enough that we have to sleep under blankets.  Haven't much more to say.  I will write again this weekend.
Love, Ted

Saturday, February 19, 2011

July 29, 1953

Wed July 29, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

How is everything?  I left at 3 am on Flight 5 to Frisco.  I couldn't get on the plane with the other guys.  I got into Frisco at 9 am and took a bus to Oakland.

I went to an early show and then met the boys at the bus station about 2 pm, then came on out to Stoneman.  We checked in at 4:30 and 4 of us got on the same Roster.  Three other guys that were with us came in a little later and were put on a different Roster.  We are all in the same barracks though.

We haven't done to much.  I went to the show last night and saw Band Wagon with Fred Astaire.  This morning we went to a couple of places and processed.  I got a shot.  We still have two more days of processing.

I am on guard duty tonight.  4 of us stand guard in the barracks and keep order etc. They gave us a helmet and a billy club.

I don't know how long I will be here.  The average time is 10 days.  I may be here longer.  They are sending guys to Korea, Japan, Okinawa, and Hawaii.  I could get any of those places.

When we finish processing we will have details ad KP till we leave.

It is nice here and the food is fair.

I sure had a nice time when I was home.  I was glad I could come home again even if it did cost a lot.  I appreciated using the car too.

Well not much more to say.  I'll write you again later on.  Write me to the address on the letter.  I haven't got paid yet or got any mail.  I should get some tomorrow.
Love, Ted

Friday, February 18, 2011

July 28, 1953

(note to blog reader. This letter is dated July 28 but I don't think the date is correct.  There are a few things out of sequence.  The letter is one of the few that was not in an envelop so perhaps dad was a little sloppy when he wrote it.  My best guess after reviewing some of the previous letters that it was really written on July 8.  Anyone can throw in an extra 2 now and then.)

Wed July 28, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

I have time to write a few lines.  We didn't do much today.  They gave us a special pass that lets us go away at night and not return till 7:30 the next morning and we can have all our Sat and Sun off.  I don't know what I will do yet.

I'll have to take it easy because my money will run short.  I wont get paid till I sign in at Camp Stonman.  I will leave here on the 24th of July. (note: see it must have been around the 8th)  I wont have much time to go home.  Probably just as well anyway. 

They have a pool here.  If you don't think it would take to long send my swim suit.

I have a new address:   Name and serial no.
                                    U.S Naval Air Station
                                    Alameda, Calif.

We get a three day service on our laundry so that will will be nice.  I will probably send my boots and fatigues home when I leave here. (note: this last sentence confuse me)

I heard that  they were not sending any more through leadership at Roberts because they are closing down, so Martin will be sent some place else.  Maybe Ft Leonard Wood.

The Navy has funny ways.  You can't walk in front of the bldg where the Admiral is unless you are in class A uniform.  No fatigues.  That is about all they have told us as far as behavior on the Post. 

I went to the show last night and saw the Story of Robin Hood.  It was good.  About like the other one.

Well not much more to say now.  Hope to hear from you real soon.
Love, Ted

Thursday, February 17, 2011

July 17, 1953

Friday Noon
(letter not dated but envelope was post marked)

Dear Mom and Dad

I thought I would write you a lie so you would get it by Monday. 

I found out this morning that we will leave here at 3 pm Tuesday and go to Stememan.  There we will have time off.  I will have seven days.  Almost all the guys are going home.  We are going to try and get a hop on a military flight.  If we can't we I am stuck.

Margie is coming out today.  If I had know before this I would have told her not to come out.  I am sure mad about the whole thing.

Do you think you will sell my car this week?  If you do call me and I may have you send me the money to get home if I don't get a hop.  I hate to spend that time out here. 

I have been getting your mail ok.  I should get about 120 dollars when I check in at Stoman.  That is a month and half pay.  They wont give it to me unless I check in and if I check in I'll have to wait till the 31st to get all of it. 

I hate to see Margie spend all that money to come out but I didn't think I would be coming home at the time.  I am sure fed up with the way the army does things.

I better close now.  Let me know something.  I'll leave here some time Tues afternoon.  If you can call Monday night.
Love, Ted

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

July 15, 1953

July 15, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

I got my swim suit today.  Thanks a lot.

You know I was reading an article in the paper here about Rabbi Stern.  He use to live 2 or 3 doors from J.Q. over on Chestnut.  I use to kill roaches there.  He is quiet a big shot in the Jewish Church.  I mailed the clipping to George Eden.  You might tell Edith.

I guess I will go to the show tonight again.  I saw Hangman's Knot with Randolf Scott last night, it was pretty good.  You all would like it., not much news.

Margie said in one of her letters that Jan told you that Margie and I didn't go with each other anymore.  Why can't she just leave me alone.  I guess I will have to put up with her for the rest of my life.  When I come home though it had better be different.

Well guess I will close now.  I will write again later on.
Love, Ted
PS I will be glad to get some place else so I can write about something. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

July 14, 1953

Tues July 14, 1953

Dear Mom and Dad

How are you.  I got your letter tonight with the money.  I was sure glad to get it.  Thanks a lot.  Not much new here.  I saw Thunder Bay last night.  You would like the picture.  I guess I  will go tonight and see Hangman's Knot with Randolf Scott.  That is really all there is to do.

Margie called tonight and said she might be out this weekend.  I hope she can.  The weekends get lonesome. 

I don't know to much about the school and what I do know I am not supposed to talk about let alone write about.  It is something that would really surprise people and it would be a great use to certain people.  It would be best not to say anything about it in your letters.  I can't say much more.  It is sort of a new thing anyway.

I guess when I leave here I will just have four days and I might have to go to Stenman first.  I am not sure yet.

Well not much more to say, I will write you later.

(not signed)