Dear Mom, Dad, and Snapper
How are you. I am in my pup tent writing. We packed up Thurs night and left about in the morning and came to Hunter Liggett Militia Reservation. We came by truck. We put up our tents and in the afternoon we had a patrolling problem and a night patrolling problem last night. Everything is done just like it would be a real war zone. We eat ten yards apart in the chow line, always ware our steel helmets, cartridge belts, and rifle every place we go. We got up at 7 this morning and moved to a new area. We will be here till Monday. Then we will be moving all the time. No tents or anything.
I had to stand guard last night from about 1 to 2 and . That canned heat is good. It really warms the tent up. Martin and I are bunking together.
I got your cookies Thur night. They were good. I didn’t get to eat them all and couldn’t bring them with me. I couldn’t carry all that I would have liked to. The flash light comes in handy when we are in the tent at night.
We shaved this morning after we got in our new area. Used our steel pots and cold water. Took some pictures of it. I sleep fairly warm. I sleep with my clothes on and 2 blankets on me.
Did you get my card? I had to send it early. I sent some pictures too. The pictures you sent were good. Some of the guys are playing baseball this afternoon.
It wont be too long till I’ll be home. About 2 weeks after this bivouac. I don’t know how much money I will need to get home. I’ll let you know. Well I can’t think of much more to say. I’ll write the next chance I get.
Love, Ted