How is everything now? Well I made it another week. My feet bother me again a little bit. Did a lot of hiking this week. They gave out passes to guys that wanted them and could say their general orders. I guess I could have gotten one if I had known my general orders. I didn’t care for a pass anyway. I didn’t know where to go and there was no one going that I knew. I would rather wait till you come out. I would have more of a chance to get one.
We had two hours of map reading and then we had a physical training test. We had pull ups, squat jumps, push ups, sit ups, and a 300 yard run. They scored us on all of it. I made average on everything but the 300 yard run. My feet just won’t move to fast, but I did well enough. That is all we did this morning except did a little more in front of the barracks. They have been digging for a week. They are going to put sod in front of them. I am sending you some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago. The pictures I took didn’t seem to be clear. Don’t know what the trouble is. May be they don’t develop good enough.
Fowler is the same age I am. He comes from Wisc. He was our platoon guide and now is acting platoon sergeant. Our corporal who I told you about got into trouble. He was caught gambling and owed about $200 to guys in our barracks (told you about him getting us off detail if we would take him to the show) He was taken off the cadre. He has been in the army 4 years now. Fowler is taking his place now. He still trains with the rest of us. Lucks sleeps right above me. He comes from Okla. He sounds like he comes from Texas the way he blows off. Almost all the guys who come from the south blow off all the time and try to run everything.
I am sending you a picture of Camp Roberts . Our regiment is located in the right corner of the parade ground (across the parade ground.) Our Battalion is located about the center of it. Can’t see hardly where.
I don’t see Donald anymore sense he was transferred. This Leo Taylor was in Don’s platoon. He is an odd sort of guy. He isn’t just right or something. He came from Crowder with us. That surprised me about that. Don and I are always joking about him. We also help him when we can. He just doesn’t just catch on to anything.
I think it would be alright for Betty to come out to Calif. Find out where Don’s address is so I can look him up. I won’t see him for awhile if he is starting over unless he comes over here. I plan to call you tomorrow afternoon. I think the rates are the same all day long on Sunday. I haven’t got your cookies yet. Will get them Monday I guess. May be after this you should send them on Sat or Mon. We get mail at on Sat and that is all. I got a letter from you.
I went to the PX and got cigarettes, film, lighter fluid and sterling silver dog chains. Dog chains cost 78 cents. The other one marks my T shirt.
Well I guess I will go to the show tonight. I haven’t been for a long time. Tomorrow I have to work a little on my clothes etc. My Ike jacket came back today. They didn’t set the button of the side over so I have to do it now. Well I will write you again tomorrow. Write me the news.
Love, Ted
Monday night, March 23, 1953
Dear Mom and Dad
Just a short line to tell you I got the box of cookies tonight, they sure tasted good. K rations again today. We have them 3 days a month, 3 meals a day.
Thurs morning I go try out for the rifle team here at Camp Roberts because I got the highest score in our Btry. Don’t know what it will amount to yet.
Margie called tonight and said you told her I should ask her before she comes out. I told you it was alright with me if she wants to come. I am not going to beg her.
I went to church tonight. It was nice. Kind of a Sun and Wed service mixed. Mr. Clark the first reader asked me to his house Sun. I have guard duty this week (Sat). They gave me a Quarterly and CS dog tag. There were about 10 people there altogether. The Chaplain is just a block or so away.
The cookies sure were good. I can use the writing paper too. I think may be the next time you should wrap the cookies a little tighter in the box so the crumbs won’t get over everything.
It was good to talk to you yesterday. Made me feel a lot better. My feet are giving me a little trouble again. Well I have to close now. I will try to catch you up on what I am doing. I need to. I need the springs to put in my pants so they will hold out and look neat .
All my love, Ted