At 5:00 AM the lights in the barracks snapped on. A voice yelled out "Rise and Shine, you have twenty minutes to s*&^, shower, shave and fall out, now get moving ladies." Well of course there were no ladies around, it is just one of those terms of endearment that drill sergeants use now and then.
We all scrambled and stumbled over one another to fulfill the DI's (drill instructor) "request" which of course was no request at all. Some how we all made it outside and lined up the best we could trying to remember in what position we were in the day before.
Our DI kept yelling at us to get in line, cover down, "are you all just stupid or lazy," and some how we all did a right face and marched to the mess hall. We lined up and had to run through a gantlet of sorts to get to the entry door. There was a run dodge and jump, low crawl through a sand pit, and a pull up bar we had to maneuver through and only then were we allowed to enter the mess hall three at a time.
We grabbed our trays and eating utensils as we were yelled to do, food was slapped on our trays while the cooks and servers kept telling us to "keep moving." We were yelled at to sit at a table for four, hurry up and eat, and get back to the barracks and clean up around our bed. I can't remember what we had to eat that morning but we usually had eggs, bacon, toast, grits, milk, juice.
After the meal was gulped we ran back to our barrack bed only to find that our beds had been dismembered and we spent a good 5 minutes sorting that out and finished just in time to hear the DI yell for us to fall out. We stumbled into formation again and marched off to get a haircut while being yelled at to cover down, stay in step and all sorts of derogatory comments about the way we looked and our intelligence in general.
After a very nice buzz cut we marched back to the company area. Then marched off to an old movie theater I assumed, and told to take off our ammunition belts, helmet liners, and canteens and place them in front of us and take one side step to the right. After bumping into each other because every ones right seemed to be different the "squad leader" who unluckily was the first guy in line was yelled at to make sure all the ammo belts, helmet liners, and canteens were in a straight row.
We were then instructed to enter the building single file, go to an area to sit as yelled to do but not to sit down.
A Sergeant of some sort got on the stage and yelled "Take your Seats!" We had to do this several times because the instructor did not like the way we all sat down but eventually we all did it in close enough in unison to please him. As we sat down we all had to yell out "C-8 -2, pride of the infantry." Our first lesson on how to be a soldier was about to begin.